Tender Notices
- Tender Notice No:-PG/ IHS/ IF/03 (2022-23) date: 30/12/2022
- Tender Notice No:-PU/DLS/NS/SERB/CONSUMABLE/2022/2 date: 28/12/2022
- Tender Notice No:-Consumables /22–23/UGC-BSR/CHEM/SR_03 date: 28/12/2022
- Tender Notice No:-Consumables /22–23/UGC-BSR/CHEM/SR_02 date: 23/12/2022
- Tender Notice No:-Consumables /22–23/UGC-BSR/CHEM/SR_01 date: 23/12/2022
- Applications are invited for one Junior Research Fellow (JRF) positions in an ICMR-sponsored Project date: 23/12/2022
- Tender Notice No:-Contingency 22-23/CSIR PROJECT [No: 38(1493)/19/EMR-II] /Sl.1 date: 21/12/2022
- Tender Notice No:-Consumables/22–23/UGC-BSR/CHEM/RR_14 date: 20/12/2022
- Tender Notice No:-PU/Helium/Chem/22-23/01-R2 date: 19/12/2022
- Tender Notice No:-Consumables/22–23/UGC-BSR/CHEM/RR_13 date: 19/12/2022
- Tender Notice No:-Consumables/22-23/UGC/CHEMISTRY/DS/01 date: 19/12/2022
- Tender Notice No:-Equipment/22-23/UGC/CHEMISTRY/DS/01 date: 19/12/2022
- Tender Notice No:-Argon Gas Cylinder /22–23/UGC-BSR/CHEM/DP_27 date: 19/12/2022
- Tender Notice No:-Equipment/ M.Sc. Physics Nuclear LAB/ Presi /22-23 date: 14/12/2022
- Tender Notice No:-CONSUMABLES/PU/DLS/DBT/2022-23 date: 14/12/2022
- A Walk-in-interview will be held for the appointment of one JRF in an ICMR-sponsored Project in the Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, 86/1, College Street, Kolkata-700073 date: 13/12/2022
- Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (one) in SERB funded Core Research Grant Project [File Number: CRG/2020/003370] date: 13/12/2022
- Tender Notice No:-Consumables/22-23/SC/CSIR/1 date: 13/12/2022
- Re-Tender Notice No:-CONSUMABLE/PU/DLS/WBDSTBT/DM_11/2022-23/R date: 08/12/2022
- Tender Notice No:PU/Helium/Chem/22-23/01-R date: 05/12/2022
- Tender Notice No:Consumables_Chem/22-23/SRG/CHEMISTRY/DS/01 date: 05/12/2022
- Tender Notice No:Consumables_GW/22-23/SRG/CHEMISTRY/DS/01 date: 02/12/2022
- Tender Notice No:Consumables_LW/22-23/SRG/CHEMISTRY/DS/01 date: 02/12/2022
- Tender Notice No:Consumables/22-23/UGC Start-up research grant/DLS/KB/Sl. No. 05 date: 02/12/2022
- Tender Notice No:Equipment/22-23/ CSIR-EMRII/Life Sciences_SD/1 date: 01/12/2022
- Tender Notice No:PG/ IHS/ IF/01 (2022-23) date: 01/12/2022
- Tender Notice No:PU/Conference/Sociology/22-23/ 1 date: 25/11/2022
- Tender Notice No:CONSUMABLES/22-23/ DBT-BT/PR28859/FCB/125/3/2018/DLS/Sl.2 date: 25/11/2022
- Tender Notice No:Consumables/22-23/SERB/IHS/6 date: 24/11/2022
- Tender Notice No: CONSUMABLE/PU/DLS/WBDSTBT/DM_11/2022-23 date: 24/11/2022
- Tender Notice No: Contingency/22-23/ SERB_CRG/Life Sciences_SD/1 date: 24/11/2022
- Tender Notice No: CONSUMABLES/22-23/DBT-BT/PR28859DLS/Sl.1 date: 24/11/2022
- Tender Notice No: PU/DOS/2022/Sports date: 24/11/2022
- Tender Notice No: PU/Helium/Chem/22-23/01 date: 21/11/2022
- Advertisement for the post of Two Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the CSIR (Govt. of India) sponsored project on 05/12/2022 (Monday) date: 17/11/2022
- Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (one) in SERB funded Core Research Grant (multi-institutional) Project date: 16/11/2022
- Re- Tender No: Recurring/PU/IHS/ICMR/SP-Consumables/miscellaneous/01/22-23/R date: 14/11/2022
- Tender No. CONSUMABLE/PU/IHS/UGC/Avishek-3/2022 date: 14/11/2022
- Tender No. Consumables/22-23/SERB/IHS/5 date: 10/11/2022
- Tender No. Consumable/22-23/NCPOR /Life Sciences_Sumit /1 date: 10/11/2022
- Tender No. PU/PM/IHS/SERB/Tender 001 2022 date: 09/11/2022
- Tender No. Recurring/PU/IHS/ICMR/SP-Consumables/miscellaneous/01/22-23 date: 01/11/2022
- Tender No. NB/DLS/DST-SERB/22-23/3 date: 01/11/2022
- Online Interview for the post of student intern in the DST-SERB (Core Research Grant) sponsored Project on 15/11/2022 (Tuesday) date: 21/10/2022
- Presidency University, Kolkata invites online bids through The West Bengal Government e-Procurement System (https://wbtenders.gov.in) for Procurement of Equipment date: 21/10/2022
- Tender No. PU/DLS/NS/SERB/CONSUMABLE/2022/1 date: 20/10/2022
- Tender No. PP/22-23/SERB/Geography/02 date: 18/10/2022
- Tender No. PP/22-23/SERB/Geography/01 date: 18/10/2022
- Applications are invited for the position of TWO Research Assistants for the University of Chicago-Presidency University collaborative project: ‘The Hindoo/Presidency College: A Global History’ date: 12/10/2022
- An Online Interview will be held on 13th October, 2022; from 1.00 P.M onwards for the selection of Student Internship (SSR) position at Department of Chemistry, Presidency University, Kolkata date: 28/09/2022
- Applications are invited for the engagement of a ‘Student Internship’ for the SERB-funded project date: 27/09/2022
- An Online Interview will be held on 28th September, 2022; from 1.00 P.M onwards for the selection of Student Internship (SSR) position at Department of Chemistry, Presidency University, Kolkata date: 21/09/2022
- Tender No: - NB/DLS/DST-SERB/22-23/2 date: 21/09/2022
- Tender No: - Consumable/ICMR/DLS/PM-3 date: 19/09/2022
- Tender No: - SM/IHS/22-23/DBTRLS5/2 date: 15/09/2022
- Tender No: - NB/DLS/DST-SERB/22-23/1 date: 13/09/2022
- Establishment of authorities of the University
- Hall Ticket for BENCHMARK TEST- Presidency University (No: PU/2022/2/NT/HALL TICKET/02 date: 12/09/2022)
- Presidency University, Kolkata invites online bids through The West Bengal Government e-Procurement System (https://wbtenders.gov.in) for Procurement of Equipments from DBT-BUILDER, GoI by the Dept. of Lf. Sc., Presidency University, Kolkata date: 09/09/2022
- Tender No-Consumable/22-23/ SERB_CRG/Life Sciences_SD/1 date: 08/09/2022
- Tender No-10KVA/22-23/DST-FIST/Mathematics/ HOD/ Sl. No 1 date: 08/09/2022
- Re-Tender No-Consumables/SERB/22-23/IHS/2/R date: 07/09/2022
- Interview will be held for the appointment of one JRF in a ISRO, DoS, Govt. of India, sponsored Project in the Department of Geology, Presidency University, 86/1, College Street, Kolkata-700073. date: 05/09/2022
- Re-TenderNo.: PU/SoA/FRPD/1/R date: 05/09/2022
- Tender No.:Consumable/ICMR/DLS/PM1 date: 01/09/2022
- Tender No.:PU/KOL/Life Sciences/Library/DBT-Builder /BOOKS/2 date: 01/09/2022
- Tender No.:Consumable/WB-DST/DLS/RP-3 date: 30/08/2022
- Tender No.: Consumables/SERB/22-23/IHS/2 date: 26/08/2022
- Tender No.: PU/SoA/FRPD/1 date: 26/08/2022
- Advertisement for Walk-in Interview for a Junior Research Fellow Position for a BRNS Funded Project at the School of Astrophysics date: 24/08/2022
- Tender No: Consumable /22-23/ SERB_EEQ/Life Sciences_Sumit / 1 date: 23/08/2022
- Tender No: NB/DLS/DST-SERB/22-23/1 date: 23/08/2022
- Tender No: .: ECON\WS\22-23/2 date: 18/08/2022
- Tender No: .: ECON\WS\22-23/1 date: 17/08/2022
- Advertisement for the position of a Project Intern at the Institute of Health Sciences date: 10/08/2022
- Advertisement for the position of a Project Intern at the Institute of Health Sciences date: 10/08/2022
- Tender No: Consumables/SERB/22-23/IHS/1 date: 10/08/2022
- No:PU/2022/2/NT/COR/01 date: 04/08/2022
- Re-advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (one) in SERB funded Core Research Grant (multi-institutional) Project date: 03/08/2022
- Tender Reference Number:Consumable/DBT-BUILDER/DLS/MD-1 date: 01/08/2022
- Tender Reference Number:Consumable/PU/DLS/SERB-ECR/SM/2022/ date: 27/07/2022
- Tender Reference Number:Cells-1/PU/DLS/SERB-ECR/SM/2022/ date: 25/07/2022
- A walk-in interview for a research scholar date: 25/07/2022
- Tender No: Laptop/22-23/ MTR/Mathematics/ AA/ Sl. No 1 date: 22/07/2022
- Tender No: CONSUMABLES/PU/SBT/SERB-EEQ/PS/22-23/Sl.01/REAGENTS & ANTIBODIES date: 21/07/2022
- Tender No: Girls’ Hostel/CCTV/Dean of Students/1 date: 21/07/2022
- Notification No: PU_RECR_AP_23-22 date: 20/07/2022
- Online Interview for one Junior Research Fellow (JRF) position in a WB-DST sponsored project date: 20/07/2022
- Tender No: -CONSUMABLES/PU/SBT/SERB-EEQ/PS/22-23/Sl.01/Plasticwares date: 19/07/2022
- Tender No: -Consumable/DBT-BUILDER/DLS/RP-1 date: 19/07/2022
- Tender No: -SM/IHS/22-23/DBTRLS5/1 date: 18/07/2022
- Tender No: -Consumable/WB-DST/DLS/RP-2 date: 15/07/2022
- Tender No: -CONSUMABLES/PU/IHS/DBT-RLS/DM-3/2022-23 date: 12/07/2022
- Tender No: -Consumable/DBT/DLS/RP-6 date: 12/07/2022
- Tender No: -Consumable/WB-DST/DLS/RP-1 date: 11/07/2022
- Tender No: - Consumables/22-23/SERB/IHS/4 date: 07/07/2022
- Tender No: PU/Tender/News Paper Advt. Agn./2022-23/R date: 04/07/2022
- Tender No: DST-SERB/2022/Consumables/DLS/SS/2406 date: 24/06/2022
- Re-Tender No. - PU/KOL/Life Sciences/Library/DBT-Builder /BOOKS/1/R date: 17/06/2022
- Notice Inviting Tender No.: PU/Tender/News Paper Advt. Agn./2022-23 date: 16/06/2022
- Re-Tender Notice No:-UGC-Start-Up/2020/AS/01/Contingency/2022/R date: 16/06/2022
- Advertisement No: PU_RECR_AP_22-22 date: 14/06/2022
- Presidency University, Kolkata invites online applications for the posts of Assistant Registrar (2nd Campus), Assistant Controller of Examination (2nd Campus) and Accounts Officer (2nd Campus) Advertisement No: PU_RECR_AP_22-22 date: 14/06/2022
- Tender No- Consumables/22-23/SERB/IHS/3 date: 10/06/2022
- Applications are invited for the engagement of a ‘Student Internship’ for the SERB-funded project date: 10/06/2022
- Advertisement for the position of one Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under SERB-DST funded Core Research Grant (CRG) Project at Department of Geography, Presidency University, Kolkata date: 09/06/2022
- Tender No. - Consumables/22-23/WBDST/IHS/2 date: 09/06/2022
- Tender No. - UGC-Start-Up/2020/AS/01/Contingency/2022 date: 07/06/2022
- Tender No. - PU/KOL/Life Sciences/Library/DBT-Builder /BOOKS/1 date: 07/06/2022
- Tender No- PU/COE/025/2022 Tender Notice for “Supply of Answer Scripts for Examinations – Booklet of 24 pages and Continuous Sheet of 4 pages” at Presidency University / Kolkata” date: 25/05/2022
- Tender No- Consumables/2021-2022/WBDBT/DLS-SSB / 1 date: 25/05/2022
- Tender No- Consumables/22-23/WBDST/SBT/1 date: 23/05/2022
- Applications are invited for the position of ONE Technical Assistant for the British Library Endangered Archives Program Project date: 18/05/2022
- Tender No-Consumables/WBDST-2y/22-23/IHS/1 date: 17/05/2022
- Advertisement no: Student Internship/SERB/SRG/SSR/DLS/AD date: 13/05/2022
- Tender No.: Consumables/21-22/UGC Start-up research grant/DLS/KB/Sl. No. 04 date: 13/05/2022
- Tender No.: Recurring/PU/IHS/ICMR/SP-Sequencing/01/22-23 date: 12/05/2022
- Re-Tender No.: Recurring/PU/IHS/ICMR/SP-Consumables/Chem/03/22-23/R date: 12/05/2022
- Advertisement for a Student Internship in the SERB sponsored project Advt No. AN/Physics/SERB-SSR-SI/01 date: 06/05/2022
- Advertisement for the post of Project Associate at the Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata. date: 06/05/2022
- Tender No :UGC-Start-Up/2020/AS/01/Equipment/2022 date: 02/05/2022
- Tender No :Recurring/PU/IHS/ICMR/SP-Consumables/Chem/03/22-23 date: 02/05/2022
- Tender No :UGC-Start-Up/2020/AS/02/Books/2022 date: 28/04/2022
- Re-Tender No :Recurring/PU/SBT/ICMR/SP-Consumables/G&P/01/22-23/R date: 27/04/2022
- Re Tender No- DST-SERB/2022/Consumables/DLS/SS/422/R date: 22/04/2022
- Tender No- Consumables/2021-2022/WBDST/DLS-SSB / 2 date: 22/04/2022
- Advertisement for a Junior Research Fellow/Project Assistant Position for an ISRO Funded Project at the Department of Physics date: 22/04/2022
- Tender NoticeNo: PU/EOI/Ph. Verif. /2nd Camp/22-23 /1(2nd Call) date: 19/04/2022
- Tender NoticeNo: Recurring/PU/SBT/ICMR/SP-Consumables/G&P/01/22-23 date: 18/04/2022
- Tender Notice-Consumables/2021-2022/WBDST/DLS-SSB / 1 date: 18/04/2022
- Tender Notice- DST-SERB/2022/Consumables/DLS/SS/422 date: 13/04/2022
- Re-Tender Notice- Consumable/ICMR/DLS/PM1/R date: 11/04/2022
- Advertisement no: Student Internship/SERB/SRG/SSR/SBT/JJ date: 08/04/2022
- Tender Notice No:-Non-Recurring/PU/SBT/ICMR/SP-Instruments/02/22-23 date: 07/04/2022
- Tender Notice No:-PU/EOI/Ph. Verif. /2nd Camp/22-23 /1 Notice Inviting Expression of Interest for Physical Verification of Fixed Assets of Presidency University at Rajarhat Campus, New Town and preparation of Fixed Asset Register date: 05/04/2022
- Tender Notice No:-Lab. Equipment/ Physics PG/ Presi /21-22 date: 01/04/2022
- Tender Notice No:-Recurring/PU/SBT/ICMR/SP-Consumables/Chem/02/22-23 date: 29/03/2022
- Applications are invited for the position of ONE Research Assistant for the University of Chicago-Presidency University collaborative project: ‘The Hindoo/Presidency College: A Global History’ date: 29/03/2022
- Tender Notice No:-PU/COE/CONFI/01/2022 date: 28/03/2022
- Tender Notice No:-Consumable/ICMR/DLS/PM1 date: 28/03/2022
- Tender Notice No:-Consumable/DBT/DLS/RP-4 date: 25/03/2022
- Re Tender Notice No:-Camera and Accessories/20-21/British Library EAP/Sociology_Upal /01/R date: 22/03/2022
- Tender Notice No:-Consumable/21-22/NCPOR/Life Sciences_Sumit / 1 date: 21/03/2022
- Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (one) under DST-SERB Date: 14/03/2022 date: 14/03/2022
- Tender Notice No:-CONSUMABLE/PU/SBT/SERB/Avishek_4/2021-22 date: 11/03/2022
- Tender Notice No:-CONSUMABLE/PU/SBT/SERB/Avishek_3/2021-22 date: 11/03/2022
- Advertisement no: Student Internship/SERB/SRG/SSR/SBT/AB date: 11/03/2022
- Tender Notice No: PU/DLS/NS/SERB/EQUIP/2022/2 date: 11/03/2022
- Tender Notice No: PU/BRNS/2R-2nd call date: 10/03/2022
- Re Tender Notice No: NMR-Liquid Nitrogen /Ltd. Tender/21-22/PU /Chemistry/1/R date: 08/03/2022
- Tender Notice No: PU/2ndCamp/IHS/Equip/8R-2 date: 07/03/2022
- Tender Notice No: Camera and Accessories/20-21/British Library EAP/Sociology_Upal /01 date: 07/03/2022
- Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (one) in MoES funded Research (multi-institutional) Project date: 07/03/2022
- Online Applications are invited for Assistant Professor Posts at Institute of Health Sciences under the aegis of Presidency University, Kolkata (Advertisement No: PU_RECR_AP_21-22 dated 04 / 03 / 2022)
- Tender No. -PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Equip/5R-2 ,PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Con/12R ,PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Con/13R ,PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Con/14R ,PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Service/16R ,PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Con/17R ,PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Con/19R Date: 04/03/2022
- Tender No. - PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Equip/5R-2 Date: 04/03/2022
- Re- Tender No. - PU/KOL/MATH/DST-FIST/BOOKS/2/R Date: 04/03/2022
- Tender No:DST-SERB-2021-22/Abhik/Biotech/05 Date: 04/03/2022
- Advertisement No: PU_RECR_AP_21-22 date: 04/03/2022
- Tender No:PU/Tender/ 21-22/ Lab Apparatus and Chemicals/Chemistry/01 Date: 02/03/2022
- Tender No:NMR-Liquid Nitrogen /Ltd. Tender/21-22/PU /Chemistry/1 Date: 28/02/2022
- Tender No:Consumables/21-22/SERB/SBT/2 Date: 28/02/2022
- Tender No:Recurring/PU/SBT/ICMR/SP-Consumables/01/22-23 Date: 28/02/2022
- Tender No:Consumable /21-22/ SERB_CRG/Life Sciences_SD/1 Date: 28/02/2022
- Tender No: Non-Recurring/PU/SBT/ICMR/SP-Instruments/01/22-23 Date: 24/02/2022
- Tender No: DST-SERB-2021-22/Abhik/Biotech/04 Date: 24/02/2022
- Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (one) in SERB funded Core Research Grant (multi-institutional) Project Date: 23/02/2022
- Tender No: PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Pwr/11R Date: 23/02/2022
- Tender No: PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Con/17 ,PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Con/18 ,PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Con/19 Date: 22/02/2022
- Tender No: NB/DLS/DST-SERB/21-22/12 Date: 22/02/2022
- Tender No: Consumables/21-22/EEQ-000275 /Life Sciences /KP-12 Date: 22/02/2022
- Tender No: PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Con/12 ,PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Con/13 ,PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Con/14 ,PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Con/15 ,PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Service/16 Date: 21/02/2022
- Tender No: Consumable /21-22/ SERB_EEQ/Life Sciences_Sumit / 1 Date: 21/02/2022
- Tender No: Chemicals&Reagents/PU/SBT/UGC/JJJ/2022/5 Date: 21/02/2022
- Tender No: PU/KOL/MATH/DST-FIST/BOOKS/2 Date: 21/02/2022
- Tender No: PU/PM/SBT/SERB tender/012 Date: 21/02/2022
- Tender No: PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Equip/5R ,PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Equip/10R Date: 18/02/2022
- Tender No: PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Equip/8R Date: 17/02/2022
- Tender No: CONSUMABLES/PU/SBT/SERB-EEQ/PS-Antibodies/21-22/Sl.01 Date: 16/02/2022
- Tender No: NB/DLS/DST-SERB/21-22/11 Date: 16/02/2022
- Tender No: Consumables/21-22/SERB/SBT/5 Date: 16/02/2022
- Tender No: DST-SERB-2021-22/Abhik/Biotech/03 Date: 16/02/2022
- Tender No: PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Equip/6R ,PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Glassware/9R ,PU/BRNS/2R Date: 15/02/2022
- Tender No: PU/DLS/NS/SERB/EQUIP/2022/1 Date: 15/02/2022
- Re-Tender No: UGC-Start-Up/2020/BR/02/Books/2022/R Date: 11/02/2022
- Tender Notice Number: Consumable/DBT/DLS/RP-3 Date: 11/02/2022
- Tender No: PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Equip/1R ,PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Equip/3R,PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Equip/4R,PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Equip/7R and PU/Geol-DST-FIST/Eqp/21-22/2R dated 08/02/2022 Date: 09/02/2022
- Advertisement for the position of a Junior Research Fellow (JRF) at School of Biotechnology, Presidency University, Kolkata Date: 09/02/2022
- Tender Notice Number:Lab. Equipment/ Physics/ Presi (R)/21-22 Date: 09/02/2022
- Tender Notice Number:DST-SERB-2021-22/Abhik/Biotech/02 Date: 07/02/2022
- Tender Notice Number:PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Pwr/11 Date: 07/02/2022
- Tender Notice Number:Consumable/DBT/DLS/RP-2 Date: 07/02/2022
- Tender Notice Number:Equip/21-22/DST-SERB/Geology / JM-1 Date: 03/02/2022
- Tender Notice Number:CONSUMABLE/PU/SBT/UGC/Avishek-2/2022 Date: 03/02/2022
- Tender Notice Number:PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Glassware/9 & PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Equip/10 Date: 02/02/2022
- Tender Notice Number:Consumable/PU/SBT/UGC/AAM/2022/4 Date: 01/02/2022
- Tender Notice Number:DST-SERB-2021-22/Abhik/Biotech/01 Date: 31/01/2022
- Tender Notice Number:PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Equip/5 (corrigendum ) Date: 28/01/2022
- Tender Notice Number:CONSUMABLE/PU/SBT/UGC/AB-1/2022 Date: 28/01/2022
- Tender Notice Number:Consumables/PU/SBT/UGC/JJJ/2022/4 Date: 27/01/2022
- Tender Notice Number:UGC-Start-Up/2020/BR/02/Books/2022 Date: 27/01/2022
- Tender Notice Number:Consumables/21-22/SERB/SBT/1 Date: 27/01/2022
- Tender Notice Number:Instruments /PU/SBT/UGC/AAM/2022/3 Date: 27/01/2022
- Tender Notice Number:Lab. Equipment/ Physics/ Presi /21-22 Date: 27/01/2022
- Tender Notice Number:vial/20-21/(EEQ/2018/000578)/DLS/Consumables 3/R Date: 25/01/2022
- Tender Notice Number:Reagents & Chemicals /PU/SBT/UGC/JJJ/2022/3 Date: 25/01/2022
- Tender Notice Number:PU/BRNS/2 Date: 24/01/2022
- Tender Notice Number:PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Equip/7 & PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Equip/8 Date: 19/01/2022
- Tender Notice Number:PU/Geol-DST-FIST/Eqp/21-22/1R Date: 17/01/2022
- Tender Notice Number:PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Equip/5 & PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Equip/6 Date: 13/01/2022
- Tender Notice Number:PU/EOI/Ph. Verif. /2 nd Camp/21-22 /1 Date: 12/01/2022
- Tender Notice Number:Consumable/PU/SBT/UGC/AAM/2022/2 Date: 11/01/2022
- Tender Notice Number:Consumables /PU/SBT/UGC/JJJ/2022/2 Date: 10/01/2022
- Tender Notice Number: CO2/20-21/(EEQ/2018/000578)/DLS/Consumables 4 Date: 10/01/2022
- Tender Notice Number: vial/20-21/(EEQ/2018/000578)/DLS/Consumables 3 Date: 10/01/2022
- Tender Notice Number: Consumables/21-22/EEQ-000275 /Life Sciences /KP-1 Date: 10/01/2022
- Advertisement for Online Interview for a Student Intern for a SERB Funded Project at the Department of Physics Date: 07/01/2022
- Tender Notice Number: CONSUMABLES/PU/Tender/SERB-CRG/SR/2021/2 Date: 07/01/2022
- Tender Notice Number: PU/PM/SBT/SERB/011 Date: 06/01/2022
- Tender Notice Number: PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Equip/3 & PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Equip/4 Date: 06/01/2022
- Tender Notice Number: Instruments /PU/SBT/UGC/AAM/2022/1 Date: 05.01.2022
- Tender Notice Number: Instruments /PU/SBT/UGC/JJJ/2022/1 Date: 04.01.2022
- Tender Notice Number: PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Equip/1 & PU/2nd Camp/IHS/Equip/2 Date: 03.01.2022
- Tender Notice Number: No-Consumables/21-22/SERB/SBT/4 Date: 31.12.2021
- Tender Notice Number: SERB-DST /GEOGRAPHY / 03-2021 Date: 31.12.2021
- Tender Notice Number: Contingency/21-22/CM/RLS-5/3 Date: 31.12.2021
- Tender Notice Number: Consumables/20-21/WBDST-AM/Life Sciences / 001 Date: 29.12.2021
- Tender Notice Number: Consumables/21-22/UGC Start-up research grant/DLS/KB/Sl. No. 03 Date: 29.12.2021
- Applications are invited for one Junior Research Fellow (JRF) position in a DST-SERB sponsored project Date: 29.12.2021
- Tender Notice Number: NB/DLS/DST-SERB/21-22/10/R Date: 29.12.2021
- Tender Notice Number: SBTU/2021-22/UGC-BSR/CHEMISTRY/ABN-1 Date: 29.12.2021
- Tender Notice Number: Consumable-3/PU/DLS/SERB-ECR/SM/2021 Date: 28.12.2021
- Tender Notice Number:PU/Geol-DST-FIST/Eqp/21-22/1 & PU/Geol-DST-FIST/Eqp/21-22/2 Date: 27.12.2021
- Tender Notice Number:HOD – GEOLOGY/ DST-FIST/MICROSCOPE/21-22/ /03 Date: 27.12.2021
- Tender Notice Number:Lab Solvents/21–22/UGC-BSR/CHEM/DP_21 Date: 27.12.2021
- Tender Notice Number: Consumable/DBT/DLS/RP-1 Date: 21.12.2021
- Tender Notice No: -NB/DLS/DST-SERB/21-22/10 Date: 21.12.2021
- Tender Notice No: -PU/PM/SBT/SERB/009 Date: 20.12.2021
- Tender Notice No: - CONSUMABLES/PU/SBT/SERB-SRG/JJ-Generacer kit/20-21/Sl.06 Date: 13.12.2021
- Advertisement no: Student Internship/SERB/ECR/SSR/SM/1 Date: 08.12.2021
- Tender Notice No: - Consumables/21-22/CM/SBT/DST-CRG/1 Date: 07.12.2021
- Tender Notice No: - Glass Items /21–22/UGC-BSR/CHEM/DP_17 Date: 07.12.2021
- Tender Notice No: - Gas Cylinder /21–22/UGC-BSR/CHEM/DP_18 Date: 07.12.2021
- Tender Notice No: - Contingency/21-22/CM/RLS-5/2 Date: 03.12.2021
- Tender Notice No: - CONSUMABLES/PU/Tender/SERB-CRG/SR/2021/1 Date: 03.12.2021
- Advertisement Inviting Applications for the Position of One project JRF in DST-NSM Funded Research Project at the Department of Chemistry. Date 03.12.2021 Date: 03.12.2021
- Applications are invited for the engagement of a ‘Student Internship’ Date: 03.12.2021
- Tender No. - PU/KOL/MATH/DST-FIST/BOOKS/1 Date: 29.11.2021
- Advertisement Inviting Applications for Position of One project JRF in NCPOR Funded Research Project at the Department Of Life Sciences Date: 29.11.2021
- An Online Interview will be held on 8th December, 2021; from 12.00 P.M onwards for the selection of the post JRF at Department of Chemistry, Presidency University, Kolkata Date: 26.11.2021
- Enquiry No.-Cryogenic can/21–22/UGC-BSR/CHEM/SR_04 Date: 26.11.2021
- Enquiry No.- Contingency/21-22/CM/RLS-5/1 Date: 25.11.2021
- Enquiry No.- ConsumablesPlasticware/21-22/UGC start up research grant/DLS/KB/Sl. No. 02 Date: 25.11.2021
- Enquiry No.- PU/GEOL/WB-DST/21-22/01-R Date: 25.11.2021
- Enquiry No.- PU/PM/SBT/SERB tender/008 Date: 25.11.2021
- Enquiry No.- DESKTOP/PU/Tender/SERB-CRG/SR/2021/1 Date: 17.11.2021
- Enquiry No.- Consumables CC Plasticware/21-22/UGC start up research grant/DLS/KB/Sl. No. 01 Date: 17.11.2021
- Enquiry No.- PU/GEOL/WB-DST/21-22/01 Date: 12.11.2021
- Enquiry No.- CHEM/BD/WBDST/02 Date: 01.11.2021
- An Online Interview will be held on 8th November, 2021; from 1:00 P.M onwards for the selection of the post mentioned below at Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata Date: 27.10.2021
- Applications are invited for the position of Junior Research Fellow Date: 04.10.2021
- Enquiry No.- Consumables/21-22/SERB/SBT/3 Date: 27.09.2021
- Enquiry No.- CHEM/BD/WBDST/01 Date: 27.09.2021
- Enquiry No.- PU/UGC-BSR/21–22/CHEM/AM_02 Date: 21.09.2021
- Enquiry No.- PU-2021-22/School of Biotechnology/Abhik/01 Date: 17.09.2021
- Enquiry No.- Oil free Vacuum Pump /21–22/UGC-BSR/CHEM/DP_16 Date: 15.09.2021
- Applications are invited for the position of ONE Research Agency for Website Development, Digitisation and Research, for the University of Chicago-Presidency University collaborative project: ‘The Hindoo/Presidency College: A Global History’ Date: 10.09.2021
- Applications are invited for the position of ONE Research Assistant for the University of Chicago-Presidency University collaborative project: ‘The Hindoo/Presidency College: A Global History’ Date: 10.09.2021
- Interview via Google Meet on the 17th September, 2021 for a Research Assistant Position at the Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata Date: 06.09.2021
- Enquiry No.- Micropipettes & stand /21–22/UGC-BSR/CHEM/DP_15 Date: 06.09.2021
- Advertisement no: Student Internship/SERB/SRG/SSR/NS/1 Date: 01.09.2021
- Tender Reference Number:CONSUMABLES/PU/SBT/SERB-SRG/JJ-Chemicals-02/20-21/Sl.04 Date: 01.09.2021
- Tender Reference Number:Instruments/PU/DEST/SERB/GEOG/2021/ Date: 27.08.2021
- Tender Reference Number:DST-SERB-CRG-2021-22/Arijit/Geology Department Date: 27.08.2021
- Tender Reference Number:PU/UGC-BSR/Eqp/AR/21-22/1-R Date: 26.08.2021
- Tender Reference Number:Laptop/20-21/ UGC start up research grant/Geology/ SSA/ Sl. No 1/R Date: 24.08.2021
- Tender Reference Number:Consumables/PU/DLS/SERB/NPDF/IP/2021/1 Date: 23.08.2021
- Tender Reference Number:EQUIPMENT/PU/SBT/DBT-RLS/DM-EQUIPMENT-4/2020-21 Date: 19.08.2021
- Advertisement for the position of one Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under DST-SERB project at Department of geography, Presidency University, Kolkata Date: 18.08.2021
- Tender Reference Number:PU/UGC-BSR/21–22/CHEM/AM_01 Date: 18.08.2021
- Tender Reference Number:PU/PM/SBT/SERB/007 Date: 16.08.2021
- Tender Reference Number:Cryocan/21–22/UGC-BSR/CHEM/SR_04 Date: 13.08.2021
- Tender Reference Number:PU/PM/SBT/SERB/Instrument/002/R Date: 13.08.2021
- Tender Reference Number:CONSUMABLES/PU/SBT/SERB-SRG/JJ-Chemicals-01/20-21/Sl.03 Date: 13.08.2021
- Tender Reference Number:Laptop/20-21/ UGC start up research grant/Geology/ SSA/ Sl. No 1 Date: 13.08.2021
- Tender Reference Number:EQUIPMENT/PU/SBT/SERB-EEQ/PS/21-22/Sl.03 Date: 11.08.2021
- Tender Reference Number:Matlab/PU/Tender/UGC-BSR/AR/2021/1/R Date: 11.08.2021
- Tender Reference Number: Consumables/21-22/SERB/SBT/2 Date: 11.08.2021
- Tender Reference Number: PU/UGC-BSR/Eqp/AR/21-22/1 Date: 05.08.2021
- Tender Reference Number: PU/PM/SBT/SERB/Instrument/002 Date: 04.08.2021
- Tender Reference Number: Matlab/PU/Tender/UGC-BSR/AR/2021/1 Date: 28.07.2021
- Tender Reference Number: IElectrodes/Consumable/21-22/SERB/CHEMISTRY/ABN-1 Date: 26.07.2021
- Tender Reference Number: Instruments/PU/SBT/SERB/AB/2021/3 Date: 15.07.2021
- Tender Reference Number: Instruments/PU/SBT/UGC/AB/2021/3 Date: 13.07.2021
- Tender Reference Number: PU/PM/SBT/SERB/004 Date: 13.07.2021
- Advertisement for the position of a Junior Research Fellow at School of Biotechnology, Presidency University, Kolkata Date: 05.07.2021
- Tender Reference Number: Equipments/20–21/SERB-SRG/DLS/AD_04 Date: 05.07.2021
- Tender Reference Number: EQUIPMENT/PU/SBT/DBT-RLS/DM- EQUIPMENT-3/2020-21 Date: 05.07.2021
- Tender No: EQUIPMENT/PU/SBT/SERB-EEQ/PS/21-22/Sl.02_R dated 23/06/2021
- Notification for the Interview for the post of Summer Intern ship dated 17/06/2021
- Interview Schedule for the Short-listed candidates for the post of “Student Internship” dated 17/06/2021
- Tender No: EQUIPMENT/PU/SBT/SERB-EEQ/PS/21-22/Sl.02 dated 16/06/2021
- Tender No: PU/COE/CONFI/01/2021 dated 08/06/2021
- Advertisement no: Student-Internship/SERB/SRG/SSR/ABN/Adv-1 dated 03/06/2021
- Advertisement for recruitment of a summer intern ship dated 01/06/2021
- Tender Reference No:PU/Tender/ 21-22/ NMR-Helium/Chemistry/01/R TENDER DOCUMENT For Supply of Liquid Helium [with One Helium Gas Cylinder (Returnable)] in Returnable Container for 400 MHz Brucker NMR Spectrometer at Presidency University, Kolkata dated 20/05/2021
- Advertisement for the position of one Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under DST-SERB project at Presidency University, Kolkata dated 12/05/2021
- Tender Reference No:PU/Tender/ 21-22/ NMR-Helium/Chemistry/01 TENDER DOCUMENT For Supply of Liquid Helium [with One Helium Gas Cylinder (Returnable)] in Returnable Container for 400 MHz Brucker NMR Spectrometer at Presidency University, Kolkata dated 10/05/2021
- Tender Reference No:Equipments/20–21/SERB-SRG/DLS/AD_03 dated 10/05/2021
- Tender Reference No:EQUIPMENT/PU/SBT/DBT-RLS/DM- EQUIPMENT-1/2020-21 dated 10/05/2021
- Tender Reference No:CONSUMABLES/PU/SBT/DBT/DM-Consumables-2/2020-21 dated 10/05/2021
- Tender Reference No:EQUIPMENT/PU/SBT/SERB-EEQ/PS/21-22/Sl.01 dated 07/05/2021
- Online Interview for one Junior Research Fellow (JRF) position in a SERB-DST sponsored project dated 07/05/2021
- Advertisement for the position of one project fellow (JRF) in a SERB-DBT, Govt. of India funded project dated 07/05/2021
- Tender Reference No: Consumables/21-22/SERB/SBT/1 dated 07/05/2021
- Tender Reference No: Consumables/21-22/DBTRLS4/SBT/1 dated 07/05/2021
- Revised notification for ‘Undergraduate Summer Research Program in Biotechnology’ 2021 dated 13/04/2021
- Tender Reference No: CONSUMABLES/PU/SBT/SERB-EEQ/PS-Plasticwares/21-22/Sl.01 dated 07/04/2021
- Tender Reference No: CONSUMABLES/PU/SBT/SERB-EEQ/PS- Cell Culture Reagents & Chemicals/21-22/Sl.01 dated 06/04/2021
- Undergraduate Summer Research Program in Biotechnology 2021 dated 19/03/2021
- Tender for Supply of Liquid Nitrogen in the container (Dewar flask) provided by the University for 400 MHz NMR Spectrometer at Presidency University, Kolkata dated 15/03/2021
- Tender Reference No: Consumable-2/PU/DLS/SERB-ECR/SM/2020-21/ dated 03/03/2021
- Online Interview for one Junior Research Fellow (JRF) position in a WB-DST sponsored project dated 26/02/2021
- Tender Reference No: NMR-Liquid Nitrogen /Ltd. Tender/20-21/PU /Chemistry/1 dated 26/02/2021
- Tender Reference No: CONSUMABLES DM/PU/SBT/DBT-RLS/-Consumables-1/2020-21 dated 26/02/2021
- Advertisement for the position of a Project Assistant at the School of Biotechnology dated 25/02/2021
- Tender Reference No: Consumables/20-21/CM/SBT/DST-CRG/5 dated 25/02/2021
- Tender Reference No: NB/ DLS/ DST-SERB/20-21/8R dated 25/02/2021
- Advertisement inviting applications for the position of JRF in DST-SERB funded Project at the Department of Geology dated 22/02/2021
- Tender Reference No: NB/ DLS/ DST-SERB/20-21/9 dated 19/02/2021
- Online Interview for one Junior Research Fellow (JRF) position in a SERB-DST sponsored project dated 18/02/2021
- Tender Reference No: PU/DLS/NS/SERB-SRG/CONSUMABLE/2020-21/02 dated 18/02/2021
- Tender Reference No: NB/ DLS/ DST-SERB/20-21/8 dated 15/02/2021
- Tender Reference No: NB/ DLS/ DST-SERB/20-21/7 dated 15/02/2021
- Tender Reference No: Consumable/Chemicals/20-21/SERB-SRG/CHEMISTRY/ABN-5 dated 12/02/2021
- Tender Reference No: Consumables/20–21/UGC-BSR/CHEM/RR_12 dated 12/02/2021
- Tender Reference No: Equipment/20–21/UGC-BSR/CHEM/RR_11 dated 11/02/2021
- Tender Reference No: DST-SERB-CRG-2020-21/Arijit/Geology Department/ dated 11/02/2021
- Tender Reference No: DST-SERB-2020-21/Abhik/School of Biotechnology/03 dated 11/02/2021
- Advertisement Inviting Applications for Position of Two project JRF in NCPOR Funded Research Project at the Department Of Life Sciences dated 10/02/2021
- Advertisement for the position of a Junior Research Fellow at School of Biotechnology, Presidency University, Kolkata dated 10/02/2021
- Tender Reference No: Consumables/20-21/EEQ-000275 /Life Sciences /KP 1 dated 09/02/2021
- Advertisement Inviting Applications for Position of JRF in DST-SERB Funded Research Project at the Department Of Life Sciences dated 09/02/2021
- Tender Reference No: CONSUMABLES/20-21/ CSIR 38(1493)/19/EMR-II/MD /P.O 1 dated 09/02/2021
- Tender Reference No: Equipment/20–21/UGC-BSR/CHEM/RR_10 dated 08/02/2021
- Tender Reference No: CONSUMABLES/20-21/ DBT-BT/PR28859/FCB/125/3/2018/DLS/Sl.3 dated 08/02/2021
- Tender Reference No: Consumable/20-21/SERB-SRG/CHEMISTRY/ABN-4 dated 08/02/2021
- Tender Reference No: PU/DLS/NS/SERB-SRG/EQUIP/2020-21/01 dated 05/02/2021
- Tender Reference No: Desktop-Printer/20-21/ NCPOR/Geology/SKD/ dated 04/02/2021
- Tender Reference No: CONSUMABLES/20-21/ DBT-BT/PR28859/FCB/125/3/2018/DLS/Sl.2-Retender 1 dated 03/02/2021
- Tender Reference No: SERB-DST /GEOGRAPHY / SC/01/20-21 dated 03/02/2021
- Tender Reference No: Consumable/Glassware/20-21/SERB-SRG/CHEMISTRY/ABN-3 dated 03/02/2021
- Advertisement for a Project Fellow/ Associate Position of UGC-DAE CSR (Kolkata) funded project. dated 01/02/2021
- Tender Reference No: Consumable /20-21/ NCPOR/Life Sciences_Sumit / 1 dated 29/01/2021
- Tender Reference No: Equipments/20–21/SERB-SRG/DLS/AD_02 dated 29/01/2021
- Advertisement for online interview for the position of a Project Assistant for a SERB funded project at School of Biotechnology, Presidency University, Kolkata dated 29/01/2021
- Tender Reference No: Consumables/20–21/UGC-BSR/CHEM/RR_08 dated 27/01/2021
- Tender Reference No: Consumables/20–21/UGC-BSR/CHEM/RR_09 dated 27/01/2021
- Advertisement for Online Interview for a Junior Research Fellow/Project Assistant Position for a SERB Funded Project at the Department of Physics dated 27/01/2021
- Tender Reference No:-DMM/20-21/UGC/CHEMISTRY/ABN-2 dated 27/01/2021
- Tender Reference No:-Instruments/PU/SBT/SERB-SRG/JJ-Analytical balance & UV transilluminator /2020-21/Sl.01 dated 25/01/2021
- Tender Reference No:-Minor Equipment/20-21/UGC/CHEMISTRY/ABN-1 dated 25/01/2021
- Tender Reference No:-Consumables/20-21/DST-EMR/DLS / Sl. No 2 dated 22/01/2021
- Tender Reference No:-Digital Magnetic Stirrer Hot Plate /20–21/UGC-BSR/CHEM/SR_05 dated 22/01/2021
- Tender Reference No:-Analytical Balance /20–21/UGC-BSR/CHEM/SR_06 dated 22/01/2021
- Tender Reference No:-CONSUMABLES/PU/SBT/SERB-SRG/JJ-Glassware/20-21/Sl.02 dated 20/01/2021
- Tender Reference No:-CONSUMABLES/PU/SBT/SERB-SRG/JJ-Plasticware/20-21/Sl.01 dated 20/01/2021
- Tender Reference No:-CONSUMABLES/20-21/ DBT-BT/PR28859/FCB/125/3/2018/DLS/Sl.2 dated 20/01/2021
- Tender Reference No:-Laptop/20-21/ UGC start up research grant/Geology/ SSA/ Sl. No 1 dated 20/01/2021
- Tender Reference No:-Equipments/20–21/SERB-SRG/DLS/AD_01 dated 19/01/2021
- Tender Reference No:-Pipetteman sets/20-21/UGC start up research grant/DLS /KB/Sl.No.01 dated 11/01/2021
- Tender Reference No:- Instruments /PU/SBT/UGC/AB/2021/2 dated 11/01/2021
- Tender Reference No:- Instruments /PU/SBT/UGC/AB/2021/1 dated 11/01/2021
- Tender Reference No:- DST-SERB-2020-21/Abhik/School of Biotechnology/02 dated 11/01/2021
- Tender Reference No:Consumables/20-21/DST-EMR/DLS / Sl. No 1 dated 08/01/2021
- Tender Reference No:Consumables/20-21/CM/SBT/DST-CRG/4R dated 06/01/2021
- Tender Reference No:DST-FIST-2020 dated 06/01/2021
- Tender Reference No:CONSUMABLES/20-21/ DBT-BT/PR28859/FCB/125/3/2018/DLS/Sl.1 dated 06/01/2021
- Tender Reference No:EEquipment/20–21/UGC-BSR/CHEM/RR_07 dated 04/01/2021
- Tender Reference No:Equipment/20–21/UGC-BSR/CHEM/RR_06 dated 04/01/2021
- Advertisement for the position of a Junior Research Fellow (JRF) at Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata dated 04/01/2021
- Tender Reference No:PU/Tender/News Paper Advt. Agn./2020-21 dated 31/12/2020
- Corrigendum dated 14.01.2021 & Tender Reference No:PU/CA - Enlistment/20-21 /1 dated 31/12/2020
- Tender Reference No:Equipment/20-21/DST-FIST /DLS/Microscope dated 28/12/2020
- Tender Reference No:Consumables/20-21/CM/SBT/DST-CRG/4 dated 28/12/2020
- Tender Reference No:PU/Tender/ 20-21/ BSL II /SBT/1 dated 24/12/2020
- Tender Reference No:CONSUMABLE/PU/SBT/SERB-SRG/AB-Plastic & Glass-1/2020-21 dated 24/12/2020
- Tender Reference No:DST-SERB-2020-21/Abhik/Life Sciences/01 dated 22/12/2020
- Tender Reference No:Consumables/20-21/CM/SBT/DST-CRG/3 dated 21/12/2020
- Advertisement for the position of a Project Assistant at School of Biotechnology, Presidency University, Kolkata dated 16/12/2020
- Tender Reference No:CONSUMABLE/PU/SBT/SERB-SRG/AB-Chemicals-1/2020-21 dated 15/12/2020
- Tender Reference No:Consumable-1/PU/DLS/SERB-ECR/SM/2020-21/ dated 14/12/2020
- Tender Reference No:Consumables/20-21/CM/SBT/DST-CRG/2 dated 11/12/2020
- Tender Reference No:Balance /20–21/UGC-BSR/CHEM/DP_06 dated 09/12/2020
- Tender Reference No:Circulator or Chiller/20–21/UGC-BSR/CHEM/DP_07 dated 09/12/2020
- Tender Reference No:Consumables/20-21/CM/SBT/DST-CRG/1 dated 07/12/2020
- Tender Reference No:Equipment/20–21/UGC-BSR/CHEM/RR_05 dated 03/12/2020
- Tender Reference No:Refrigerator/20–21/UGC-BSR/CHEM/SR_03 dated 03/12/2020
- Tender Reference No:Cryogenic can/20–21/UGC-BSR/CHEM/SR_04 dated 03/12/2020
- Tender Reference No:Refrigerator/20–21/UGC-BSR/CHEM/RR_04 dated 01/12/2020
- Tender Reference No:Digital oil bath/20–21/UGC-BSR/CHEM/SR_01 dated 26/11/2020
- Tender Reference No:Hot air oven/20–21/UGC-BSR/CHEM/SR_02 dated 26/11/2020
- Tender Reference No:Refrigerator/20–21/UGC-BSR/CHEM/DP_02 dated 26/11/2020
- Tender Reference No:Micropipettes & stand /20–21/UGC-BSR/CHEM/DP_03 dated 26/11/2020
- Tender Reference No: Oil free Vacuum Pump /20–21/UGC-BSR/CHEM/DP_04 dated 26/11/2020
- Tender Reference No: Vacuum Pump /20–21/UGC-BSR/CHEM/DP_05 dated 26/11/2020
- Tender Reference No: PU/DLS-DST-FIST/Eqp/20-21/1 dated 04/11/2020
- Applications are invited for the research based position in The International Growth Centre sponsored project dated 17/10/2020
- Tender Reference Number: 2020_PU_300586_1 dated 08/10/2020
- Tender Reference Number: Consumables/20-21/DBTRLS3/SBT/2 dated 05/10/2020
- Tender Reference Number: Equipment/20–21/UGC-BSR/CHEM/RR_03 dated 01/10/2020
- Tender Reference Number: Equipment/20-21/UGC-BSR/CHEMISTRY/DS/02 dated 30/09/2020
- Tender Reference Number: Equipment/20-21/UGC-BSR/CHEMISTRY/DS/01 dated 30/09/2020
- Tender Reference Number: Equipment/20-21/UGC-BSR/CHEMISTRY/DS/03 dated 30/09/2020
- Tender Reference Number: Centrifuge/20–21/UGC-BSR/CHEM/RR_02 dated 23/09/2020
- Tender Reference Number: Consumables/20-21/CM/SBT/RLS3/1 dated 23/09/2020
- Tender Reference Number: Balance/20–21/UGC-BSR/CHEM/RR_01 dated 23/09/2020
- Online Interview for the post of Two Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the DST-SERB (Core Research Grant) sponsored Project on 09/10/2020 (Friday) dated 21/09/2020.
- Online-interview for the position of one Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in a DST-SERB (Core Research Grant) sponsored research project dated 08/09/2020.
- Applications are invited for the position of ONE Research Assistant for the University of Chicago-Presidency University collaborative project: ‘The Hindoo/Presidency College: A Global History’ dated 07/09/2020
- Advertisement for the position of a Project Assistant at Department of Life Sciences dated 26/08/2020
- Tender Reference Number: NB/ DLS/ DST-SERB/19-20/6 dated 17/08/2020
- Tender Reference Number: PU/DLS-SERB-DST/Eqp/20-21/1/R dated 07/08/2020
- Applications are invited for the research based positions in The International Growth Centre sponsored project “Herself and her children: How worse off are they? Impact of COVID-19 in Rural Bihar” (IND-20092) dated 07/08/2020
- Tender Notice No. Consumables/20-21/PU/VDMDSBT (2nd Camp)/1 dated 07/08/2020
- Tender Notice No. Equipment/20-21/ SERB PROJECT (EMR/2015/000910)/Geology / Sl. No 2 dated 24/07/2020
- Training Program on ‘Viral Detection & Molecular Diagnostics’ Date: 17.07.2020
- Tender Notice No. Equipment/20-21/ SERB PROJECT (EMR/2015/000910)/Geology / Sl. No 1 dated 15/07/2020
- Tender Notice No. PU/DLS-SERB-DST/Eqp/20-21/1 dated 06/07/2020
- Tender Notice No. PU/KOL/LIB/BOOKS/RF/5/R dated 02/07/2020
- Tender Notice No. - NB/ DLS/ DST-SERB/20-21/5/R dated 02/07/2020
- Tender Notice No. Consumables/20-21/WBDST-1763/Life Sciences /AG 1 dated 30/06/2020
- Tender Notice No. Equipment /20-21/ SERB_EEQ/Life Sciences_Sumit / 3/R dated 29/06/2020
- Tender Notice No. Equipment /20-21/ SERB_EEQ/Life Sciences_Sumit / 2/R dated 29/06/2020
- Tender Notice No:Consumable /20-21/ SERB_EEQ/Life Sciences_Sumit / 1/R dated 29/06/2020
- Tender Notice No.Instruments/20-21/SERB1/CM-DLS/1 dated 19/06/2020
- Tender Notice No. PU/KOL/LIB/BOOKS/RF/5 dated 17/06/2020
- Tender Notice No. Antibody /PU/SBT/SERB-ECR/SM/2019-20/1 dated 11/06/2020
- Tender No. : PU/Tender/20-21/Sanitz.Work/1/R dated 03.06.2020; Tender for the work of “Sanitization of Presidency University, College Street Campus, Kolkata – 700073”
- Tender No. : PU/Tender/20-21/Sanitz.Work/1 dated 24.05.2020; Tender for the work of “Sanitization of Presidency University, College Street Campus, Kolkata – 700073”
- Advertisement for the position of a JRF at School of Biotechnology, Department of Life Science dated 05/05/2020
- Advertisement for Walk-in Interview for a Junior Research Fellow Position for a BRNS Funded Project at the Department of Physics dated 05/05/2020
- Tender Notice No. Consumable /19-20/ NCPOR/Life Sciences_Sumit / 2 dated 23/03/2020
- Tender Notice No. Equipment /19-20/ SERB_EEQ/Life Sciences_Sumit / 3 dated 20/03/2020
- Tender Notice No. Equipment /19-20/ SERB_EEQ/Life Sciences_Sumit / 2 dated 20/03/2020
- Tender Notice No:Consumable /19-20/ SERB_EEQ/Life Sciences_Sumit / 1 dated 16/03/2020
- Applications are invited for the Research Assistants position in The International Growth Centre sponsored project dated 13/03/2020
- Tender Notice No:NB/ DLS/ DST-SERB/19-20/5 dated 06/03/2020
- Tender Notice No:PU/Geog-SERB-DST/Eqp/19-20/1 dated 06/03/2020
- Tender Notice No:SSERB-DST /GEOGRAPHY /02 dated 06/03/2020
- Tender Notice No:Consumables/19-20/WBDST-1763/Life Sciences /AG 1 dated 05/03/2020
- Tender Notice No:-Notice No: Abhik Saha/Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 19-20/Life Sciences/08A dated 02/03/2020
- Tender Notice No:-Notice No: Equipment/19-20/ SERB PROJECT (EMR/2015/000910)/Geology / Sl. No 1 dated 28/02/2020
- Tender Notice No:-Notice No: PU/Tender/ 19-20/ NMR-Helium/Chemistry/3/R dated 28/02/2020
- Tender Notice No:-Abhik Saha/Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 19-20/Life Sciences/08A dated 28/02/2020
- Tender Notice No:-Consumables/19-20/RLS/ Dept of Life Sciences / 001 dated 26/02/2020
- Tender Notice No:-/19-20/ 38(1493)/19/EMR-II/DLS/Sl.3 dated 24/02/2020
- Tender Notice No:-NB/ DLS/ DST-SERB/19-20/4 dated 24/02/2020
- A Walk-in Interview on 24th March, 2020 for a JRF Position at the Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata dated 24/02/2020
- Tender Notice No:-PU/Tender/ 19-20/ NMR-Helium/Chemistry/3 dated 19/02/2020
- Tender Notice No:-Consumable/19-20/ SERB PROJECT (EMR/2015/000910)/Geology / Sl. No 1/R dated 19/02/2020
- Tender Notice No:-NMR-Liquid Nitrogen /Ltd. Tender/19-20/PU /Chemistry/1/R dated 18/02/2020
- Tender Notice No:-Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 19-20/Life Sciences/10 dated 17/02/2020
- Tender Notice No:-Reagents/19-20/PU/DLSBT (2nd Camp)/4 dated 13/02/2020
- Tender Notice No:-Consumables/19-20/WBDST/DLS/5 dated 13/02/2020
- Tender Notice No:-Consumables/19-20/DST-EMR/DLS / Sl. No 5 dated 11/02/2020
- Tender Notice No:-NMR-Liquid Nitrogen /Ltd. Tender/19-20/PU /Chemistry/1 dated 10/02/2020
- Tender Notice No:-Consumable/19-20/ SERB PROJECT (EMR/2015/000910)/Geology / Sl. No 1 dated 10/02/2020
- Tender Notice No:-Consumables/19-20/WBDST/DLS/4 dated 07/02/2020
- Tender Notice No:-Consumables/19-20/CSIR/DLS/Sl. No 2 dated 06/02/2020
- Tender Notice No:- PU/KD/BRNS/3 dated 05/02/2020
- Tender Notice No:- INSTRUMENT/19-20/ 38(1493)/19/EMR-II/DLS/Sl.1 dated 05/02/2020
- Tender Notice No:- TISSUE CULTURE /PU/SBT/SERB-ECR/SM/2019-20/1 dated 05/02/2020
- Tender Notice No:- Consumables/19-20/EEQ-000275 /Life Sciences /KP 2 dated 05/02/2020
- Tender Notice No:- Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 19-20/Life Sciences/08 dated 28/01/2020
- Tender Notice No:- PU/SBT/NS/SERB-SRG/EQUIP/2019/05 dated 27/01/2020
- Tender Notice No:- PIYALI/DBT/consumables/2019-20/0004 dated 27/01/2020
- Advertisement for one JRF position in the laboratory of Dr. Malay Das, Dept. of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata dated 22/01/2020
- Tender Notice No:- Consumables/19-20/WBDST/DLS/2/R dated 22/01/2020
- Tender Notice No:-Consumables/19-20/CSIR/DLS/Sl. No 1 dated 21/01/2020
- Tender Notice No:- -PLASTICWARE/PU/SBT/SERB-ECR/SM/2019-20/1 dated 21/01/2020
- Tender Notice No:- -CONSUMABLE/ PU/SBT/ SERB-ECR/ SM/2019-20/01 dated 21/01/2020
- Tender Notice No:- -Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 19-20/Life Sciences/08 dated 21/01/2020
- Tender Notice No:- - PU/KD/BRNS/1 dated 20/01/2020
- A walk interview for a research scholar dated 20/01/2020
- Tender Notice No:- - Instruments/ PU/SBT/ SERB-DST/ SMo/2019-20/01/R dated 17/01/2020
- Advertisement for the positions of Junior Research Fellow in a project funded by Department of Science & Technology and Biotechnology, Govt. of West Bengal dated 17/01/2020
- Tender Notice No:- PU/AN/SERB-DST/20-21/01/R dated 16/01/2020
- Tender Notice No:- Consumables/19-20/DST-EMR/DLS / Sl. No 4 dated 15/01/2020
- Tender Notice No:- CONSUMABLES/19-20/PU/DLSBT (2nd Camp)/3 dated 13/01/2020
- Tender Notice No:- NCPOR sponsored project (S.O.: NCPOR/2019/PACER-POP/ES-01 dated 13/01/2020
- Tender Notice No:- PU/SBT/NS/SERB-SRG/CONSUMABLE/2019/03 dated 13/01/2020
- Tender Notice No:- Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 19-20/Life Sciences/07 dated 13/01/2020
- Walk-in-interview for the position of one Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in a DST-SERB (Core Research Grant) sponsored research project dated 10/01/2020
- Tender Notice No:- Consumables/19-20/WBDST/DLS/2 dated 08/01/2020
- Tender Notice No:Instruments/ PU/SBT/ SERB-DST/ SMo/2019-20/01 dated 07/01/2020
- Tender Notice No: Plasticware/19-20/DST-SERB /DLS /2 dated 06/01/2020
- Tender Notice No: Cell Culture/19-20/DST-SERB/DLS /3 dated 06/01/2020
- Tender Notice No:PU/AN/SERB-DST/20-21/01 dated 03/01/2020
- Tender Notice No:Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 19-20/Life Sciences/06 dated 03/01/2020
- A Walk-in Interview has been rescheduled to 9th January, 2020 from 8th January 2020 for a JRF Position at the Department of Chemistry, Presidency University, Kolkata dated 02/01/2020
- Advertisement for the position of Visiting Language Instructor for Sanskrit Language (Level Two) at the Department of History, Presidency University, Kolkata dated 27/12/2019
- Tender Notice No:PU/SBT/NS/SERB-SRG/EQUIP/2019/04 dated 26/12/2019
- Tender Notice No:Equipment /19-20/ SERB_EEQ/Life Sciences_Sumit / 1 dated 26/12/2019
- Walk-in-Interview for the post of one Junior Research Fellow (JRF) for a project sponsored by the Department of Higher Education, Science & Technology and Biotechnology, Government of West Bengal 26/12/2019
- Walk-in-Interview for one Junior Research Fellow (JRF) position in a NCPOR/MoES sponsored project dated 24/12/2019
- Walk-in-Interview on 2nd Jan, 2020 for a JRF Position at the Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata dated 24/12/2019
- Tender Notice No:Muffle Furnace/19-20/SRG/CHEMISTRY/ABN-6 dated 24/12/2019
- Tender Notice No:Consumable/19-20/WB-DST/DLS/RP-11 dated 20/12/2019
- Advertisement for the position of Visiting Language Instructor for Persian Language (Level Two) at the Department of History, Presidency University, Kolkata dated 20/12/2019
- Walk-in-Interview for one Junior Research Fellow (JRF) position in a DST-SERB sponsored project dated 18/12/2019
- Tender Notice No: Equip/Dept. of Geography/2019-2020/594 dated 18/12/2019
- Tender Notice No: Balance/19-20/SRG/CHEMISTRY/ABN-4 dated 18/12/2019
- Tender Notice No: Hot-Cold-Chamber/19-20/SRG/CHEMISTRY/ABN-5 dated 18/12/2019
- A Walk-in Interview on 8th January, 2020 for a JRF Position at the Department of Chemistry, Presidency University, Kolkata dated 16/12/2019
- Advertisement for one JRF position at the laboratory of Dr. Santanu Chakraborty, Dept. of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata dated. 16/12/2019 dated 16/12/2019
- Tender Notice No: PU/SBT/NS/SERB-SRG/EQUIP/2019/03 dated 13/12/2019
- Tender Notice No: Pipette/19-20/ DST-SERB/DLS / 1 dated 13/12/2019
- Applications are invited for the post of one Project Assistant for the ongoing SERB, DST, India (SRG) funded project dated 12/12/2019
- Tender Notice No: Consumable/19-20/MoES/Geology/1 dated 12/12/2019
- A Walk-in-interview will be held for the appointment of one JRF in a DST sponsored Project in the Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University dated 09/12/2019
- Tender Notice No: : Tender Notice No: : PU/MD/miRNA/CSIRII/19-20/1/R dated 05/12/2019
- Tender Notice No: : Consumables/19-20/DST-EMR/DLS / Sl. No 3 dated 28.11.2019
- Tender Notice No: : Consumables/19-20/DBTRLS3/DLS/1 dated 27.11.2019
- Tender Notice No: : /19-20/ 38(1493)/19/EMR-II/DLS/Sl.2/R dated 25.11.2019
- Presidency University, Kolkata invites online bids through The West Bengal Government e-Procurement dated 20.11.2019
- Applications are invited for the research based positions in a The International Growth Centre sponsored project “Can peer and neighbourhood effects improve maternal health outcomes in rural Bihar? Assessing the role of formal and informal networks” dated 19.11.2019
- Tender Notice No: /19-20/ 38(1493)/19/EMR-II/DLS/Sl.2 dated 08.11.2019
- Tender Notice No: Consumables/19-20/DST-EMR/DLS / Sl. No 2 dated 08.11.2019
- Tender Notice No: PU/KOL/LIB/BOOKS/RF/4 dated 08.11.2019
- Walk-in Interview Notification for Project Assistant position at the Department of Physics, Presidency University, Kolkata dated 08.11.2019
- Recruitment of one Project Assistant and three Field Investigators in IMPRESS-ICSSR sponsored project in the Department of Economics, Presidency University dated 07.11.2019
- Tender Notice No: PU/STATPHYS10/FOOD/2019/1/R dated 05.11.2019
- Tender Notice No: Consumables/19-20/ NCPOR/Life Sciences_Sumit / 1 dated 01.11.2019
- Tender Notice No: Consumables/19-20/DST-EMR/DLS / Sl. No 1 dated 31.10.2019
- Tender Notice No: Instruments/19-20/PU/DLSBT (2nd Camp)/4 dated 24.10.2019
- Tender Notice No: PU/STATPHYS10/TRANSPORT/2019/1 dated 23.10.2019
- Tender Notice No: PU/STATPHYS10/FOOD/2019/1 dated 23.10.2019
- Advertisement No: PU_RECR_AP_22-19 Online Applications are invited for different teaching posts at Presidency University, Kolkata dated 22.10.2019
- Advertisement No: PU_RECR_AP_21-19 Online Applications are invited for the posts of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor for School of Public Policy at Presidency University, Kolkata dated 21.10.2019
- Walk-in Interview Notification for Two Project Assistants Position at the Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata dated 18.10.2019
- Tender Notice No: Instruments/19-20/PU/DLSBT (2nd Camp)/3 dated 16.10.2019
- Tender Notice No: Power supply/19-20/GEOLOGY/HOD/02 dated 16.10.2019
- Tender Notice No: SMF battery/XRF/19-20/GEOLOGY/HOD/01 dated 16.10.2019
- Advertisement No: PU_RECR_AP_20-19 dated 16.10.2019
- Walk-in-Interview for one Junior Research Fellow (JRF) position in a NCPOR/MoES sponsored project dated 01.10.2019
- Walk-in-Interview for one Junior Research Fellow (JRF) position in a WB-DST sponsored project dated 01.10.2019
- Tender Notice No: Antibody/18-19/ICMR/DLS / Sl. No 2 dated 24.09.2019
- Tender Notice No: PU/KOL/LIB/BIO-TECHNOLOGY /BOOKS/01 dated 18.09.2019
- Tender Notice No: DST-SERB-2019-20/Abhik/Life Sciences/03 dated 17.09.2019
- Tender Notice No: Consumables/19-20/WBDST/DLS/3 dated 13.09.2019
- Tender Notice No: GPS/19-20/ DST (SERB)/Geology / AM-02 dated 13.09.2019
- Tender Notice No: Stereo microscope with camera/19-20/ (EEQ/2018/000578)/DLS/2 dated 12.09.2019
- Tender Notice No: Instruments/19-20/PU/DLSBT (2nd Camp)/2 dated 11.09.2019
- Tender Notice No: Instruments/19-20/PU/DLSBT (2nd Camp)/1 dated 02.09.2019
- Tender Notice No: DST-SERB-2019-20/Abhik/Life Sciences/02 dated 27.08.2019
- Tender Notice No: DLS/19-20/C/1 dated 27.08.2019
- Tender Notice No: Reagents/19-20/PU/DLSBT (2nd Camp)/2 dated 26.08.2019
- An Interview on 6th September, 2019 for one JRF Position in a CSIR Project at the Department of Chemistry, Presidency University, Kolkata dated 26.08.2019
- A walk in interview for a research scholar dated 22.08.2019
- Advertisement for one JRF position at the laboratory of Dr. Malay Das, Dept. of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata dated 22.08.2019
- Walk-in Interview Notification for Two JRF Position at the Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata dated 21.08.2019
- Tender No:Plasticwares/19-20/PU/DLSBT(2nd camp)/1 dated 19.08.2019
- Tender No:Aqua-Poly/Mount/19-20/(BT/PR25670/BRB/10/1657/2018)/DLS/Consumables 8/R dated 19.08.2019
- Tender No:Consumables/19-20/WBDST/DLS/2 dated 14.08.2019
- Tender No:PU/Life Sc/OH/NGS/SGF-II/01 dated 13.08.2019
- Tender No:Aqua-Poly/Mount/19-20/(BT/PR25670/BRB/10/1657/2018)/DLS/Consumables 8 dated 08.08.2019
- Tender No: Physics/KKD/19-20/UGCproject/Desktop/Sl. No.2 dated 05.08.2019
- Tender No: No- DST-SERB-2019-20/Abhik/Life Sciences/01 dated 02.08.2019
- Walk-in Interview Notification for One Project Assistant Position at the Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata dated 02.08.2019
- Tender No:PU/ADMIN/Writing Pad /19-20/02 dated 31.07.2019
- Tender No: PU/Geol-DST-FIST/Eqp/19-20/2R dated 30.07.2019
- Tender No: BSA/19-20/ DST(EEQ/2018/000578)/DLS/Consumables 12 dated 26.07.2019
- Tender No: Physics/KKD/19-20/UGCproject/Sl. No.1 dated 26.07.2019
- Advertisement for two Research Assistants at Presidency University, Kolkata dated 25-07-2019 dated 25.07.2019
- Tender No:Consumables/19-20/WBDST/DLS/2 dated 22.07.2019
- Tender No:DLS-Equipment/DSE-MF/19-20/Life Sciences/1-R dated 22.07.2019
- Tender No: PU/Tender-19-20/Security/01/R dated 15.07.2019
- A walk interview for research scholar dated 12.07.2019
- Interview will be held for the appointment of one JRF in a MoES sponsored Project in the Department of Geology, Presidency University, 86/1, College Street, Kolkata-700073. dated 12.07.2019
- Advertisement for a JRF position at Dept. of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata dated 12.07.2019
- Tender No: CONSUMABLES/19-20/ DBT-BT/PR28859/FCB/125/3/2018/DLS/Sl.2 dated 12.07.2019
- Advertisement for Walk-in Interview for a Project Fellow/ Associate Position for an UGC-DAE CSR (Kolkata) funded project. dated 11.07.2019
- Tender for publication of various types of advertisements in News Papers Tender No: PU/Tender/News Paper Advt. Agn./2019-20/R dated 09.07.2019
- Tender No: PU/ADMIN/ID Card & Accessories /19-20/01 dated 05.07.2019
- Tender No: DLS-Equipment/DSE-MF/19-20/Life Sciences/1 dated 05.07.2019
- Tender No: PU/Geol-DST-FIST/Eqp/19-20/2 dated 05.07.2019
- Tender No: Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 19-20/Life Sciences/05 dated 05.07.2019
- Advertisement for the position of a Project Assistant at the Department of Life Sciences dated 05.07.2019
- Tender No: Consumables/19-20/WBDST/DLS/1 dated 04.07.2019
- Advertisement for the position of a Project Assistant at the Department of Life Sciences dated 04.07.2019
- Advertisement for Walk-in Interview for a Project Fellow/ Associate Position for an UGC-DAE CSR (Kolkata) funded project (18/07/2019, 11:30 am). dated 04.07.2019
- Advertisement for Walk-in Interview for a Project Fellow/ Associate Position for an UGC-DAE CSR (Kolkata) funded project. dated 02.07.2019
- Advertisement for one JRF position at Dept. of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata dated 02.07.2019
- Tender No: PU/Tender-19-20 /Food Court /1/R dated 01.07.2019
- Tender No: PU/KOL/LIB/BOOKS/RF/3/R dated 29.06.2019
- Tender No: PU/DST/AS/LifSc./Eqip/01 dated 25.06.2019
- Tender No: Equipment/19-20/PHYSICS/P001/R dated 25.06.2019
- Tender No: CONSUMABLES/19-20/ DBT-BT/PR28859/FCB/125/3/2018/DLS/Sl.1 dated 20.06.2019
- Tender No: PU/KOL/LIB/BOOKS/RF/3 dated 20.06.2019
- Tender No: Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 19-20/Life Sciences/04 dated 19.06.2019
- Tender No: Consumables/17-18/BT/RLF/Re-entry/04/2015/18-19/ Dept of Life Sciences / 004 dated 19.06.2019
- Tender for Procurement of books at the College Street Campus, Presidency University, Kolkata dated 18.06.2019
- Tender No- Consumables/ST/P/S&T/2G-29/2018/R dated 18.06.2019
- Tender Notice for “Benchtop High Speed refrigerated Centrifuge with Accessory (Make: YINGTAI Code: TGL16)” Tender No: Equipment/19-20/EEQ-000275 /Life Sciences /KP/1 dated 18.06.2019
- Tender No: PU/Tender-19-20/Security/01 dated 17.06.2019
- Tender No: CO2 controlling system/19-20/DST(EEQ/2018/000578)/DLS/Consumables 7 dated 11.06.2019
- Tender No: Equipment/19-20/PHYSICS/P001 dated 11.06.2019
- An Interview on 14th June, 2019 for one Junior Research Fellow at the Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata dated 11.06.2019
- An Interview on 17th June, 2019 for one Technician at the Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata dated 11.06.2019
- Advertisement for a Junior Research Fellow/Project Assistant Position for an ISRO Funded Project at the Department of Physics dated 11.06.2019
- Tender Notice No.: Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 19-20/Life Sciences/03 dated 10.06.2019
- Tender for publication of various types of advertisements in News Papers Tender Notice No.: PU/Tender/News Paper Advt. Agn./2019-20 dated 10.06.2019
- Tender Notice No.: PU/Tender-19-20 /Food Court /1 dated 10.06.2019
- Interview will be held for the appointment of one JRF in a DST sponsored Project in the Department of Geology, Presidency University, 86/1, College Street, Kolkata-700073 dated 10.06.2019
- Tender No: Water Level Meter and Data Logger/19-20/PROJECT/GEOGRAPHY/ Sl. No 01 dated 10.06.2019
- Tender No: Consumables/ST/P/S&T/2G-29/2018 dated 07.06.2019
- Tender No: Consumables/19-20/EEQ-000275 /Life Sciences /KP 1 dated 07.06.2019
- Tender for Supply of Liquid Helium [with One Helium Gas Cylinder (Returnable)] in Returnable Container for 400 MHz Brucker NMR Spectrometer at Presidency University, Kolkata Tender No: NMR-Liquid Helium /19-20/PU /Chemistry/1/R dated 06.06.2019
- Interview on 17th June, 2019 for a JRF Position at the Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata dated 04.06.2019
- Advertisement for a JRF position at Dept. of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata dated 04.06.2019
- Tender No: Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 19-20/Life Sciences/02 dated 03.06.2019
- Advertisement for a JRF position at Dept. of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata Dated: 31.05.2019
- Tender No: Consumables/19-20/WBDST-AM/Life Sciences / 001 dated 30.05.2019
- Advertisement for a JRF position at Dept. of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata dated 30.05.2019
- Advertisement for one JRF position at Dept. of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata dated 30.05.2019
- Advertisement for the positions of Junior Research Fellow in a project funded by Department of Science & Technology and Biotechnology, Govt. of West Bengal dated 29.05.2019
- Advertisement for the positions of Junior Research Fellow in a project funded by Department of Science & Technology and Biotechnology, Govt. of West Bengal dated 29.05.2019
- Tender No: PU/Geol-DST-FIST/Eqp/19-20/1 dated 28.05.2019
- Tender No: Equipment/19-20/EEQ-000275 /Life Sciences /KP dated 28.05.2019
- Tender No: Consumables/17-18/BT/RLF/Re-entry/04/2015/18-19/ Dept of Life Sciences / 003 dated 28.05.2019
- A walk interview for a research scholar dated 28.05.2019
- Tender No: Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 19-20/Life Sciences/01 dated 24.05.2019
- Tender No: NMR-Liquid Helium /19-20/PU /Chemistry/1 Tender to Supply of Liquid Helium [with One Helium Gas Cylinder (Returnable)] in Returnable Container for 400 MHz Brucker NMR Spectrometer at Presidency University, Kolkata dated 24.05.2019
- Tender No: LAPTOP/18-19/FRPDF /HISTORY /01 dated 08.03.2019
- Tender No: Laptop/18-19/UGC/Physics/RC01 dated 07.03.2019
- Tender No: Books/18-19/FRPDF /Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences /SC/ 01 dated 07.03.2019
- Walk-in Interview on 13th March, 2019 for the post of one Project Assistant at the Department of Chemistry, Presidency University, Kolkata. dated 06.03.2019
- Tender No: Books/18-19/FEPDF/Mathematics/ 01 dated 06.03.2019
- Tender No: Lab equipments/ 18-19/ FRPDF/ Life Sciences/ PCB 02/R dated 01.03.2019
- Tender No: Consumables/18-19/ICMR/DLS-SSB / 1 dated 27.02.2019
- Tender No: Equipments/18-19/Physics/SD dated 27.02.2019
- Tender No: Printer/18-19/UGC-Startup/Physics/SS 001 dated 27.02.2019
- Tender No: BOOKS/18-19/FRPDF /Dept. of Mathematics/01 dated 25.02.2019
- Tender No: Consumables/ 18-19/ DBT Foldscope/ Life Sciences/ PCB 01 dated 25.02.2019
- Tender Notice for “Supply and commissioning of DELL Precision 7820 Tower XCTO Base at Presidency University / Kolkata” Tender No: Workstation/18- 19/SERB-DST/Mathematics/SK/03 dated 21.02.2019
- Tender No: SB1/18-19/DST-SERB ECR Grant/Department of Mathematics /Sl.No.3 dated 20.02.2019
- Tender No: Consumables/18-19/DST-EMR/DLS / Sl. No 2 dated 19.02.2019
- Tender No: Laptop/18-19/SERB-DST/Mathematics/SK2 dated 15.02.2019
- Tender No: Laptop/18-19/SERB-DST/Mathematics/SK1 dated 15.02.2019
- Tender No: Diff. Equipment/18-19/FRPDF/Physics/1/R dated 15.02.2019
- Tender No:- IT/17-18/FRPDF /Economics/ 2/R dated 14.02.2019
- Tender No: PU/GST Audit/17-18 /1 dated 13.02.2019
- Tender No: Consumables/18-19/DST-EMR/DLS / Sl. No 1 dated 13.02.2019
- Tender No: Workstation/18-19/UGC-Startup/Physics/SC 001 dated 12.02.2019
- Tender No: Chemicals/18-19 /Chemistry / Sl. No 04 dated 12.02.2019
- Tender No: Presidency University Library physical stock counting of books. 2019/ Sl.No.1/ dated 12.02.2019
- Tender No: Name of article/18-19/FRPDF/R dated 07.02.2019
- Tender No: Diff. Equipment/18-19/FRPDF/Physics/1 dated 05.02.2019
- Tender No: Chemicals/18-19 /Chemistry / Sl. No 03 dated 04.02.2019
- Tender No: Consumables /18-19/DBT/MG/004 dated 01.02.2019
- Tender No: Consumables for PR /18-19/WB-DBT / 1 dated 31.01.2019
- Tender No: PC 1/18-19/FRPDF /Performing Arts / refloat 1 dated 31.01.2019
- Tender No: COE/CONFI/EMS/2019/1 dated 30.01.2019
- Tender No: Instrument /18-19/FRPDF/LifeSciences/MG/001 dated 30.01.2019
- Tender No: HPWS/18-19/FRPDF/MA/Physics/PU dated 29.01.2019
- Tender No: Chemicals /18-19/FRPDF /Life Sciences / Sl. No. FRPDF 1 (18-19) dated 29.01.2019
- Tender No: Equipment/2018-19/FRPDF purchase/Statistics/AKG/Sl. No. 01 dated 28.01.2019
- A Walk-in-interview will be held for the appointment of one JRF in a DST sponsored Project in the Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, 86/1, College Street, Kolkata-700073. The details are as follows. dated 22.01.2019
- Tender No: Presidency University Library physical stock counting of books. 2019/ Sl.No.1 dated 22.01.2019
- Tender No: CONSUMABLES/18-19/ DBT-BT/PR288859/FCB/125/3/2018/DLS/Sl.1 dated 22.01.2019
- Online Applications are invited for the posts of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor at Presidency University,Kolkata. dated 22.01.2019
- Tender No: PC 1/18-19/FRPDF /Performing Arts / Sl. No 1 dated 21.01.2019
- Tender No: Consumables/18-19/WBDST/PHYS / 001 dated 21.01.2019
- Tender No: LAPTOP/18-19/FRPDF /HISTORY /01 dated 21.01.2019
- Tender No: LAPTOP/18-19/FEPDF /BENGALI / 1 dated 21.01.2019
- Tender No: BD/FRPDF/24/R dated 21.01.2019
- Tender No: BD/FRPDF/29/R dated 21.01.2019
- Tender No: BD/FRPDF/31/R dated 21.01.2019
- Tender No: SB/Geol/18-19/FRPDF/Comp/01/R dated 21.01.2019
- Tender No:- Lab instruments / 18-19/ FRPDF/ Life Sciences/ PCB 01 dated 18.01.2019
- Tender No:- Consumables/18-19/ FRPDF/ Dept. of Life Sciences / Sl. No. MS 01, dated 18.01.2019
- Tender No:- IT/17-18/FRPDF /Economics/ 2 dated 18.01.2019
- Tender No:- SB/Geol/18-19/FRPDF/Cam/01/R dated 17.01.2019
- Tender No:- Laptop/18-19/FRPDF /Department of English / Sl. No dated 16.01.2019
- Tender No:- Rotary mixer/18-19/FRPDF dated 16.01.2019
- Tender No:- Books/18-19/FRPDF /Political Science / 01 dated 16.01.2019
- Tender No:- Laptop/18-19/FRPDF/Sociology /1 dated 15.01.2019
- Walk-in-Interview for one Junior Research Fellow (JRF) position in DST-EMR sponsored project in the Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata dated 15.01.2019
- Tender No: Consumables/17-18/BT/RLF/Re-entry/04/2015/18-19/ Dept of Life Sciences / 003 dated 15.01.2019
- Tender No: Desktop/17-18/FRPDF dated 15.01.2019
- Tender No: Laptop/18-19/FEPDF / Geology / 1 dated 14.01.2019
- Tender No: ENQUIRY # FRPDF/SD/2018-19/1 dated 14.01.2019
- Tender No: SB/Geol/18-19/FRPDF/Comp/01 dated 11.01.2019
- Tender No: Consumables/18-19/PROJECT : WB- DBT/ Dept. of Life Sciences / Sl. No. MS 02, dated 11.01.2019
- Tender No: CELFROST/18-19/ FRPDF/LIFE SCIENCES / SM-1 dated 10.01.2019
- Tender No: CHEM/BD/WBDST/06 dated 09.01.2019
- Tender No: Name of article/18-19/FRPDF dated 09.01.2019
- Advertisement for the position of a Guest Lecturer at the Department of History, Presidency University, Kolkata. dated 09.01.2019
- Tender No: SB/Geol/18-19/FRPDF/Cam/01 dated 09.01.2019
- Tender No: Desktop Computer/18-19/FRPDF/Geology/UG-1 dated 09.01.2019
- Tender No: Equipment/2018-19/FRPDF purchase/Statistics/SG/Sl. No. 01 dated 09.01.2019
- Tender No: Online-UPS/18-19/FEPDF /Chemistry/ PKG/1 dated 09.01.2019
- Tender No: Printer/18-19/FRPDF/Mathematics/SG/01 dated 09.01.2019
- Tender No: Printer/18-19/FRPDF/Mathematics/MNA/01 dated 09.01.2019
- Tender No: BD/FRPDF/29 dated 09.01.2019
- Tender No: Computer and printer/18-19/FEPDF/Geology/Santanu-1 dated 09.01.2019
- Tender No: Printer/18-19/FRPDF/Mathematics/SP/01 dated 09.01.2019
- Tender No: BD/FRPDF/31 dated 09.01.2019
- Tender No: Consumable/18-19/FRPDF /Life Sciences / 1 dated 08.01.2019
- Tender No: Consumables /18-19/PROJECT : WB- DBT/ Dept. of Life Sciences / Sl. No. MS Cons. 01/R dated 08.01.2019
- Advertisement for Guest Faculty in the Department of Hindi, Presidency University, Kolkata. dated 08.01.2019
- Walk-in-Interview for one Junior Research Fellow (JRF) position in MoES-sponsored project dated 08.01.2019
- Tender No: Consumables /18-19/DBT/DLS/002 dated 07.01.2019
- Tender No: BD/FRPDF/24 dated 07.01.2019
- Tender No: Consumable/18-19/WBDST [78(Sanc.)/ST/P/S&T/1G-2/2016]/DLS/Sl. No-1 dated 07.01.2019
- Tender No: Laptop/18-19/FRPDF/Sociology /1 dated 04.01.2019
- Tender No: Books/18-19/FRPDF/Mathematics/PU/04 dated 04.01.2019
- Tender No: Sartorius Electronic Balance /18-19/FRPDF/Chemistry/BB-01 dated 04.01.2019
- Tender No: Consumable/18-19/FRPDF /DLS / Sl. No-1 dated 03.01.2019
- Tender No: Desktop Computer/18-19/FRPDF/Geology/GB-1 dated 28.12.2018
- Tender No: Laptop and Equipment/18-19/FRPDF/English Dept / Sl. No/R dated 28.12.2018
- Tender No: Xenon lamp/18-19 /Chemistry / Sl. No 01 dated 28.12.2018
- Tender No: Equipment/18-19 /Chemistry / Sl. No 02 dated 28.12.2018
- Tender No: Consumables /18-19/PROJECT : WB- DBT/ Dept. of Life Sciences / Sl. No. MS Cons. 01 dated 28.12.2018
- Tender No: Equip/18-19/BRNS PRJECT/Geology / 1/R dated 28.12.2018
- Tender No: Consumable/18-19/DST-SERB/DLS/RP-14 dated 27.12.2018
- Tender No: Desktop/18-19/FRPDF/Economics / Sl. No/R dated 24.12.2018
- Tender No: Dekstop & Printer/18-19/FEPDF or PROJECT/Chemistry / KG/CSIR/20/18-19. dated 24.12.2018
- Tender No.DSLR-Macro Lens/18-19/ WBHESTB -MRP/LIFE SCIENCES / SM-WBDHEST-1 dated 24.12.2018
- Tender No.Desktop Computer/18-19/FRPDF/Geology/GB-1 dated 20.12.2018
- Tender No.Laptop and Equipment/18-19/FRPDF/English Dept / Sl. No dated 20.12.2018
- Tender No.Desktop Computer/18-19/FEPDF/Geology/ADS-1 dated 20.12.2018
- Tender No.Desktop Computer/18-19/FEPDF/Geology/AC-1 dated 20.12.2018
- Tender No.HP Printer/18-19/FRPDF/HISTORY/ Sl. No. 2 dated 20.12.2018
- Tender No.ACE 200 SPUTTER/18-19/GEOLOGY/HOD/02/R dated 20.12.2018
- Tender No.: -Rotary Microtome/18-19/PROJECT : WB- DBT/ Dept. of Life Sciences / Sl. No. MS 01/R dated 18.12.2018
- Tender No.: -Desktop / 18-19 / FRPDF / CHEMISTRY / ABN001 dated 18.12.2018
- Tender No.: -Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 18-19/Life Sciences/05 dated 18.12.2018
- Tender No.: -Laptop/18-19/FRPDF/Philosophy/ SL. No. 01 dated 18.12.2018
- Tender No.: -ELaptop/18-19/FRPDF /Department of Geology / SWB-1 dated 18.12.2018
- Tender No.: -ELaptop/18-19/FRPDF /Department of Geology / SWB-1 dated 18.12.2018
- Tender No.: -ENQUIRY # DBT/SD/2018-19/1 dated 18.12.2018
- Tender No.: -ENQUIRY # DBT/SD/2018-19/1 dated 18.12.2018
- Tender No.: -Desktop Computer/18-19/FEPDF/Geology/SSA-1 dated 18.12.2018
- Tender No.: -Desktop/18-19/FRPDF/Chemistry /1 dated 18.12.2018
- Tender No.: -Consumables for PR /18-19/FRPDF /Life Sc. / 1 dated 18.12.2018
- An Interview on 10th January, 2019 for one JRF/RA Position in a CSIR Project at the Department of Chemistry, Presidency University, Kolkata dated 14.12.2018
- Tender No.: -Laptop/18-19/FEPDF /Geology /SR-01 dated 14.12.2018
- Tender No.: - Desktop Computer/18-19/FEPDF/Geology/TA-1 dated 14.12.2018
- Tender No.: - Vertical Axis Cup Type Water Velocity Sensor with Handheld Data-logger FEPDF 2018-2019 Name of the Department - GEOGRAPHY Sl. No. 1 dated 14.12.2018
- Tender No.: - Equip/18-19/BRNS PRJECT/Geology / 1 dated 14.12.2018
- Presidency University, Kolkata invites online bids through The West Bengal Government e-Procurement System (https://wbtenders.gov.in) from reputed, bonafide and resourceful suppliers for “supply of equipment to Presidency University, Kolkata.” dated 13.12.2018
- Tender No:-PRINTER/18-19/FRPDF/CHEMISTRY / 1 dated 13.12.2018
- Tender No:-Laptop/18-19/FRPDF/Sociology / Sl. No dated 13.12.2018
- Tender No:-Desktop/18-19/FRPDF/Chemistry /1 dated 13.12.2018
- Tender No:-Laptop/18-19/FRPDF/Sociology / Sl. No dated 13.12.2018
- Tender No:- 1 HP 240 G7 laptop /18-19/FRPDF/PHYSICS/ 1 dated 13.12.2018
- Tender No:- NMR-Liquid Nitrogen /18-19/PU /Chemistry/1/Retender dated 13.12.2018
- Tender No:- Desktop Computer/18-19/FRPDF dated 13.12.2018
- Tender No:- Laptop/18-19/FRPDF/Mathematics/SK1 dated 12.12.2018
- Tender No:Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 18-19/Life Sciences/04 dated 11.12.2018
- Advertisement for a JRF position at Dept. of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata dated 11.12.2018
- Tender No.ACE 200 SPUTTER/18-19/GEOLOGY/HOD/02 dated 11.12.2018
- Tender No.Equipments/17-18/BT/RLF/Re-entry/04/2015/18-19/ Dept of Life Sciences / 002 dated 11.12.2018
- Advertisement for two JRF positions at Dept. of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata dated 11.12.2018
- Tender No. Laptop/18-19/FRPDF/Mathematics/BR1 dated 07.12.2018
- Tender No. Rotary Microtome /18-19 / PROJECT : WB- DBT/ Dept. of Life Sciences / Sl. No. MS 01 dated 07.12.2018
- A Walk-in-interview will be held for the appointment of one JRF in a DST sponsored Project in the Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, 86/1, College Street, Kolkata-700073. dated 07.12.2018
- Tender No. Desktop/18–19/FRPDF/CHEMISTRY/RR_01 dated 06.12.2018
- Tender No. SB2/18-19/DST-SERB ECR Grant/Department of Mathematics /Sl.No.1/R, dated 06.12.2018
- Tender No. SB1/18-19/DST-SERB ECR Grant/Department of Mathematics /Sl.No.1/R dated 06.12.2018
- Tender No. NMR-Liquid Nitrogen /18-19/PU /Chemistry/1 dated 05.12.2018
- Tender No. Laptop/18-19/FRPDF/Sociology / Sl. No dated 04.12.2018
- Tender No. Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 18-19/Life Sciences/03 dated 03.12.2018
- Tender No. Chemical/18-19/FEPDF (GKK) /Chemistry / Sl. No 01 dated 30.11.2018
- Tender No. Vacuum Pump/18-19/FEPDF (GKK) /Chemistry / Sl. No 02 dated 30.11.2018
- Tender No. LifeSc/DBTRLS/ SM/Enquiry/2018-19/1/R dated 30.11.2018
- Tender No- EQUIPMENT/18-19/FRPDF/PHYSICS/SKS001 dated 29.11.2018
- Tender No- EQUIPMENT/18-19/FRPDF/PHYSICS/SR001 dated 29.11.2018
- Tender No- Name of article/17-18/FRPDF /Economics / Sl. No 1 dated 29.11.2018
- Tender No- Balance & Shaker/18-19/FRPDF/DLS / Sl. No 1 dated 28.11.2018
- Tender No- Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 18-19/Life Sciences/02 dated 27.11.2018
- An Interview on 19th December, 2018 for one Research Associate Position and oneTechnician at the Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata dated 22.11.2018
- Tender No. Printer/17-18/FRPDF /PHYSICS dated 22.11.2018
- Tender No. SB1/18-19/DST-SERB ECR Grant/Department of Mathematics /Sl.No.1, dated 20.11.2018
- Tender No. Malay Das/DLS/DBT project/18-19/Sl. No.: 3 dated 20.11.2018
- Tender No. Equipment/18-19/FRPDF/DLS/SuM dated 20.11.2018
- Tender No. SB2/18-19/DST-SERB ECR Grant/Department of Mathematics /Sl.No.1, dated 20.11.2018
- Tender No. Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 18-19/Life Sciences/01 dated 20.11.2018
- Tender No. PU/18-19/NMR-Nitrogen/Chem/2R1 dated 20.11.2018
- Tender No. Malay Das/DLS/DBT project/18-19/Sl. No.: 2 dated 12.11.2018
- Tender No. Consumable/18-19/WB-DST/DLS/RP-9/R dated 02.11.2018
- Tender No. PU/2nd Camp/Biotech/Equip/24R2 dated 02.11.2018
- Tender No. Malay Das/DLS/DBT project/18-19/Sl. No.: 1 dated 02.11.2018
- Presidency University, Kolkata invites online bids through The West Bengal Government e-Procurement System (https://wbtenders.gov.in) from reputed, bonafide and resourceful suppliers for “supply of equipment to Presidency University, Kolkata dated 31.10.2018
- Tender No. Plasticware/18-19/FRPDF/DLS/NB1 dated 31.10.2018
- Tender No. consumables/17-18/BT/RLF/Re-entry/04/2015/18-19/ Dept of Life Sciences / 001 dated 01.11.2018
- Tender No. siRNA/18-19/DST-NPDF/DLS / Sl. No 1 dated 31.10.2018
- Presidency University, Kolkata invites online bids through The West Bengal Government e-Procurement System (https://wbtenders.gov.in) from reputed, bonafide and resourceful suppliers for supplying the items ” dated 31.10.2018
- Presidency University, Kolkata invites online bids through The West Bengal Government e-Procurement System (https://wbtenders.gov.in) from reputed, bonafide and resourceful suppliers for “supply of equipment to Presidency University, Kolkata.” dated 29.10.2018
- Tender No. Consumables/DST-SERB_DLS_KP_2018_1 dated 29.10.2018
- Tender No. LifeSc/DBTRLS/ SM/Enquiry/2018-19/1 dated 29.10.2018
- Tender No. Consumable/18-19/WB-DST/DLS/RP-9 dated 10.10.2018
- Tender No. CONTIN/18-19/GEOLOGY/HOD/01 dated 09.10.2018
- Tender No. PU/ADMIN/ID Card Printer/18-19/02 dated 09.10.2018
- Presidency University, Kolkata invites online bids through The West Bengal Government e-Procurement System (https://wbtenders.gov.in) from reputed, bonafide and resourceful suppliers for “supply of equipment to Presidency University, Kolkata.” dated 05.10.2018
- Tender No. Arunava/HP/17-18/FRPDF /Physics/ 1 dated 05.10.2018
- Presidency University, Kolkata invites online bids through The West Bengal Government e-Procurement System (https://wbtenders.gov.in) from reputed, bonafide and resourceful suppliers for “supply of equipment to Presidency University, Kolkata.” dated 04.10.2018
- Tender No. Consumables/18-19/DST/DLS/AC/Sl. No 1 dated 04.10.2018
- Tender No. GPS/18-19/FRPDF/Geology/SJB/01 dated 04.10.2018
- Presidency University, Kolkata invites online bids through The West Bengal Government e-Procurement System (https://wbtenders.gov.in) from reputed, bonafide and resourceful suppliers for “supply of equipment to Presidency University, Kolkata.” dated 03.10.2018
- Tender No: Consumables/18-19/FEPDF/DLS/AC/Sl. No 1 dated 01.10.2018
- Tender No: Consumables /18-19/DBT/DLS/001 dated 01.10.2018
- Tender No: HP Printer/18-19/FRPDF/HISTORY/ Sl. No. 2 dated 01.10.2018
- Tender No: MacBookPro (laptop) /18-19/FRPDF/HISTORY/ Sl. No. 1 dated 01.10.2018
- Tender No: No- Desktop/18-19/FRPDF/Economics / Sl. No dated 25.09.2018
- SRF position in Life Sciences (Botany)
- Tender No: No- 1 HP Probook 440 G5 Laptop/18-19/FRPDF/PHYSICS/ 1 dated 18.09.2018
- Tender No: No- Laptop/18-19/FRPDF/Philosophy/ SL. No. 01 dated 18.09.2018
- Tender No: No- CBCS_UG1/18-19/Presidency/Physics/01/1 dated 18.09.2018
- Presidency University, Kolkata invites online applications for the posts of Secretary Faculty Council (Science) , Secretary Faculty Council (Arts) and Assistant Registrar Advertisement No: PU_RECR_AP_18-18 dated 14.09.2018
- Walk-in-interview for the appointment of one Project Assistant in a Department of Science and Technology (West Bengal) sponsored Research Project
- Walk-in Interview Notification for One Project Assistant Position at the Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata
- Advertisement for SRF position
- Advertisement for participation of NGOs for survey/ field study approved by WB-DST. ; Dated: 05.09.2018
- Presidency University invites applications for the post Infosys Foundation Distinguished Chair Professor of Economics at Presidency University, Kolkata ; Ref. No: PU/DIST/INF_ECON_CHR/2018/02 ; Dated: 01.09.2018
- Tender No: Consumables/18-19/FEPDF/DLS/SS/Sl. No 1 Dated:31.08.2018
- Tender No: CBCS_UG1/18-19/Presidency/Physics/01 Dated:30.08.2018
- Presidency University, Kolkata invites online bids through The West Bengal Government e-Procurement System (https://wbtenders.gov.in) from reputed, bonafide and resourceful suppliers for supplying the items Dated:24.08.2018
- Tender No: LAPTOP/18-19/FRPDF /HISTORY /01 Dated:24.08.2018
- Advertisement for a JRF position at Dept. of Geography, Presidency University, Kolkata Dated:24.08.2018
- Advertisement for a JRF position at Dept. of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata Dated:23.08.2018
- Rate Enquiry Notice for the supply of the Silver Casket for the 6th Convocation of the Presidency University Tender No.PU/Convo/18-19/Casket/1R Dated:21.08.2018
- Tender No.PU/ 18-19/ NMR-Helium/Chem/1 Dated:14.08.2018
- Advertisement for a JRF position at Dept. of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata Dated:13.08.2018
- Tender No.DLS/18-19/C/2 Dated:13.08.2018
- Tender No.DLS/18-19/C/1 Dated:08.08.2018
- Tender No.PU/2nd Camp/Biotech/Equip/24 Dated:07.08.2018
- Tender No.WS/WBDST/18/KG/2R Dated:02.08.2018
- Tender to supply of equipment to Presidency University, Kolkata. Dated:31-07-2018
- Tender Notice No.: PU/Life Sc./OH/NGS/01 Dated:30-07-2018
- Adv No PU/DLS/PM/WB-DST /ADV-01/2018-2019 Dated:30-07-2018
- Walk-in Interview on 16th August, 2018 for a JRF at the Department of Chemistry, Presidency University, Kolkata.. Date :26.7.2018
- Advertisement for Guest Faculty for the Department of Hindi,Presidency University,Kolkata. Date :25.7.2018
- Notice Inviting Tender No.: Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 17-18/Life Sciences/04 Dated:24-07-2018
- Notice Inviting Tender No.: WS/WBDST/18/KG/2 Dated:24-07-2018
- Notice Inviting Tender No.: DLS/WB-DST/2018-19/RP/Consumable-6 Dated:19-07-2018
- Notice Inviting Tender No.: Workstation/18- 19/WBDST/Physics/RK/01 Dated:19-07-2018
- Notice Inviting Tender No.: PU/Tender/News Paper Advt.Agn./2018-19/02 Dated:18-07-2018
- Advertisement for a JRF position at Dept. of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata Dated:16/07/2018
- Tender No. PRINTER/18-19/FRPDF/Mathematics/03 Dated:12-07-2018
- Walk-in-Interview for one Junior Research Fellow (JRF) position in MoES-sponsored project Dated:12/07/2018
- Walk-in-interview for one JRF position on 25th July, 2018 at Department of Physics, Presidency University, Kolkata in a WBDST sponsored project Dated:10/07/2018
- Advertisement for a JRF position at Dept. of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata Dated:09/07/2018
- Tender No. Desktop Computer/18-19/FRPDF/Political Science/ Sl. No. MD 1 Dated:05-07-2018
- Tender No. WS/WBDST/18/KG/1 Dated:04-07-2018
- Tender No. DSLR/18-19/FRPDF /Geology /SNB- 01 Dated:29-06-2018
- Walk-in-Interview for one Junior Research Fellow (JRF) position in a WB DST sponsored project Dated:28-06-2018
- Advertisement for a JRF Position at the Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata Dated:28-06-2018
- Tender No. Books/18-19/PRG/History / Sl. 1 Dated:27-06-2018
- Tender No. Consumables/UGC/17-18/001 Dated:21-06-2018
- Walk-in-Interview for the post of one Junior Research Fellow (JRF) for a project sponsored by the Department of Higher Education, Science & Technology and Biotechnology, Government of West Bengal Dated:19-06-2018
- Tender No. Cell Imaging/18-19/FRPDF/Life Science / AM18-19/001 Dated:19-06-2018
- Tender No. Cuvette/18-19/DST/Chemistry/AB-12 Dated:19-06-2018
- Advertisement for a post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Dated:15-06-2018
- A Walk-in Interview on 27th June, 2018 for a JRF/SRF Position at the Department of Chemistry, Presidency University, Kolkata Dated:15-06-2018
- Tender No. DSLR/18-19/FRPDF /Geology /AM- 01 Dated:15-06-2018
- Walk-in-Interview for one Junior Research Fellow (JRF) position in a WB DST sponsored project Dated:13-06-2018
- Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the DST (Govt. of India) sponsored Project on 21/06/18 (Thursday) Dated:11-06-2018
- Walk-in-Interview for the post of one Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in a WBDHEST sponsored project Dated:08-06-2018
- Tender No. DLS/WB-DST/2018-19/RP/Consumable-5 Dated:07-06-2018
- Walk-in Interview on 12th June, 2018 for TWO Project Assistant Positions at the Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata Dated:05-06-2018
- Tender No. Antibody/18-19/UGC-MRP/Life Sciences / Sl. No Y2/2 . Dated:05-06-2018
- Tender for supply of equipment to Presidency University, Kolkata. Dated:04-06-2018
- Advertisement for a JRF position at Dept. of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata Dated:25-05-2018
- Walk-in-Interview for one Junior Research Fellow (JRF) position in a WB DST sponsored project Dated:25-05-2018
- Advertisement for a JRF Position at the Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata Dated:24-05-2018
- Walk-in Interview on 11.06.2018, 2018 for a JRF Position at the Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata Dated:24-05-2018
- Walk-in Interview on 6th June, 2018 for a JRF Position at the Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata Dated:21-05-2018
- A Walk-in-interview will be held for the appointment of one JRF in a DST sponsored Project in the Department of Life Sciences Dated:17-05-2018
- Tender Notice No.: Sumit/DLS/MoES/18-19/Boat Hire/R Dated:17-05-2018
- Tender Notice No.: Book/15-18/UGC(MRP-MAJOR-ZOOL-2013-16812) Dated:14-05-2018
- Tender Notice No.: PU/2nd Camp/Physics/Equip/1/R Dated:11-05-2018
- Tender Notice No.: Sumit/DLS/MoES/18-19/Boat Hire Dated:10-05-2018
- Tender Notice No.: DLS/WB-DBT/2018-19/SSB/Consumable-1 Dated:08-05-2018
- Tender Notice No.: PU/WORKS-(O)-01/2018-19/R Dated:07-05-2018
- Walk-in Interview on 7th May, 2018 for a JRF Position at the Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata Dated:27.04.2018
- Tender Notice No: DLS/DST-SERB/2018-19/RP/Consumable-1; Dated:27.04.2018
- Tender for Procurement of instruments related to proposed School of Astrophysics and Space Science at Rajarhat Campus, Presidency University, Kolkata.; Dated:23.04.2018
- Tender to supply of equipment to Presidency University, Kolkata.; Dated:20.04.2018
- Walk-in Interview on 4th May, 2018 for a JRF Position at the Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata
- Advertisement for Walk-in Interview for a Junior Research Fellow / Project Assistant Position for a SERB funded project
- Tender to supply of equipment to Presidency University, Kolkata. ; Dated:19.04.2018
- Tender to supply of equipment to Presidency University, Kolkata.; Dated:20.04.2018
- Tender Notice No: PU/2nd Camp/Biotech/Equip/7/R ; Dated:18.04.2018
- Tender Notice No: PU/WORKS-(O)-01/2018-19 ; Dated:18.04.2018
- tender Notice No: DLS/WB-DST/2018-19/RP/Consumable-2 ; Dated:17.04.2018
- tender Notice No: DLS/WB-DST/2018-19/RP/Consumable-1 ; Dated:17.04.2018
- Tender to supply of equipment to Presidency University, Kolkata. ; Dated:17.04.2018
- tender Notice No: DLS/WB-DST/2018-19/RP/Equipment-1A ; Dated:17.04.2018
- tender Notice No: DLS/WB-DST/2018-19/RP/Equipment-2. ; Dated:16.04.2018
- Tender to supply of equipment to Presidency University, Kolkata. ; Dated:12.04.2018
- Tender to Supply of equipment to Presidency University, Kolkata. ; Dated:10.04.2018
- Call for nominations/applications for the post of Vice Chancellor, Presidency University, Kolkata No: VC/SRCH/2018/1 Date: 09.04.2018
- A Walk-in Interview on 19th April, 2018 for a JRF/Project Assistant Position at the Department of Chemistry, Presidency University, Kolkata ; Dated:06.04.2018
- Tender Notice No:PU/ICT/MCAR/17-18/R ; Dated:06.04.2018
- Tender Notice No:DLS/WB-DST/2018-19/RP/Equipment-1 ; Dated:03.04.2018
- Tender Notice No:PU/ICT/MCAR/17-18 ; Dated:27.03.2018
- JRF / SRF in DST Project; Dated: 20.03.2018
- Tender Notice No:CONSUMABLES/17-18/CSIR38 (1386)/EMR-II/DLS/Sl. 3 ; Dated:14.03.2018
- Tender Notice No:CONSUMABLES/17-18/CSIR38 (1386)/EMR-II/DLS/Sl. 1 ; Dated:14.03.2018
- Tender Notice No:CONSUMABLES/17-18/CSIR38 (1386)/EMR-II/DLS/Sl. 2 ; Dated:14.03.2018
- Tender Notice No:UKB/ BENG/PU/DESKTOP/FRPDF/2017-18/01; Dated:13.03.2018
- Tender Notice No:Stage decoration/17-18/MILEU/Dean of Students/1; Dated:12.03.2018
- Tender Notice No:Piyali Mukherjee/Consumables/17-18/DBT/008; Dated:12.03.2018
- Tender Notice No:Refreshment/17-18/MILEU/Dean of Students/1; Dated:12.03.2018
- Tender Notice No:DLS-Equipment/17-18/Life Sciences/23R; Dated:12.03.2018
- Tender Notice No:DLS-Equipment/17-18/Life Sciences/021R ; Dated:12.03.2018
- Tender Notice No:BOOKS/17-18/CAS/Geology / 03 (R) ; Dated:09.03.2018
- Tender Notice No:Desktop/17-18/FEPDF /Bengali Dept. / Sl. No 01; Dated:09.03.2018
- Walk-in Interview Notification for JRF Position at the Department of Physics, Presidency University, Kolkata; Dated: 07.03.2018
- Tender Notice No:BOOKS/17-18/CAS/Geology / 02; Dated: 28.02.2018
- Tender Notice No:ENQUIRY # DBT/SD/2017-18/2; Dated: 28.02.2018
- Tender Notice No:Equipment/2017-18/FRPDF purchase/Statistics/PG/Sl. No. 01 ; Dated: 28.02.2018
- Tender Notice No:DLS-Equipment/17-18/Life Sciences/23 ; Dated: 28.02.2018
- Tender Notice No:Name of article/17-18/FRPDF /Department of Sociology/ Sl. No ; Dated: 27.02.2018
- Tender Notice No:Books 17-18/FEPDF / History / Sl. No. 1 ; Dated: 27.02.2018
- Tender Notice No:Name of article/17-18/FEPDF orPRJECT/Name of the Dept / Sl. No ; Dated: 27.02.2018
- Tender Notice No:Books/17-18/FRPDF /Sociology/ND01 ; Dated: 27.02.2018
- Tender Notice No:DLS-Equipment/17-18/Life Sciences/22 ; Dated: 27.02.2018
- Tender Notice No:Chemicals /17-18/FEPDF /Life Sciences / Sl. No. FRPDF 1 (17-18) ; Dated: 27.02.2018
- Tender Notice No:DLS-Equipment/17-18/Life Sciences/021; Dated: 27.02.2018
- Tender Notice No:Equipment/17-18/FRPDF; Dated: 27.02.2018
- Tender Notice No:ENQUIRY # DBT/SD/2017-18/1; Dated: 26.02.2018
- Tender Notice No:PCS / 17-18 / FRPDF / PU/ Physics / RK 01; Dated: 23.02.2018
- Tender Notice No:Books 17-18 FRPDF/Philosophy/1; Dated: 23.02.2018
- Tender Notice No:Books/17-18/FRPDF ; Dated: 23.02.2018
- Walk-in Interview on 7th March, 2018 for a Project Assistant/JRF Position at the Department of Chemistry, Presidency University, Kolkata; Dated: 22.02.2018
- Tender Notice No: UKB/ BENG/PU/DESKTOP/FRPDF/2017-18/01 ; Dated: 21.02.2018
- Tender Notice No: BOOKS/17-18/CAS/Geology / 01 ; Dated: 21.02.2018
- Tender Notice No: Piyali Mukherjee/Consumables/17-18/DST/002; Dated: 20.02.2018
- Tender Notice No: Piyali Mukherjee/Consumables/17-18/DBT/007; Dated: 20.02.2018
- Tender Notice No: Desktop PC /17-18/ FRPDF /Name of the Dept. - Dept. of Life Sciences / Sl. No. 02, MS; Dated: 19.02.2018
- Tender Notice No: Handycam /2017-2018/FRPDF /Hindi / Sl. No- 03; Dated: 19.02.2018
- Tender Notice No: HP AIO 20-C020IL Desktop and HP LaserJet Pro M132 Monochrome Multi-Functional Laser Printer /17-18/Departmental Fund allocation/Performing Arts / Sl. No ; Dated: 19.02.2018
- Tender Notice No: Consumables-Chemicals/17-18/FRPDF/PHYSICS-SD/01 ; Dated: 16.02.2018
- Tender Notice No: Laptop PC/17-18/FEPDF /Economics / Sl. No. 2 ; Dated: 15.02.2018
- Tender Notice No: Piyali Mukherjee/Consumables/17-18/DST/001 ; Dated: 15.02.2018
- Presidency University, Kolkata invites online bids through The West Bengal Government e-Procurement System (https://wbtenders.gov.in) from reputed, bonafide and resourceful suppliers for “supply of equipment to Presidency University, Kolkata.”
- Presidency University, Kolkata invites online bids through The West Bengal Government e-Procurement System (https://wbtenders.gov.in) from reputed, bonafide and resourceful supplier for “supply of equipment to Presidency University, Kolkata.” ;
- Tender Notice No: Piyali Mukherjee/Consumables/17-18/DBT 002 ; Dated: 13.02.2018
- Tender Notice No: Piyali Mukherjee/FRPDF/2017-18/002 ; Dated: 13.02.2018
- Tender Notice No: Books/17-18/FRPDF ; Dated: 13.02.2018
- Tender Notice No: Research Equipments , Name of articles –1. Ultralow Freezer and 2) Upright Showcase Cooler ,/17-18/FRPDF / Name of the Dept. - Dept. of Life Sciences / Sl. No. 01, MS/R, ; Dated: 12.02.2018
- Tender Notice No: Desktop Computer/17-18/FRPDF/Geology/SJB/02 ; Dated: 12.02.2018
- Tender Notice No: Camera DSLR/17-18/FEPDF /Geology / SR/02; Dated: 08.02.2018
- Tender Notice No: Consumables/17-18/Chatterjee/ Department of Life Sciences /DST/1; Dated: 08.02.2018
- Tender Notice No: Laptop/PU/HIND/FRPDF/NH/R; Dated: 08.02.2018
- Tender Notice No:Consumables-Antibodies/17-18/FRPDF/Life Sciences/01 ; Dated: 07.02.2018
- Tender Notice No: 08 /Books /17-18/FRPDF – SC ; Dated: 06.02.2018
- Tender Notice No: Laptop/17-18/FRPDF/Political Science /Serial No- 1 ; Dated: 05.02.2018
- Tender Notice No: Desktop PC /17-18/ FRPDF / Dept. of Physics / Sl. No. 01 ; Dated: 05.02.2018
- Walk-in Interview Notification for One Project Assistant Position at the Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata ; Dated: 05.02.2018
- Tender Notice No: DESKTOP PC/17-18/FRPDF Political Science Department /SNo. 1 ; Dated: 05.02.2018
- Tender Notice No: Camcorder/17-18/FRPDF /Performing Arts / Sl. No 1/R ; Dated: 05.02.2018
- Tender Notice No: - Laptop PC/17-18/FEPDF /Economics / Sl. No. 1 ; Dated: 02.02.2018
- Tender Notice No: Desktop PC /17-18/ FRPDF / Dept. of Life Sciences / Sl. No. 02/R ; Dated: 02.02.2018
- Presidency University invites applications for the post Infosys Foundation Distinguished Chair Professor of Economics at Presidency University, Kolkata ; Ref. No: PU/DIST/INF_ECON_CHR/2018/01 ; Dated: 02.02.2018
- Tender Notice No: SOCL/SS/FRPDF/2017-18/01 ; Dated: 02.02.2018
- Tender Notice No: Chemicals, Consumables and Equipments/17-18/FRPDF/KG/DLS/1 ; Dated: 01.02.2018
- Tender Notice No: 07 /Books /17-18/FRPDF -SC ; Dated: 31.01.2018
- Tender Notice No: Name of article/17-18/FRPDF/Sociology/1/R ; Dated: 25.01.2018
- Tender Notice No: Malay Das/DLS/DBT project/17-18/Sl. No.: 4 ; Dated: 25.01.2018
- Tender Notice No: Camcorder/17-18/FRPDF /Performing Arts / Sl. No 1 ; Dated: 25.01.2018
- Tender Notice No: Desktop PC /17-18/ FRPDF / Dept. of Life Sciences / Sl. No. 02 ; Dated: 25.01.2018
- Tender Notice No: Books/17-18/FRPDF/Sociology / 1/R ; Dated: 25.01.2018
- Tender Notice No: Lenovo ThinkPad/17-18/FRPDF/Bengali /01; Dated: 24.01.2018
- Tender Notice No: Laptop/PU/HIND/FRPDF/NH/; Dated: 24.01.2018
- Tender Notice No: CONSUMABLES/17-18/FRPDF /DEPARTMENT OF LIFE SCIENCES /SENGUPTA-1 /R; Dated: 18.01.2018
- Tender Notice No: MU/ BENG/PU/PRINTER/FRPDF/2017-18/01 ; Dated: 16.01.2018
- Tender Notice No: DLS-Equipment/17-18/ Life Sciences / 002 ; Dated: 15.01.2018
- Tender Notice No: Research Equipments , Name of articles –1. Ultralow Freezer and 2) Upright Showcase Cooler ,/17-18/FRPDF / Name of the Dept. - Dept. of Life Sciences / Sl. No. 01, MS, ; Dated: 15.01.2018
- Tender Notice No: Name of article/17-18/FRPDF/Sociology/1 ; Dated: 15.01.2018
- Tender Notice No: Books/17-18/FRPDF/Sociology / 1 ; Dated: 15.01.2018
- Tender Notice No: Consumables/ 17-18/ UGC Start up/ Life Sciences/ 02 ; Dated: 15.01.2018
- Tender Notice No: CONSUMABLES/17-18/FRPDF /DEPARTMENT OF LIFE SCIENCES /SENGUPTA-1 ; Dated: 11.01.2018
- Tender Notice No: Camera DSLR/17-18/FRPDF/Geology/SJB/01 ; Dated: 11.01.2018
- Tender Notice No: Tender Notice No: DLS-Equipments/17-18/ Life Sciences / 004 ; Dated: 09.01.2018
- Tender Notice No: Tender Notice No: ENQUIRY # DellWorkstation/FRPDF/2017-18/SD1; Dated: 08.01.2018
- Tender Notice No: Tender Notice No: Piyali Mukherjee/Consumables/17-18/DBT/Life Sciences / 006 ; Dated: 08.01.2018
- Tender Notice No: Tender Notice No: PU/FRPDF/17-18/ Life Sciences /SS/01 ; Dated: 04.01.2018
- Tender Notice No: Piyali Mukherjee/Consumables/17-18/DBT/Life Sciences / 005 ; Dated: 03.01.2018
- Tender Notice No: Laptop/17-18/FRPDF/Life Science / AM 17-18/001 ; Dated: 02.01.2018
- Tender Notice No: Chemicals /17-18/FRPDF / Chemistry / GKK /Sl. No 1 ; Dated: 28.12.2017
- Tender Notice No: PU/Tender17-18/Security/1 ; Dated: 27.12.2017
- Tender Notice No: PU/FRPDF/17-18/ Life Sciences /SS/01 ; Dated: 27.12.2017
- Tender Notice No: DLS-Equipments/17-18/ Life Sciences / 003 ; Dated: 26.12.2017
- Tender Notice No: DLS-Equipments/17-18/ Life Sciences / 001 ; Dated: 26.12.2017
- Tender Notice No: Sumit/DLS/MoES/17-18/Consumable/2 ; Dated: 20.12.2017
- Tender Notice No: Consumables/ 17-18/ UGC Start up/ Life Sciences/ 01 ; Dated: 20.12.2017
- Tender Notice No: BT/RLF/Re-entry/35/2015/17-18/DBT RLS/Dept of Life Sciences / 005 ; Dated: 18.12.2017
- Tender Notice No: BT/RLF/Re-entry/04/2015/17-18/Characterizing the function of cytoplasmic capping in response to stress/Dept of Life Sciences / 001 ; Dated: 15.12.2017
- Tender Notice No: PU/Car Hire/17-18/1-R ; Dated: 15.12.2017
- Tender Notice No: PU/Tender17-18/Housekeeping/1R ; Dated: 15.12.2017
- Tender Notice No: Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 17-18/Life Sciences/03 ; Dated: 14.12.2017
- Tender Notice No: PU/Tender17-18NMRHelium/Chem1R ; Dated: 14.12.2017
- Walk-in Interview on 15th December, 2017 for a Project Assistant Position at the Department of Chemistry, Presidency University, Kolkata. ; Dated: 13.12.2017
- Tender Notice No: - ..: -- Cell culture/17-18/UGC-MRP/Life Sciences / Sl. No Y2/1 ; Dated: 13.12.2017
- Tender Notice No: - ..: -- BT/RLF/Re-entry/04/2015/17-18/Characterizing the function of cytoplasmic capping in response to stress/Dept of Life Sciences / 001; Dated: 08.12.2017
- Tender Notice No: - ..: -Sumit/DLS/MoES/17-18/Consumable/1; Dated: 07.12.2017
- Tender Notice No: - ..: -Laptop/17-18/FEPDF /Geology / 01; Dated: 06.12.2017
- Tender Notice No: - ..: - Consumable/17-18/FRPDF /Life Sciences / 1 ; Dated: 06.12.2017
- Tender Notice No: - ..: - Malay Das/DLS/UGC-MRP/17-18/Sl. No.: 3 ; Dated: 06.12.2017
- Tender Notice No: - ..: - Malay Das/DLS/UGC-MRP/17-18/Sl. No.: 2 ; Dated: 06.12.2017
- Tender Notice No: - ..: - BT/RLF/Re-entry/04/2015/17-18/Characterizing the function of cytoplasmic capping in response to stress/Dept of Life Sciences / 006 ; Dated: 06.12.2017
- Tender Notice No: - ..: PU/Tender/ 17-18/ NMR-Helium/Chemistry/1 ; Dated: 04.12.2017
- Tender Notice No: - ..: PU/WORKS-(O)-15/2017-18/R ; Dated: 04.12.2017
- Tender Notice No: - ..: BT/RLF/Re-entry/35/2015/17-18/ Molecular Regulation of ciliogenesis and centriole assembly in mammalian cells /Dept of Life Sciences / 004 ; Dated: 04.12.2017
- Tender Notice No: - ..: DST-FIST/Chemistry/N2/17-18/2 ; Dated: 01.12.2017
- Tender Notice No: - ..: DST-FIST/Chemistry/17-18/1; Dated: 01.12.2017
- Tender Notice No: - ..: BT/RLF/Re-entry/04/2015/17-18/Characterizing the function of cytoplasmic capping in response to stress/Dept of Life Sciences / 005 ; Dated: 01.12.2017
- Tender Notice No: - ..: Desktop computer with UPS /17-18/FEPDF /Geology / SNB/ 01 ; Dated: 30.11.2017
- Tender Notice No: - ..: Desktop computer with UPS /17-18/FEPDF /Geology / SR/01 ; Dated: 30.11.2017
- Tender Notice No: - ..: BT/RLF/Re-entry/04/2015/17-18/Characterizing the function of cytoplasmic capping in response to stress/Dept of Life Sciences / 001 ; Dated: 30.11.2017
- Tender Notice No: - ..: 01/2017, HP i5-7200U Laptop/17-18/ FRPDF /Pol. Sc. ; Dated: 29.11.2017
- Tender Notice No: - ..: PU/Tender/17-18/Housekeeping/1 ; Dated: 24.11.2017
- Tender Notice No: - ..: PU/Car Hire/17-18/1 ; Dated: 24.11.2017
- Tender Notice No: - ..: Consumables/17-18/DST (SB/YS/LS-88/2014) / 6 ; Dated: 23.11.2017
- Tender Notice No: - ..: Consumables (Fine Chemicals) 17-18/PROJECT [235-(Sanc)/BT(Estt)/RD-13/2013 dated 29.03.2017] DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES / Sl. No-PU/DBS/Amlan/WBDST-1 ; Dated: 20.11.2017
- Tender Notice No: - ..: Malay Das/DLS/UGC-MRP/17-18/Sl. No.: 1 ; Dated: 17.11.2017
- Tender Notice No: - ..: PU/WORKS-(O)-15/2017-18 ; Dated: 16.11.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 17-18/Life Sciences/02 ; Dated: 14.11.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: -BT/RLF/Re-entry/04/2015/17-18/Characterizing the function of cytoplasmic capping in response to stress/Dept of Life Sciences / 001/R ; Dated: 14.11.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: -PM/FRPDF/2017-18/001 ; Dated: 09.11.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: -Malay Das/DLS/DBT project/17-18/Sl. No.: 3 ; Dated: 09.11.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: -Upright freezer/ 17-18/ FRPDF/ Life Sciences/ 01 ; Dated: 08.11.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: -Malay Das/DLS/DBT project/17-18/Sl. No.: 1 ; Dated: 08.11.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: - Malay Das/DLS/DBT project/17-18/Sl. No.: 2 ; Dated: 08.11.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: - Consumables/17-18/FRPDF/Life Sciences /1 ; Dated: 08.11.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: - 01/2017, Apple Macbook Air MQD42HN /17-18/FRPDF ; Dated: 08.11.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: - Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 17-18/Life Sciences/01 ; Dated: 08.11.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: - Consumables/17-18/ PROJECT/Life Sciences / PR/WB-DBT/8 ; Dated: 08.11.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: - Laptop/17-18/FRPDF /Geology / 01 ; Dated: 06.11.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: - Consumables/17-18/DBT/Life Sciences / 003 ; Dated: 06.11.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: - Consumables/17-18/DBT/Life Sciences / 004 ; Dated: 06.11.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: - Laptop-1/17-18/FRPDF/Bengali / KKB-01 ; Dated: 06.11.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: - Consumables/17-18/DBT/Life Sciences / 002 ; Dated: 18.10.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: - BALANCE /17-18 /CHEMISTRY / 2 ; Dated: 18.10.2017
- Presidency University invites online applications for the post of Assistant Controller of Examinations at Presidency University, Kolkata. Advertisement No: PU_RECR_AP_17-17 Dated: 02/11/2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: - 04 /Stationery /17-18 / R ; Dated: 18.10.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: - 03 /Stationery /17-18 / R ; Dated: 18.10.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: - Desktop Computer and Printer/17-18/FRPDF/ Geography /02 ; Dated: 16.10.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: - Desktop-01/17-18/FRPDF/Chemistry/AB-02; Dated: 13.10.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: - Consumables/17-18/DBT/Life Sciences / 001; Dated: 10.10.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: - 03 /Stationery /17-18; Dated: 22.09.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: - 04 /Stationery /17-18; Dated: 22.09.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: - Fine Chemicals/17-18/DBT-BioCARe/Life Science / AM 17-18/002 ; Dated: 22.09.2017
- Applications are invited for different non-teaching posts at Presidency University, Kolkata Addvertisement Number: PU_RECR_AP_15-17 Dated: 21/09/2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: - CRO/17-18/DST-FIST/Physics/1; Dated: 20.09.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: - BT/RLF/Re-entry/35/2015/17-18/Molecular regulation of ciliogenesis and centriole assembly in mammalian cells/Dept of Life Sciences / 001; Dated: 20.09.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: BT/RLF/Re-entry/35/2015/17-18/PROJECT/Dept of Life Sciences / 002; Dated: 18.09.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: BT/RLF/Re-entry/35/2015/17-18/Characterizing the function of cytoplasmic capping in response to stress/Dept of Life Sciences / 001; Dated: 18.09.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: BT/RLF/Re-entry/35/2015/17-18/ Characterizing the function of cytoplasmic capping in response to stress /Dept of Life Sciences / 002; Dated: 18.09.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: BALANCE /17-18 /CHEMISTRY / 1; Dated: 15.09.2017
- Walk-in interview for the position of Research Assistant Dated: 15.09.2017
- Advertisement for Walk-in Interview for a Junior Research Fellow Position for a SERB funded project Dated: 15.09.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: Desktop-01/17-18/FRPDF/Chemistry/AB-01; Dated: 13.09.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: Consumables/17-18/DST-YS/Life Sciences /1; Dated: 08.09.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: Desktop Computer/17-18/FRPDF /Geography /01; Dated: 08.09.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: CRO/17-18/DST-FIST/Physics/1; Dated: 07.09.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: ULTRALOW FREEZER /17-18 /FRPDF / CHEMISTRY / 1; Dated: 07.09.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: MAC/17-18/FRPDF/Mathematics/02; Dated: 30.08.2017
- Tender Notice No: - .: PU/WORKS-(O)-13/2017-18/R/1; Dated: 29.08.2017
- Tender Notice No: - Apple MacBook Pro/17-18/FRPDF/HISTOR / 1; Dated: 28.08.2017
- Tender Notice No: - Consumables/17-18/FRPDF/ Department of Life Sciences / 1; Dated: 11.08.2017
- Tender Notice No: DLS-Lab-consumables/17-18/Life Sciences / Sl. No: 001; Dated: 10.08.2017
- Tender Notice No: PU/WORKS-(O)-13/2017-18/R ; Dated: 10.08.2017
- Walk-in-Interview Notification for one Research Assistant (RA) Position at, the Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata Dated: 08.08.2017
- Advertisement for a JRF position at Presidency University, Kolkata Dated: 07.08.2017
- Tender Notice No: Consumables (Antibody) 17-18/PROJECT [793(Sanc.)/ST/P/S&T/1G-2/2016 Dated 06/12/2016] DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES / Sl. No-PU/DBS/Amlan/WBDST-1.; Dated: 04.08.2017
- Tender Notice No: Cell Culture Materials/17-18/DBT-BioCARe/Life Science / AM 17-18/001; Dated: 25.07.2017
- Tender Notice No: KR/GEO/UGC-BSR Start up grant No. F.3092/3/R ; Dated: 14.07.2017
- Tender Notice No: PU/WORKS (O) - 14/2017-18 ; Dated: 13.07.2017
- Tender Notice No: PU/Tender/ News Paper Advt. Agn./2017-18/1 ; Dated: 10.07.2017
- Tender Notice No: PU/WORKS-(O)-13/2017-18; Dated: 07.07.2017
- Walk-in Interview Notification for JRF Position at the Department of Physics, Presidency University, Kolkata Dated: 07.07.2017
- Tender Notice No: KR/GEO/UGC-BSR Start up grant No. F.3092/4 ; Dated: 03.07.2017
- Tender Notice No: KR/GEO/UGC-BSR Start up grant No. F.3092/4 ; Dated: 03.07.2017
- Advertisement for Guest Faculty for the Department of English, Presidency University, Kolkata. Dated: 20.06.2017
- Tender Notice No: Santanu Chakraborty/ DBS/DBT project/15-16/ Sl. No. 4 ; Dated: 16.06.2017
- Tender Notice No: PU/WORKS (O)-11/2017-18/R ; Dated: 13.06.2017
- Tender Notice No: 05/DO/PU/DM/17-18; Tender for Supply of Stainless Steel Swing Dustbin (14” x 28”) at Presidency University/Kolkata Dated: 12.06.2017
- Tender Notice No: Computer, Printer, Scanner/DST(WOS-A)/17-20/Geology/1. Dated: 12.06.2017
- Walk-in-Interview for one Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in a NCAOR/MoES Funded project Dated: 09.06.2017
- Tender Notice Subhra UGC Start Up Grant/Mathematics / 2 Dated: 09.06.2017
- Online Applications are invited for the posts of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor at Presidency University,Kolkata Addvertisement Number: PU_RECR_AP_15-17 Dated: 08.06.2017
- Online Applications are invited for the posts of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor for School of Public Policy at Presidency University,Kolkata Addvertisement Number: PU_RECR_AP_14-17 Dated: 05.06.2017
- Tender Notice PU/WORKS (O) -10(A)/2017-18/R Dated: 05.06.2017
- Tender Notice No:PU/WORKS (O) -12/2017-18 Dated: 01.06.2017
- Advertisement for two Language Instructor in the Department of History Dated: 31.05.2017
- Advertisement for two Guest Lecturer in the Department of History Dated: 31.05.2017
- Tender Notice No:PU/WORKS (O) -11/2017- 18 Dated: 26.05.2017
- Online Applications are invited for the posts of Secretary Faculty Council ( Arts) , Secretary Faculty Council (Science) and Assistant Registrar at Presidency University, Kolkata Addvertisement Number: PU_RECR_AP_13-17 Dated: 26.05.2017
- Tender Notice No: MAC/UNIV/20117/04/01 Dated: 24.05.2017
- Tender Notice No: Name UGC Start Up Grant/Mathematics / 1 /R Dated: 23.05.2017
- Tender Notice No: PU/WORKS (O)-06/2017-18 /R/1 Dated: 18.05.2017
- Tender Notice No: PU/WORKS (O) -10(A)/2017-18 Dated: 17.05.2017
- Tender Notice No: Name UGC Start Up Grant/Mathematics / 1 Dated: 16.05.2017
- Tender Notice No: PU/WORKS (O) -08/2017-18/R Dated: 15.05.2017
- Tender Notice No: PU/WORKS (O) -06/2017-18 /R Dated: 08.05.2017
- Tender Notice No: PU/WORKS (O) -01/2017-18/R Dated: 05.05.2017
- Tender Notice No: PU/WORKS(O)- 05/2017-18/R Dated: 02.05.2017
- Advertisement for one Junior Research Fellow (JRF) for a NCAOR/MoES Funded project Dated: 02.05.2017
- Advertisement for a JRF position at Presidency University, Kolkata Dated: 28.04.2017
- Tender Notice No.:PU/WORKS (O) -03/2017-18/R Dated: 28.04.2017
- Tender Notice No.:PU/WORKS (O) -09/2017-18 Dated: 27.04.2017
- Tender Notice No.:PU/WORKS (O) -08/2017-18 Dated: 25.04.2017
- Tender Notice No.:PU/WORKS (O) -06/2017-18 & PU/WORKS (O) -07/2017-18 Dated: 21.04.2017
- Advertisement for JRF (Geology/Applied Geology) Dated: 20.04.2017
- Tender Notice No.:PU/WORKS(O)- 05/2017-18 Dated: 19.04.2017
- Tender Notice No.:.:.: PU/WORKS (O) -04/2017-18 Dated: 19.04.2017
- Tender Notice No.:.:Abhik Saha/Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 16-17/Biology/13 Dated: 19.04.2017
- Tender Notice No.:.:PU/WORKS (O) -01/2017-18 & PU/WORKS (O) -02/2017-18 Dated: 18.04.2017
- Tender Notice No.:.:PU/WORKS(O)- 03/2017-18 Dated: 18.04.2017
- Tender Notice No.:.:PU/GEOG/DST-FIST/PHASE_1/BOOKS/17-18/01 Dated: 17.04.2017
- Advertisement for Walk-in Interview for a Junior Research Fellow Position for a SERB funded project Dated: 13.04.2017
- JRF and SRF in DST Project Dated: 10.04.2017
- Tender Notice No.:.:Name of article/16-17/SR/S2/CMP-0126/2012 /Physics/Sl.N0 II Dated: 05.04.2017
- Tender Notice No.:.: Dslr/17-18/DST/Geology /1/R Dated: 05.04.2017
- Tender Notice No.:PU/Physics/UF-1/ 01/2016-17/1/R Dated: 29.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:.: Dslr/17-18/DST/Geology /1 Dated: 28.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:.: Equipment/2016-17/FRPDF purchase/Statistics/AKG/Sl. No. 01/R Dated: 28.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:Beng/Dept./01/R Dated: 28.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:PU/Physics/UF-1/ 01/2016-17/1 Dated: 22.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:PU/Physics/UF/01/2016-17 Dated: 22.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:.: Laptop/16-17/FRPDF/Sociology /SS/01 Dated: 21.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:.: Equipments/2016-17/FRPDF purchase/Political Science/YSB/Sl. No. 01/R Dated: 21.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:.:Projector/16-17/UGC/ Physics/RC4 Dated: 20.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:.: FRPDF/2016-17/GEOG/PP/01/R Dated: 16.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:Beng/Dept./01 Dated: 16.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:Consumables/DST-SERB_KP/ SB/ EMEQ- 457/2014 Dated: 15.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:DST-EMR/SD/2016-17/3 Dated: 14.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:DST/2016-17/PM-001 Dated: 14.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:Equip/17-18/DST-Ramanujan/SD/Physics/002/R/1/R Dated: 14.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:Books/16-17/FRPDF/Department of History / Sl. No 9 Dated: 14.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:Water Testing Instruments/PU/GEOG/FRPDF/SC/16-17/01 Dated: 14.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:PU/Physics/UF/01/2016-17 Dated: 14.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:DPC/FRPDF/Desktop/2016-17 Dated: 09.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:PU/SOC/FRPDF/EQUIP/01/R Dated: 09.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:.: SB/Geol/16-17/FRPDF/Cons/01 Dated: 09.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:.: EQUIPMENT (Laminar Hood cum PCR work station)/14-15/PROJECT [1158/BT/(Estt.)/RD-13/2013 dated 28.11.2014] DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES / Sl. No-PU/DBS/Amlan/WBDBT-4 Dated: 09.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:.: Equipment/2016-17/FRPDF purchase/Statistics/AKG/Sl. No. 01 Dated: 08.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:.: FRPDF/2016-17/GEOG/PP/01 Dated: 08.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:.: PU/DST-EMR/07_03_2017/DM-4 Dated: 08.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:.: FRPDF/2016-17/POLSC/MG/01 Dated: 07.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:.: Equipments/2016-17/FRPDF purchase/Political Science/YSB/Sl. No. 01 Dated: 07.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:.: DST-EMR/SD/2016-17/2 Dated: 07.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:.: DST-EMR/SD/2016-17/1 Dated: 07.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:.: Water Testing Instruments/PU/GEOG/FRPDF/SB/16-17/01 Dated: 06.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:.: Books 16-17 FRPDF/Philosophy/2 Dated: 06.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:.: Laptop 16-17 FRPDF/Philosophy/1 Dated: 06.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:RAM/16-17/UGC/ Physics/RC1 Dated: 06.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:Printer/16-17/UGC/ Physics/RC3 Dated: 06.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:Hard_Disk/16-17/UGC/ Physics/RC2 Dated: 06.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:01/HoD/PU/ECON/16-17 Dated: 06.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:Chemicals /15-16/WB-DST /Life Sciences / Sl. No.WB-DST 3 (16-17) Dated: 06.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:FRPDF/Mathematics/KB/2016-17/1 Dated: 06.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:Abhik Saha/Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 16-17/Biology/12 Dated: 06.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:Printer Cartridge/16-17/FRPDF/Department of History / Sl. No Dated: 03.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:Equip/17-18/DST-Ramanujan/SD/Physics/002/R/1 Dated: 03.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:PU/FRPDF/SOCL/SS/2017/01 Dated: 02.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:PU/FRPDF/NR/Laptop/DPA/2016-17 Dated: 01.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:PU/SOC/FRPDF/EQUIP/01 Dated: 01.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:UKB/ BENG/PU/LAPTOP/FRPDF/2016-17/01/R Dated: 01.03.2017
- Tender Notice No.:-Equipment/2016-17/FRPDF purchase/Statistics/SG/Sl. No. 01 Dated: 28.02.2017
- Walk interview for a research scholar Dated: 27.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:-CONSUMABLES/16-17/CSIR38 (1386)/EMR-II/DLS/Sl. 4 Dated: 27.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:-DST-Consumable 10/16-17 (SB/YS/LS-88/2014) Dated: 27.02.2017
- Tender for Renovation of Students Canteen, Indoor Game Centre,Toilets and some other allied works at Presidency University Tender Notice No.:- PU/WORKS (O)-06/2016-17 Dated: 23.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:- micropippette/16-17/FRPDF /Department of Life Sciences /2 Dated: 22.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:- DLS/FRPDF-2016-17/RP/Consumable-1 Dated: 22.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:- Laptop/16-17/FEPDF/Geography /01/R Dated: 22.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:- PU/Geol/16-17/CAS/Books-01 Dated: 22.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:- PU/Physics/Books/DST-FIST/ 02/2016-17 Dated: 21.02.2017
- Tender for the supply of the Laboratory Equipments to the Department of Physics, Presidency University under DST – FIST Scheme Tender Notice No.:- . PU/PHY/DST-FIST/Equipment/2016-17/1 Dated: 20.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:- FRPDF/2017/HIST/NAVJAF/01 Dated: 20.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:- PU/BOOKS/DK/2016-17 Dated: 20.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:MA/ BENG/PU/DELL Desktop/FRPDF/2016-17/1/R Dated: 20.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:Sumit/DLS/MoES/2016-17/Equipment-7 Dated: 17.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:Consumables/FRPDF_SM/16-17 Dated: 16.02.2017
- A Walk-in-interview will be held for the appointment of one JRF in a DST sponsored Project on 21st February, 2017 Dated: 16.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:Equipment/2016-17/FRPDF purchase/Statistics/KC/Sl. No. 01 Dated: 16.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:DBS/DST-SERB/RP/Consumable-10 Dated: 16.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:UGC-STARTUP/PKG-2/2016-17 Dated: 16.02.2017
- Walk-in-interview for the appointment of one Junior Research Fellow in a Department of Science and Technology (West Bengal) sponsored Research Project Dated: 16.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:Laptop-01/16-17/FRPDF/Chemistry/AH-01 Dated: 16.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:Laptop/PU/PHIL/FRPDF/NH/15-16/01/R Dated: 16.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:- Laptop/16-17/FEPDF/Geography /01 Dated: 14.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:- Laptop/16-17/Department of Physics/SS/ Sl. No 4 Dated: 14.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:Sumit/DLS/MoES/2016-17/Equipment-6/R Dated: 14.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:Equipment/2016-17/FRPDF purchase/Statistics/Sl. No. 01 Dated: 13.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:UKB/ BENG/PU/LAPTOP/FRPDF/2016-17/01 Dated: 13.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:PR/UGC-2016-17/2 Dated: 13.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:Outsourcing services /15-16/WB-DST /Life Sciences / Sl. No. WB-DST 1 (16-17) Dated: 13.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:permanent equipment/15-16/WB-DST /Life Sciences / Sl. No. WB-DST 3 (16-17) Dated: 10.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:Books/PU/PHIL/FRPDF/MKP/16-17/01 Dated: 10.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:MA/ BENG/PU/DELL Desktop/FRPDF/2016-17/1 Dated: 09.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:DST/NPDF/MKS-2/2016-17 Dated: 09.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:Books/16-17/FRPDF/Mathematics/PU/01 Dated: 09.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:consumables/16-17/ DST-YS/Life Sciences / 4 Dated: 08.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:Laptop/PU/PHIL/FRPDF/NH/15-16/01 Dated: 06.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:FRPDF/DBS/2017/PM-001 Dated: 06.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:Sumit/DLS/MoES/2016-17/Equipment-6 Dated: 06.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:PU/PHY/Workstation/DST-FIST/R Dated: 03.02.2017
- Tender Notice No.:DBS/DST-SERB/RP/Consumable-8 Dated: 31.01.2017
- Tender Notice No.:CONSUMALBLES/16-17/CSIR 38(1386)/EMR-II/DLS/Sl 1/R Dated: 30.01.2017
- Tender Notice No.:Chemicals/FRPDF/16-17/KG/DLS/1 Dated: 27.01.2017
- Tender Notice No.:PU/Physics/DST-FIST / 01/2016-17/R Dated: 27.01.2017
- Tender Notice No.:CONSUMALBLES/16-17/CSIR38 (1386)/EMR-II/DLS/Sl. no.3 Dated: 20.01.2017
- Tender Notice No.:PU/PHY/Workstation/DST-FIST Dated: 19.01.2017
- Tender Notice No.:PU/Physics/DST-FIST / 01/2016-17 Dated: 18.01.2017
- Tender Notice No.:CONSUMALBLES/16-17/CSIR 38(1386)/EMR-II/DLS/Sl 1 Dated: 18.01.2017
- Tender Notice No.:CONSUMALBLES/16-17/CSIR 38(1386)/EMR-II/DLS/Sl 2 Dated: 18.01.2017
- Tender Notice No.:Workstation/16-17/FRPDF/Chemistry/BB/R Dated: 17.01.2017
- Tender Notice No.:PU/DST-EMR/17_01_2017/DM-3 Dated: 17/01/2017
- Tender Notice No.:Books/PU/PHIL/FRPDF/MP/16-17/01 Dated: 17/01/2017
- Tender Notice No.:BRNS/Geology/JM/16-17/1/R Dated: 16/01/2017
- Tender Notice No.:PRG/16-17/HISTORY /2016-17/ Sl. No. 1/R Dated: 16/01/2017
- Tender Notice No:Physics/BRC/DST/16-17/1 Dated: 16/01/2017
- Tender Notice No:RM/ BENG/PU/ I-Pad-/FRPDF/2016-17/01/R Dated: 16/01/2017
- Tender Notice No.:01(DDC)/Library/2016-17/R Dated: 10/01/2017
- Tender Notice No.:Sumit/DLS/MoES/2016-17/Equipment-5 /R Dated: 10/01/2017
- Tender Notice No.:PRG/16-17/HISTORY /2016-17/ Sl. No. 1 Dated: 05/01/2017
- Tender Notice No.:RAM/16-17/Department of Physics/SS/ Sl. No 2/R Dated: 05/01/2017
- Tender Notice No.:Chemicals/glasswares/plasticwares /2016-17/FEPDF /Life Sciences / Sl. No. 1 Dated: 30/12/2016
- Tender Notice No.:All/16-17/Department of Physics/SS/ Sl. No 1/R Dated: 28/12/2016
- Tender Notice No.:BRNS/Geology/JM/16-17/1 Dated: 27/12/2016
- Tender Notice No.:PU/Geol/16-17/XRF/UPS Battery-01 Dated: 27/12/2016
- Tender Notice No.:IT/FRPDF/GEOLOGY/JM / Sl. No. 1 Dated: 27/12/2016
- Tender Notice No.:Monitor/16-17/Department of Physics/SS/ Sl. No 3 Dated: 23/12/2016
- Tender Notice No.:RAM/16-17/Department of Physics/SS/ Sl. No 2 Dated: 23/12/2016
- Tender Notice No.:Sumit/DLS/MoES/2016-17/Equipment-5 Dated: 23/12/2016
- Tender Notice No.:PU/FRPDF/20_12_2016/DM-1 Dated: 20/12/2016
- Tender Notice No.:Chemistry/16-17/Enquiry Notice/2/R Dated: 19/12/2016
- Advertisement for Guest Teacher for the Department of Political Science, Presidency University, Kolkata. Dated: 16/12/2016
- Tender Notice No.:Workstation/16-17/FRPDF/Chemistry/BB Dated: 16/12/2016
- Tender Notice No.:Chemistry/16-17/Enquiry Notice/3 Dated: 14/12/2016
- Tender Notice No.:DellLaptop / 16-17 / FRPDF / PU/ Physics / RK 01/R Dated: 13/12/2016
- Tender Notice No.: DST/NPDF/MKS-1/2016-17/R Dated: 13/12/2016
- Tender Notice No.:FRPDF/Chemistry/BD/16-17/3R Dated: 07/12/2016
- Tender Notice No.:FRPDF/Chemistry/BD/16-17/4R Dated: 07/12/2016
- Tender Notice No.:FRPDF/History/Salim/16-17/1 Dated: 30/11/2016
- Tender Notice No.:PR/SERB-2016-17/1 Dated: 30/11/2016
- Tender Notice No.:Chemistry/16-17/Enquiry Notice/2 Dated: 30/11/2016
- Tender Notice No.:DellLaptop / 16-17 / FRPDF / PU/ Physics / RK 01 Dated: 29/11/2016
- Tender Notice No.:All/16-17/Department of Physics/SS/ Sl. No 1 Dated: 24/11/2016
- Tender Notice No.: FRPDF/Physics/BRC/16-17/2/R Dated: 23/11/2016
- Tender Notice No.: FRPDF/Physics/BRC/16-17/1/R Dated: 23/11/2016
- Tender Notice No.: FRPDF/Chemistry/BD/16-17/3 Dated: 23/11/2016
- Tender Notice No.: FRPDF/Chemistry/BD/16-17/4 Dated: 23/11/2016
- Tender Notice No.: PU/Tender/16-17/Event Mgmt/1 Dated: 22/11/2016
- Walk-in Interview on 30th November, 2016 for a Project Assistant Position at the Department of Chemistry, Presidency University, Kolkata Dated: 21/11/2016
- Tender Notice No.: Misc./ DEPARTMENT OF Life SCIENCES/ Sl. No- PU/DLS/CHATTERJEE/FRPDF/16-17/R Dated: 21/11/2016
- Tender Notice No:RM/ BENG/PU/ I-Pad-/FRPDF/2016-17/01 Dated: 21/11/2016
- Tender Notice No:CON/CHEM/SATBIJ/03R Dated: 18/11/2016
- Tender Notice No:DLS Lab Chemicals/Consumables -1/16-17 Dated: 17/11/2016
- Tender Notice No:PU/Tender/16-17/PrintBicent/1R Tender for Printing of Commemorative Volume to be Published on the Occasion of Bicentenary of Hindoo College and Presidency College/ University, Kolkata Dated: 17/11/2016
- Walk-in Interview on 30th November, 2016 for a Project Assistant Position at the Department of Chemistry, Presidency University, Kolkata Dated: 17/11/2016
- Tender Notice No.: PU/Tender/16-17/AdvBicent/1 Tender for Engagement of Media Agency for Bicentenary Celebration of Presidency University, Kolkata Dated: 16/11/2016
- Tender Notice No.: PU/Tender/16-17/PrintBicent/1R Tender for Printing of Commemorative Volume to be Published on the Occasion of Bicentenary Dated: 15/11/2016
- Tender Notice No.: Misc./ DEPARTMENT OF Life SCIENCES/ Sl. No- PU/DLS/CHATTERJEE/FRPDF/16-17 Dated: 11/11/2016
- Tender Notice No.: PU/Tender/Day Care/2016-17/1 Tender for running and management of Day Care Centre Dated: 09/11/2016
- Tender Notice No.: CON/CHEM/SATBIJ/03 Dated: 09/11/2016
- Tender Notice No.: 02/PU/Annual report/16-17 Dated: 09/11/2016
- Tender Notice No.: FRPDF/Physics/BRC/16-17/2 Dated: 09/11/2016
- Tender Notice No.: FRPDF/Physics/BRC/16-17/1 Dated: 09/11/2016
- Tender Notice No.: SD/FRPDF/2015-16/instrument/1 Dated: 08/11/2016
- Tender Notice No.: DST/NPDF/MKS-1/2016-17 Dated: 04/11/2016
- Tender Notice No.: PU/Tender/16-17/PrintBicent/1 Dated: 28/10/2016
- Tender Notice No.: PU/FRNTR/2016-17/01 Dated: 27/10/2016
- Tender Notice No.: FRPDF/Hindi/2016-2017 Dated: 25/10/2016
- Tender Notice No.: Laptop /15-16/FRPDF /Hindi / SP/Sl. No 1 Dated: 24/10/2016
- Tender Notice No.:PU/WORKS (O) 02/2016-17/R Dated: 21/10/2016
- Tender Notice No.:Instrument & Consumables/FRPDF_AG/2016 Dated: 21/10/2016
- Tender Notice No.:Chemicals/14-15/ FRPDF/Life Sciences / 1 Dated: 21/10/2016
- Tender Notice No.:01/PU/Stationery/16-17 Dated: 20/10/2016
- Tender Notice No.:PU/Gen/Water Purifier/16-17/1/R Dated: 20/10/2016
- Nominations / Applications are invited for Distinguished Professorship Advertisement No: RECR_DP /16-17 Dated: 19/10/2016
- A Walk-in-interview will be held for the appointment of One Research Fellow with own fellowship Dated: 19/10/2016
- Tender Notice No.:PU/WORKS(O) – 01/2016-17/R Dated: 19/10/2016
- Tender Notice No.:PU/Scrap/01/2016-17 Tender Notice for Disposal of Scrap Dated: 19/10/2016
- Tender Notice No.:Chemicals/14-15/ DST-YS/Life Sciences / 3 Dated: 18/10/2016
- Tender Notice No.:Chemicals/14-15/ DST-YS/Life Sciences / 2 Dated: 18/10/2016
- Tender Notice No.:Equipment-contingency/15-17/UGC-BSR/SC/Physics/004/R Dated: 17/10/2016
- Tender Notice No.:PU/WORKS (O) 02/2016-17 Dated: 06/10/2016
- Tender Notice No.:DBS/DST-SERB/RP/Consumable-5 Dated: 05/10/2016
- Tender Notice No.:PU/Gen/Water Purifier/16-17/1 Dated: 05/10/2016
- Tender Notice No.:PU/WORKS(O) – 01/2016-17 Dated: 04/10/2016
- Walk in Interview for Part Time Field Investigators Dated: 04/10/2016
- Tender Notice No.:Lenovo Laptop /15-16/FRPDF or GRANT/ Department of Hindi / Sl. No 1 Dated: 04/10/2016
- Tender Notice No.:01(DDC)/Library/2016-17 Dated: 04/10/2016
- Tender Notice No.:DLS/FRPDF-2016-17/RP/Instrument-1 Dated: 29/09/2016
- Tender Notice No.:Sumit/DBS/MoES/2016-17/Computer Items-1/R Dated: 29/09/2016
- Tender Notice No.:Consumables/FRPDF_KP/2016 Dated: 28/09/2016
- Tender Notice No.: Chemistry/16-17/Enquiry Notice/1/R Dated: 22/09/2016
- Tender Notice No.: FRPDF/Chemistry/BD/16-17/2/R Dated: 22/09/2016
- Advertisement for Project Fellow Dated: 21/09/2016
- Tender Notice No.:PU/PHIL/NJ/2016 Dated: 21/09/2016
- Tender Notice No.:Sumit/DBS/MoES/2016-17/Computer Items-1 Dated: 21/09/2016
- Tender for Engagement of Public Relations Agency for Inaugural Press Conference for Bicentenary Celebration of Presidency University, Kolkata : date: 20/09/2016
- Tender Notice No.:RG/PHYSICS/FRPDF/2016-17/01 Dated: 16/09/2016
- Walk-in-interview for the appointment of one Junior Research Fellow in a Department of Biotechnology (West Bengal) sponsored Research Project Dated: 19/09/2016
- Tender Notice No.:PU/2016-17/DA-Bicentenary/1/R Dated: 16/09/2016
- Tender Notice No.:Equipment-contingency/15-17/UGC-BSR/SC/Physics/004 Dated: 15/09/2016
- Walk-in Interview on 28th September, 2016 for a Project Assistant Position at the Department of Chemistry, Presidency University, Kolkata. Dated: 14/09/2016
- Tender Notice No.:DBS/DST-SERB/RP/Consumable-4 Dated: 12/09/2016
- Tender Notice No.: IT/DST/GEOLOGY/SG/ Sl. No. 1/R Dated: 08/09/2016
- Tender Notice No.:KG/FRPDF/2016-17/01 nbsp; Dated: 07/09/2016
- Tender Notice No.:PU/Tender/ 2016-17/PRA-Bicentenary/1 Tender for Engagement of Public Relations Agency for Inaugural Press Conference for Bicentenary Celebration of Presidency University, Kolkata nbsp; Dated: 06/09/2016
- Tender Notice No.:PU/2016-17/DA-Bicentenary/1 nbsp; Dated: 06/09/2016
- Tender Notice No.: FEPDF /PRJECT/Centre for Performing Arts / SM/Sl. No 1/R Dated: 06/09/2016
- Tender Notice No.: Chemistry/16-17/Enquiry Notice/1 Dated: 06/09/2016
- Tender Notice No.: FRPDF/Chemistry/BD/16-17/2 Dated: 05/09/2016
- Tender Notice No.: Lenovo Laptop/16-17/Grant/Department of Hindi/ Sl. No 1 Dated: 05/09/2016
- Tender Notice No.: FRPDF/Life Sciences/DS/1/16-17 Dated: 05/09/2016
- Tender Notice No.: Sumit/DBS/FRPDF/2016-17/Consumable-1 Dated: 02/09/2016
- Tender Notice No.: FRPDF/Life Sciences/AS/16-17/1 Dated: 02/09/2016
- Tender Notice No.: IT/DST/GEOLOGY/SG/ Sl. No. 1 Dated: 31/08/2016
- Walk-in Interview on 09th September, 2016 for a Project Assistant Position at the Department of Chemistry, Presidency University, Kolkata Dated: 30/08/2016
- Tender Notice No.: FEPDF /PRJECT/Centre for Performing Arts / SM/Sl. No 1 Dated: 29/08/2016
- Tender Notice No.: FRPDF/Chemistry/BD/16-17/1R Dated: 26/08/2016
- Tender Notice No.: Instru/ DEPARTMENT OF Life SCIENCES/ Sl. No- PU/DLS/CHATTERJEE/FRPDF/16-17 Dated: 26/08/2016
- Tender Notice No.: Electronic Analytical Balance-01/16-17/FRPDF/Chemistry/AB-01 Dated: 26/08/2016
- Tender Notice No.: PU/Geog/DST-FIST/Eqip/16-17/1R dtd: 24-08-2016 and PU/Geog/DST-FIST/Eqip/16-17/2R dtd: 23-08-2016
- Tender Notice No.: Sumit/DBS/MoES/2016-17/Equipment-4 Dated: 18/08/2016
- Tender Notice No.: FRPDF/Chemistry/BD/16-17/1 Dated: 16/08/2016
- Tender Notice No.: Abhik Saha/Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 16-17/Biology/11 Dated: 12/08/2016
- Tender Notice No.: 2016-17/UGC/Chemistry/UG-01 Dated: 12/08/2016
- Tender Notice No.: 2016-17/DST/Chemistry/PS-14 Dated: 11/08/2016
- Tender Notice No.: 2016-17/UGC/Chemistry/PS-29 Dated: 11/08/2016
- Tender Notice No.: HP All in One PC/ 16-17 / FRPDF / Economics / 01/R Dated: 10/08/2016
- Tender Notice No.: PU/Geog/DST-FIST/Eqip/16-17/1 Dated: 08/08/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No:- KR/GEO/UGC-BSR Start up grant No. F.3092/2 Dated: 08/08/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No:-PU/Geog/DST-FIST/Eqip/16-17/2 Dated: 05/08/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No:- Abhik Saha/Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 16-17/Biology/10 Dated: 05/08/2016
- Tender for Creation of Online Digital Archive of Documents relating to Hindoo College, Presidency College and Presidency University Enquiry Notice for Quotation Notice Inviting Tender No.-PU/DCR/2016-17/01/R Dated: 04/08/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No:- Malay Das/ DBS/UGC-MRP/16-17/ Sl. No.: 2 Dated: 04/08/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No:- Sumit/DBS/MoES/2016-17/Equipment-3/R Dated: 04/08/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Notice No.: Physics/KKD/16-17/DST project/Sl. No. 3 Date: 03/08/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Notice No.: UNIV/16/08/01/COPIER/01 Date: 01/08/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Notice No.: HP All in One PC/ 16-17 / FRPDF / Economics / 01 Date: 29/07/2016
- Tender for Engagement of Creative & Communication Agency for Bicentenary Celebration of Presidency University, Kolkata Tender Notice No.: PU/Tender/ 2016-17/CRCA/1/1
- Walk-in Interview on 5th August, 2016 for the posts of one JRF at the Department of Chemistry, Presidency University, Kolkata. Dated: 27/07/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No:- Sumit/DBS/MoES/2016-17/Equipment-3 Dated: 27/07/2016
- Application for Junior Research Fellow in Physics Dated: 26/07/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Tender for the supply of the Silver-made Casket for the 4th Convocation of the Presidency University No:- PU/Convo/16-17/Casket/1 Dated: 25/07/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No:- PU/CONVO/16-17/Printing/1 Dated: 22/07/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No:- Malay Das/ DBS/UGC-MRP/16-17/ Sl. No.: 1 Dated: 21/07/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No:- PU/DCR/2016-17/01 Dated: 21/07/2016
- Walk-in Interview Notification for JRF Position at the Department of Physics, Presidency University, Kolkata Dated: 14/07/2016
- Walk-in-Interview Notification for Research Scholar Position (3 posts) at, Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata Dated: 13/07/2016
- Presidency University invites online applications for the posts of Controller of Examinations , Secretary Faculty Council ( Arts) , Secretary Faculty Council (Science) , Assistant Controller of Examination at Presidency University,Kolkata Dated: 11/07/2016
- Presidency University invites online applications for the posts of Professor & Assistant Professor, at Presidency University,Kolkata Dated: 11/07/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No:- SB/Geol/16-17/FRPDF/Equip/01 Dated: 11/07/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No:- Sumit/DBS/MoES/2016-17/Consumable-1 Dated: 08/07/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No:- Sumit/DBS/MoES/2016-17/Equipment-2/R Dated: 08/07/2016
- Tender for Appointment of Creative Agency for Bicentenary Celebration of Presidency University, Kolkata - Notice Inviting Tender No:- PU/Tender/ 2016-17/Creative Agency/1 Dated: 04/07/2016
- Tender for publication of various types of advertisements in News Papers - Notice Inviting Tender No:- PU/Tender/ News Paper Advt. Agn./2016-17/1 Dated: 30/06/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No:- Sumit/DBS/MoES/2016-17/Equipment-2 Dated: 27/06/2016
- Advertisement for Guest Faculty for the Department of Sociology, Presidency University, Kolkata. Dated: 27/06/2016
- e-Tender notice for Cluster for Linux Parallel Computing at Presidency University. PU/PKG/DST/16-17/01/R Dated: 23/06/2016
- Enquiry No:- KR/GEO/UGC-BSR Start up grant No. F.3092/1 Dated: 23/06/2016
- Re Tender for Hiring of three (3) nos. 2 BHK Flats in South Kolkata, West Bengal for use as Transit Accommodation for Teachers / Guests on Lease Basis.  : Tender No:- PU/ Tender/ Flat Hire/2016-17/1/R Dated: 17/06/2016
- Tender for Supply, installation and commissioning of RO Water purifier cum cooler at Presidency University/Kolkata Enquiry Notice for Quotation No:- 12/DO/PU/DM/16-17 Dated: 16/06/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No:- Sumit/DBS/MoES/2016-17/Equipment-1 Dated: 16/06/2016
- Walk-in Interview on 29th June, 2016 for the posts of one JRF and one Project Assistant at the Department of Chemistry, Presidency University, Kolkata. Dated: 14/06/2016
- NOTICE FOR ENLISTMENT Reference No:- PU/FO/Vendor Enlist/2016-17 Dated: 13/06/2016
- e-tender for the Supply of the Consumable Items; Dated: 10/06/2016
- Walk-in Interview Notification for Two Project Assistants Position at the Department of Biological Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata; Dated: 10/06/2016
- e-Tender notice for Cluster for Linux Parallel Computing at Presidency University. PU/PKG/DST/16-17/01 Dated: 08/06/2016
- Walking Interview for JRF Position at the Department of Physics; Dated: 06/06/2016
- Tender for Hiring of three (3) nos. 2 BHK Flats in South Kolkata, West Bengal for use as Transit Accommodation for Teachers / Guests on Lease Basis.  : Tender No:- PU/ Tender/ Flat Hire/2016-17/1 Dated: 02/06/2016
- Walking Interview for the recruitment of Project Assistant(Geography Department); Dated: 02/06/2016
- Advertisement for Guest Faculty for the Department of English; Dated: 01/06/2016
- Tender for Repairing & painting of Biological Lab at DBS's Botany section in Baker building at Presidency University; Dated: 26/05/2016
- Tender for Repairing & painting of Microbiology Lab at DBS's Botany section in Baker building at Presidency University; Dated: 26/05/2016
- Tender for Repairing & renovation of instrument room in Inorganic section at Chemistry department at Derozio building, 2nd floor, Presidency Universitys; Dated: 26/05/2016
- Tender for Repairing the momty room of (spiral) iron staircase, east portion of Main building at Presidency University; Dated: 26/05/2016
- Tender for Repairing & painting of Lab-10 at DBS's Botany section in Baker building at Presidency University; Dated: 26/05/2016
- Tender for Replace the 2000lit P.V.C. tank in place of damage G.I. tank in different building at Presidency University; Dated: 26/05/2016
- Tender for Changing the old damaged C.I. pipe & W/C with all allied things in DBS's Zoology section at Presidency University; Dated: 26/05/2016
- Tender for Construction the aluminum partition and issue counter with repairing the old wooden furniture in Central Science Library building at Presidency University; Dated: 26/05/2016
- Tender for Placing of the aluminum grill with supporting structure over the existing partition of faculty chamber in Philosophy department at N.S. building, Presidency University; Dated: 26/05/2016
- Tender for Repairing & painting of present duty room for NIS staff in Main building, Presidency University, Presidency University; Dated: 26/05/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :: VIDEO-CLIP EDITTING AND MIXING/15-16/MOLOY RAKSHIT/BENG/R Dated: 24/05/2016
- Tender for Providing aluminium sliding window in seminar room of Hindi department at N.S. building 3rd floor, Presidency University; Dated: 24/05/2016
- e-tender for the Supply of the Consumable Items; Dated: 24/05/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation nbsp; No. :VIDEO-CLIP EDITTING AND MIXING/15-16/MOLOY RAKSHIT/BENG Dated: 12.05.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :-DBS/DST-SERB/RP/Instrument-6 Dated: 12/05/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :-DBS/DST-SERB/RP/Consumable-1 Dated: 12/05/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :-Abhik Saha/Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 16-17/Biology/9 Dated: 12/05/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :-SB2/16-17/UGC Start-Up Grant/Department of Mathematics /Sl.No. 3/R Dated: 12/05/2016
- Walk-in Interview on 11th May, 2016 for the posts of one JRF and one Project Assistant at the Department of Chemistry, Presidency University, Kolkata. Dated: 05/05/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :-Abhik Saha/Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 16-17/Biology/8 Dated: 05/05/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :-ICT/DMS/Bracket/R Dated: 03/05/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :-Abhik Saha/Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 16-17/Biology/7 Dated: 03/05/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :-Abhik Saha/Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 16-17/Biology/6 Dated: 03/05/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :-SB2/16-17/UGC Start-Up Grant/Department of Mathematics /Sl.No. 3 Dated: 02/05/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :-ICT/DMS/Bracket Dated: 25/04/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :-Abhik Saha/Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 16-17/Biology/5 Dated: 25/04/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :-Abhik Saha/Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 16-17/Biology/4 Dated: 25/04/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :-Abhik Saha/Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 16-17/Biology/3 Dated: 18/04/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :-WStn-01/16-17/UGC-start-up/Chemistry/PKG Dated: 15/04/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- Abhik Saha/Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 16-17/Biology/2 Dated: 13/04/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :Abhik Saha/Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 16-17/Biology/1 Dated: 13/04/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :: EQUIPMENT/DBT-Bio-CARe /DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES/ Sl. No- PU-4/DBS/SENGUPTA/Bio-CARe-2016/Tender/R Dated: 11/04/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :DST/SERB/RG/Physics/16-17 Dated: 07/04/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :DBS/DST-SERB/RP/Instrument-2 Dated: 06/04/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation(re tender) No. :: Equipment-contingency/15-17/UGC-BSR/SC/Physics/002/R Dated: 03/04/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :: EQUIPMENT/DBT-Bio-CARe /DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES/ Sl. No- PU-4/DBS/SENGUPTA/Bio-CARe-2016/Tender Dated: 01/04/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :: DBS/DST-SERB/RP/Instrument-1 Dated: 01/04/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :: CONSUMABLE/DBT-Bio-CARe /DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES/ Sl. No- PU-3/DBS/SENGUPTA/Bio-CARe-2016/Tender/R Dated: 30/03/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :: assay-01/15-16/UGC/Chemistry/AB-01 Dated: 28/03/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :: DBT BioCARE/Dr. Sutapa Saha/Consumables/1/15-16/R Dated: 28/03/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :: CONSUMABLE/DBT-Bio-CARe /DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES/ Sl. No- PU-3/DBS/SENGUPTA/Bio-CARe-2016/Tender Dated: 22/03/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :: Equipment-contingency/15-17/UGC-BSR/SC/Physics/002 Dated: 21/03/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :: DBT BioCARE/Dr. Sutapa Saha/Equipments/2/15-16 Dated: 21/03/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :: DBT BioCARE/Dr. Sutapa Saha/Consumables/2/15-16 Dated: 21/03/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :: Aquatic Animal Rearing Set up_Gas distribution system/DST-FIST/ SR/FST/LSI-560/2013(C) Dated: 17/03/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :Aquatic Animal Rearing Set up/DST-FIST/ SR/FST/LSI-560/2013(C) Dated: 17/03/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :Color Printer/14-15/Department Purchase/English / Printer001 Dated: 15/03/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : DBT BioCARE/Dr. Sutapa Saha/Consumables/1/15-16 Dated: 15/03/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : Consumable/UGCFRPS / Dept. of Biological Sciences/Sl.No. RP/UGCFRPS-23 Dated: 13/03/2016
- A Walk-in-Interview will be held for the appointment of one Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the DST (Govt. of India) sponsored Project on 31/03/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : PR/WB-DBT-2015-16/7/R Dated: 11/03/2016
- eTender for RENOVATION & UP-GRADATION OF DEROZIO HALL OF PRESIDENCY UNIVERSITY CAMPUS, 86/1, COLLEGE STREET, KOLKATA – 700 073 Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : PU/WORKS (O) 15/2015-16/R Dated: 11/03/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Consumables (Sequencing Chemicals and Taq) 15-16/PROJECT [1158/BT/(Estt.)/RD-13/2013 dated 28.11.2014] DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES / Sl. No-PU/DBS/Amlan/WBDBT-3. Dated: 10/03/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Consumables/DST-SERB_KP/ YSS/2015/00127220/15-16/01 Dated: 10/03/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Physics/KKD/15-16/DST project/Sl. No. 2 Dated: 10/03/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation 08/Furniture/Library /15-16 Dated: 10/03/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Consumable/UGCFRPS / Dept. of Biological Sciences/Sl.No. RP/UGCFRPS-22 Dated: 10/03/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Camera/15-16/Department Purchase/English / 001/R Dated: 09/03/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation nbsp; No. :-CONSUMALBLES/15-16/UGC/MRP-MAJOR-BIOC/DBS/PM/Sl. 1 Dated: 09.03.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation nbsp; No. :-CONSUMALBLES/15-16/CSIR38(1386)/EMR-II/DBS/Sl. 5 Dated: 09.03.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation nbsp; No. :- DST FIST_BioScience_Computer Dated: 07.03.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation nbsp; No. :CONSUMALBLES/15-16/CSIR 38(1386)/EMR-II/DBS/Sl. 4 Dated: 02.03.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation nbsp; No. :PR/WB-DBT-2015-16/8 Dated: 02.03.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation nbsp; No. :CONSUMALBLES/15-16/CSIR 38(1386)/EMR-II/DBS/Sl. 3 Dated: 02.03.2016
- Walk-in Interview on 17.03.2016 (Thrusday) for a WBDST sponsored Junior Research Fellow Position Dated: 01/03/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation nbsp; No. :Consumables (Antibody and DAB) 15-16/PROJECT [1158/BT/(Estt.)/RD-13/2013 dated 28.11.2014] DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES / Sl. No-PU/DBS/Amlan/WBDBT-2 Dated: 01.03.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation nbsp; No. :CONSUMABLES/DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES/ Sl. No- PU/DBS/CHATTERJEE/DST-YSS/15-16 Dated: 01.03.2016
- eTender for REPAIR & RENOVATION OF PRESIDENCY UNIVERSITY’S COLLEGE STREET CAMPUS, KOLKATA Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :PU/WORKS (O) 13/2015-16/R Dated: 29.02.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation. UGC/SD/2014-16/2 Dated: 29/02/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation. PM/DBS/UGC-2015-16/2 Dated: 27/02/2016
- Walk-in-interview for the appointment of one Project Assistant in a DST sponsored Project Dated: 02/02/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation. CON/CHEM/SATBIJ/01/R Dated: 02/02/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Camera/15-16/Department Purchase/English / 001 Dated: 26/02/2016
- Applications are invited for different non-teaching posts at Presidency University, Kolkata Addvertisement Number: PU_RECR_AP_10-15 Dated: 25/02/2016
- eTender for RENOVATION AND UP-GRADATION OF ARTS LIBRARY OF MAIN BUILDING OF PRESIDENCY UNIVERSITY Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : PU/WORKS (O)- 11/2015-16 /R Dated: 24.02.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Malay Das/ DBS/DBT project/15-16/ Sl. No.: 3 Dated: 24/02/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation CONSUMALBLES/15-16/CSIR38(1386)/EMR-II/DBS/P.O 2 Dated: 24/02/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation ipadmini4/15-16/Grant/Department of Physics/ Sl. No 2/R Dated: 24/02/2016
- General notification regarding recruitment
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No: 44/DO/PU/DM/15-16 Dated: 03/03/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No: 43/DO/PU/DM/15-16 Dated: 03/03/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No: 42/DO/PU/DM/15-16 Dated: 03/03/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No: 41/DO/PU/DM/15-16 Dated: 01/03/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No: 40/DO/PU/DM/15-16 Dated: 01/03/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No: 39/DO/PU/DM/15-16 Dated: 01/03/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No: 38/DO/PU/DM/15-16 Dated: 01/03/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Dated: 01/03/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Dated: 23/02/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : PC/15-16/UGC/Department of Physics/RC2 Dated: 23.2.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation. - EQUIPMENT/DBT-Bio-CARe /DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES/ Sl. No- PU-2/DBS/SENGUPTA/Bio-CARe-2016/Retender Dated: 23/02/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :-PU/SSR/Print/15-16/1 Dated: 22.02.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- UGC/SD/2014-16/1 Dated: 22.02.2016
- Walk-in Interview on 09/03/2016 (Wednesday) for a DBT sponsored Project Fellow Position
- Walk-in-interview for the appointment of Junior Project fellow in the DBT, Govt. of India sponsored Research Project
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- PU/WBSSTC/Deco/15-16/2 Dated: 20.02.2016
- eTender for RENOVATION & UP-GRADATION OF DEROZIO HALL OF PRESIDENCY UNIVERSITY CAMPUS, 86/1, COLLEGE STREET, KOLKATA – 700 073 Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : PU/WORKS (O) 15/2015-16 Dated: 18/02/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- PU/MILIEU/2016 Dated: 18.02.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- PU/ Scrap/02/2015-16 Dated: 18.02.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- CHEM/UGC/DSKPDF/BD/2 Dated: 18.02.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : PU/WBSSTC/Deco/15-16/1/R Dated: 17.02.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- PU/ICT/2016-17/ENQ-2 Dated: 16.02.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- Consumable/ UGCFRPS / Dept. of Biological Sciences/Sl.No. RP/UGCFRPS-21 Dated: 15.02.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- PC/15-16/UGC/Department of Physics/RC1/R Dated: 15.02.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation. - 36/AR/PU/DM/15-16 Dated: 15/02/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation. - Santanu Chakraborty/ DBS/DBT project/15-16/ Sl. No.: 3 Dated: 15/02/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation. - EQUIPMENT/DBT-Bio-CARe /DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES/ Sl. No- PU-2/DBS/SENGUPTA/Bio-CARe-2016 Dated: 15/02/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation. PU/Scrap/01/2015-16 Dated: 15/02/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation. AM/ACM/Chemical -2/15-16 Dated: 15/02/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- PU/WORKS (O) 14/2015-16 etender for CREATION OF GARDEN IN PRESIDENCY UNIVERSITY’S COLLEGE STREET CAMPUS, KOLKATA Dated: 13.02.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- Workstation/15-16/FRPDF/Department of Physics/ Sl. No 1/R Dated: 12.02.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation. ipadmini4/15-16/Grant/Department of Physics/ Sl. No 2 Dated: 12/02/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation. AIO/15-16/Grant/Department of Physics/ Sl. No 3 Dated: 12/02/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation. PM/DBS/UGC-2015-16/1 Dated: 11/02/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation. PR/WB-DBT-2015-16/7 Dated: 11/02/2016
- Walk-in-interview for the appointment of one Project Assistant in a DST sponsored Project
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : PU/WBSSTC/Deco/15-16/1 Dated: 08.02.2016
- eTender for REPAIR & RENOVATION OF PRESIDENCY UNIVERSITY’S COLLEGE STREET CAMPUS, KOLKATA Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :PU/WORKS (O) 13/2015-16 Dated: 06.02.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation. 35/AR/PU/DM/15-16 Dated: 04/02/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation. Santanu Chakraborty/ DBS/DBT project/15-16/ Sl. No.: 2 Dated: 03/02/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation. Santanu Chakraborty/ DBS/DBT project/15-16/ Sl. No.: 1 Dated: 03/02/2016
- eTender for RENOVATION AND UP-GRADATION OF ARTS LIBRARY OF MAIN BUILDING OF PRESIDENCY UNIVERSITY Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : PU/WORKS (O)- 11/2015-16 Dated: 02.02.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation. CON/CHEM/SATBIJ/01 Dated: 02/02/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Dated: 02/02/2016
- Applications are invited for the post of Dean of Students, at Presidency University, Kolkata Addvertisement Number: PU_RECR_AP_09-15 Dated: 01/02/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : -34/AR/PU/DM (EXT.)/15-16 Dated: 01.02.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : -33/AR/PU/DM (EXT.)/15-16 Dated: 01.02.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : -32/AR/PU/DM (EXT.)/15-16 Dated: 01.02.2016
- Walkin Interview for Sudipto Ghosh Memorial Scholarship
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : PU/WBSSTC/Deco/15-16/1 Dated: 28.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : CONSUMABLE/DBT-Bio-CARe /DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES/ Sl. No- PU/DBS/SENGUPTA/Bio-CARe-2016/Retender Dated: 28.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : IT/FRPDF/BENGALI/SN / Sl. No. 1/R Dated: 28.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- -Chemical /PU/Physics/UGC-MRP /AN-01/2015-16 Dated: 27.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- -DST project/SERB/RG/Physics/16-17 Dated: 27.01.2016
- Walkin Interview for the post of Junior Research Fellow for the DST-SERB , Project Investigator M.GANESAN
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- -Physics/KKD/15-16/DST project/Sl. No. 1 Dated: 27.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- PC/15-16/UGC/Department of Physics/RC1 Dated: 27.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- Workstation/15-16/FRPDF/Department of Physics/ Sl. No 1 Dated: 27.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- MacBook/15-16/FRPDF/GEOLOGY/GG/ Sl. No. 1/R Dated: 27.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : PR/UGC-2015-16/1/R Dated: 27.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :-34/AR/PU/DM/15-16 Dated: 25.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :-09/PU/WBSST Cong./Food/15-16 Dated: 22.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :-33/AR/PU/DM/15-16 Dated: 22.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :-32/AR/PU/DM/15-16 Dated: 22.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :-Consumable/ UGCFRPS / Dept. of Biological Sciences/Sl.No. RP/UGCFRPS-14 Dated: 22.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :-PU/ICT/2016-17/ENQ-1 Dated: 22.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :-PU/Sc Cong/Design/2015-16/2 Dated: 22.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :-PU/Sc Cong/Design/2015-16/1 Dated: 22.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :-09A/PU/WBSST Cong./Food/15-16 Dated: 22.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :-FRPDF 15-16 / Economics Department/R Dated: 22.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- Malay Das/ DBS/DBT project/15-16/ Sl. No.: 2 Dated: 22.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- Apple MacBook Air Laptop, Printer/15-16/FRPDF/Department of Mathematics/1/R Dated: 22.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : 08/PU/WBSST Cong./Kit/15-16 Dated: 22.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : 07/PU/WBSST Cong./Kit/15-16 Dated: 22.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : PU/Car Hire/15-16/2/R Dated: 21.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : Malay Das/ DBS/DBT project/15-16/ Sl. No.: 1/R Dated: 21.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : DST FIST_BioScience_Computer Dated: 20.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : PU/Physics/Fist-Equipment /01/2015-16/R Dated: 19.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : Contingency/15-16/DST-Ramanujan/SD/Physics/002 Dated: 19.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : Kindle-Laptab etc /15-16/FRPDF/RM/ Bengali/02/R Dated: 19.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : IT/FRPDF/BENGALI/SN / Sl. No. 1 Dated: 18.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : CAll–in-One Desktop-/15-16/FRPDF/Hindi/R Dated: 18.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : CONSUMABLE/DBT-Bio-CARe /DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES/ Sl. No- PU/DBS/SENGUPTA/Bio-CARe-2016 Dated: 18.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : PR/UGC-2015-16/1 Dated: 18.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : Computer/14-15/FRPDF/Department of History / Sl. No/R Dated: 18.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : PU/Sc Cong/Design/2015-16/1 Dated: 15.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : PU/Sc Cong/Design/2015-16/1 Dated: 15.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : Consumables (Chemicals) /15-16/ FRPDF /Name of the Dept.: Biological Sciences/ Sl. No.2/PM Dated: 15.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : HP EliteOne 800 G2 23-in Touch AiO PC/ 15-16 / FRPDF / Economics / 01 /R Dated: 14.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- MacBook/15-16/FRPDF/GEOLOGY/GG/ Sl. No. 1 Dated: 14.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- cam / PU/Hindi/MryHan/FRPDF/2015-16/ 1 Dated: 14.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- Printer / PU/STAT/FRPDF/2015-16/ 1 Dated: 14.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- Apple MacBook Air Laptop, Printer/15-16/FRPDF/Department of Mathematics/1 Dated: 13.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- IT/FRPDF/GEOLOGY/JM / Sl. No. 1 Dated: 13.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- Malay Das/ DBS/DBT project/15-16/ Sl. No.: 1 Dated: 13.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- Malay Das/ DBS/DBT project/15-16/ Sl. No.: 1 Dated: 13.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- Consumables (Chemicals) /15-16/ FRPDF /Name of the Dept.: Biological Sciences/ Sl. No.1/PM Dated: 13.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- DS/PU/DBS/FRPDF/2016 Dated: 13.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- Laptop/ PU/Beng/ 15-16/FRPDF/SBan/ Bengali/01 Dated: 12.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- Apple MacBook Pro 13/FRPDF-Math/15-16/1 Dated: 11.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- FRPDF/ DESKTOP COMPUTER/ HIST/ RIZVI / 001 Dated: 11.01.2016
- Walk-in Interview on 28th January, 2016 for a Project Assistant Position at the Department of Chemistry(Principal Investigator: Dr. Adity Bose)
- Walk-in Interview on 28th January, 2016 for a Project Assistant Position at the Department of Chemistry(Principal Investigator: Dr. Anjoy Majhi)
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- Laptop / PU/Political Science/FRPDF/2015-16/ 2 Dated: 08.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- Nikon DSLR Camera / PU/Political Science/FRPDF/2015-16/ 1 Dated: 08.01.2016
- A Walk-in-interview will be held on 21st January (Thursday), 2016 at 12:00 noon at the Department of Biological Sciences (Zoology Section) at Presidency University, 86/1, College Street, Kolkata-700073, for the appointment of one Junior Research Fellow in a DST-SERB (Govt. of India) sponsored Research Project
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :-PU/ Furniture/2015-16/06 Dated: 08.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :-FRPDF 15-16 / Economics Department Dated: 08.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- Nikon DSLR Camera / /FRPDF/MA/Hindi Dated: 08.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- Equipment/2015-16/FRPDF purchase/Statistics/Sl. No. 01 Dated: 08.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- DJ/ BENG/PU/ PRINTER /FRPDF/2015-16/01 Dated: 08.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- Kindle-Laptab etc /15-16/FRPDF/RM/ Bengali/02 Dated: 07.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- 05/Special Conv. /15-16 Dated: 07.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- IT Equipment/15-16 FRPDF/Philosophy/1 Dated: 07.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation (Re tender) No. :- - INSTRUMENTS/DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES/ Sl. No- PU/DBS/SENGUPTA/FRPDF/15-16/TENDER/R Dated: 07.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- - GPS/PU/GEOG/FRPDF/MB/15-16/01 Dated: 07.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- Research Equipment /15-16/ FRPDF /Name of the Dept.: Biological Sciences/ Sl. No.2 /MS Dated: 07.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :- Research Equipment /15-16/ FRPDF /Name of the Dept.: Biological Sciences/ Sl. No.1/MS Dated: 07.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :GPS/PU/GEOG/FRPDF/PP/15-16/01 Dated: 06.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :AM/DBS/Instrument -1/15-16 Dated: 06.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :Consumable/ UGCFRPS / Dept. of Biological Sciences/Sl.No. RP/UGCFRPS-13 Dated: 06.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :GPS/PU/GEOG/FRPDF/SB/15-16/01 Dated: 06.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :Desktop (PC) and Multifunction Printer /15-16/FRPDF/Philosophy/1 Dated: 06.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :Nikon DSLR Camera /15 - 16 /FRPDF/MA/Bengali Dated: 06.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : PU/Car Hire/15-16/2 Dated: 06.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : UKB/ BENG/PU/Camera/FRPDF/2015-16/01 Dated: 05.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : HP EliteOne 800 G2 23-in Touch AiO PC/ 15-16 / FRPDF / Economics / 01 Dated: 05.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : Desktop (PC) and Multifunction Printer /15-16/FRPDF/Philosophy/1 Dated: 05.01.2016
- Applications are invited for the posts of Professor , Associate Professor and Assistant Professor, at Presidency University, Kolkata for faculty members of Performing Arts Addvertisement Number: PU_RECR_AP_08-15 Dated: 04/01/2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : Laptop/PU/PHIL/FRPDF/MP/15-16/01 Dated: 04.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : All–in-One Desktop-/15-16/FRPDF/Hindi/ Dated: 04.01.2016
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : -PU/2016/01/SCCONG/01 Dated: 31.12.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : -IT EQUIPMENT/DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES/ Sl. No- PU/DBS/SUTAPA SAHA/FRPDF/15-16/TENDER Dated: 31.12.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : -Chemicals/15-16/FRPDF/Chemistry/BD/2 Dated: 30.12.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation (Retender) No. : - IT Equipment /15-16/ FRPDF /Name of the Dept.: Biological Sciences/ Sl. No.1/MS/R Dated: 30.12.2015
- A walk in interview on 11th January, 2016 for a Project Assistant Position at the Department of Chemistry
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :Printer etc /15-16/FRPDF/RM/ Bengali/01 Dated: 30.12.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation (Retender) No. : KKB/ BENG/PU/ I-Pad- /FRPDF/2015-16/01/R Dated: 30.12.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation(Retender) No. : -Consumable/15-16/DST-Ramanujan/SD/Physics/001/R Dated: 30.12.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation (Retender) No. - ipad mini/15-16/FRPDF/Chemistry/BB-03/R Date: 29.12.15
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation(Retender) No. - ipad air 2/15-16/FRPDF/Chemistry/PS-03/R Date: 29.12.15
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : -Equipment &Chemical /PU/Physics/FRPDF /AN-02/2015-16 Dated: 28.12.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : - AR/Geol/15-16/FRPDF/GPS/01 Dated: 23.12.2015
- A walk in interview for a research scholar Dated: 23.12.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : - IT Equipment /15-16/ FRPDF /Name of the Dept.: Biological Sciences/ Sl. No.1/MS Dated: 22.12.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : PC+Printer/15-16/FRPDF/Department of Physics/ Sl. No Dated: 21.12.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : PU/Dept. of Mathematics/2015/TEW-NCM 2016/01 Dated: 21.12.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : FRPDF -2/15-16 dated 21.12.2015 Dated: 21.12.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : KKB/ BENG/PU/ I-Pad- /FRPDF/2015-16/01 Dated: 21.12.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. - Consumables (Restriction Enzymes) /14-15/PRJECT [F.30-19/2014(BSR) Date18.07.2014] /DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES/ Sl. No. PU/DBS/Amlan/UGC-5 Date: 18.12.15
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. - PU/Physics/Fist-Equipment /01/2015-16 Date: 18.12.15
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. - ipad mini/15-16/FRPDF/Chemistry/BB-03 Date: 17.12.15
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. - PT-FRPDF/PU/Econ/15-16/01 Date: 17.12.15
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. - ipad air 2/15-16/FRPDF/Chemistry/PS-03 Date: 17.12.15
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. SB/Geol/15-16/FRPDF/Cam/01 Date: 16.12.15
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. Desktop (PC) and Multifunction Printer /15-16/FRPDF/Philosophy/1 Date: 16.12.15
- Walk-in-Interview Notification for Junior Research Fellow (JRF)/Project Assistant (PA) ; Dated: 16.12.15
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. PR/WB-DBT-2015-16/5 Date: 10.12.15
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :Desktop-01/15-16/FRPDF/Chemistry/AB-01 Date: 9.12.15
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :Equip/Regr/2015-17/11 Date: 9.12.15
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :SB/Geol/15-16/FRPDF/GPS/01 Date: 9.12.15
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :AM/ACM/Chemical -1/15-16 Date: 9.12.15
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : All–in-One Desktop-/15-16/FRPDF/Hindi/ Date: 9.12.15
- Walk-in-Interview Notification for Research Assistant Position (2 posts) ; Dated: 8.12.15
- Walk-in Interview Notification for JRF Position at the Department of Physics Dated: 8.12.15
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : Chemicals/Tender/Chemistry/UG-PG lab/2015-2016/3 Date: 4.12.15
- Application for Guest Faculty in English Department Date: 4.12.15
- A Walk-in-interview will be held for the appointment of one Junior Research Fellow in a Science and Engineering Research Board (DST-SERB) project Dated: 2.12.15
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : PC+Printer/15-16/FRPDF/Department of Physics/ Sl. No Dated: 02.12.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : -31/AR/PU/DM/15-16 Dated: 30.11.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : -03/Decoration /15-16 Dated: 30.11.2015
- Re Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : -02/Water Purifier/2015-16 /Retender Dated: 27.11.2015
- Applications are invited for the posts of Professor & Assistant Professor Addvertisement Number: PU_RECR_AP_07-15 Dated: 27.11.2015
- Tender for supply of the Furniture No. : PU/FRNTR/2015-16/03 Dated: 21.11.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : -Desktop-02/15-16/FRPDF/Chemistry/BB-02 Dated: 20.11.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : -02/Water Purifier/2015-16 Dated: 20.11.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : -PR-FRPDF-2015/1 Dated: 20.11.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : -Consumable/15-16/DST-Ramanujan/SD/Physics/001 Dated: 20.11.2015
- Walk-in Interview notification for JRF Position at the Department of Biological Sciences Dated: 18.11.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : -Printer Cartridge/14-15/FRPDF/Department of History / Sl. No Dated: 16.11.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : - Nikon DSLR Camera / 15 - 16 / DST INSPIRE Faculty Award / 2014 / DST / INSPIRE / 04 / 2014 / 000221 (INSPIRE Code IFA14-EAS-20) dated 10/11/2014 / Dept of Geology / Sl. No.4 Dated: 06.11.2015
- Tender for supply of the Furniture No. : - PU/FRNTR/2015-16/02 Dated: 02.11.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : - Small Equipment/Tender/Chemistry/UG-PG lab/2015-2016/2 Dated: 02.11.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : - FRPDF -1/15-16/Re dated Dated: 30.10.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : Weighing Balance/15-16/FEPDF dated Dated: 30.10.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : 30/AR/PU/DM/15-16 Dated: 30.10.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : 29/AR/PU/DM/15-16 Dated: 30.10.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : 28/AR/PU/DM/15-16 Dated: 29.10.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : 27/AR/PU/DM/15-16 Dated: 29.10.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : DBS Lab Consumables -2/15-16 dated Dated: 16.10.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : DBS Lab Chemicals -1/15-16 dated Dated: 16.10.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : INSTRUMENTS/DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES/ Sl. No- PU/DBS/SARKAR/ FRPDF/15-16/RE-TENDER dated Dated: 15.10.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : INSTRUMENTS/DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES/ Sl. No- PU/DBS/CHATTERJEE/SENGUPTA/FRPDF/15-16 dated Dated: 15.10.2015
- Application are invited for the position of guest lecturer in History Department
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : FRPDF -1/15-16 dated Dated: 13.10.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : WStn-08/15-16/UGC-start-up/Chemistry/PKG/Re tender dated Dated: 13.10.2015
- Notice for Quotation No. : PU/FURN(L)/English/15-16 dated Dated: 9th Oct 2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : High Temp Conductivity Measurement Setup /PU/Physics/FRPDF /AN-01-Re1/2015-16 dated Dated: 6th Oct 2015
- Walk-in-interview for a Project Assistant Position at the Department of Chemistry Dated: 6.10.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : INSTRUMENTS/DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES/ Sl. No- PU/DBS/SARKAR/ FRPDF/15-16 dated Dated: 5.10.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : Computer and other accessories /15-16/PROJECT/PHYSICS/1 dated Dated: 5.10.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : CHEMICALS/DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES/ Sl. No- PU/DBS/CHATTERJEE/FRPDF/15-16 dated Dated: 5.10.2015
- Tender Notice No. : PU/WORKS (O)-05/2015-16 dated Dated: 01.10.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :CONSUMABLE/DBT-Bio-CARe /DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES/PU/DBS/SENGUPTA/Bio-CARe-2015 dated Dated: 01.10.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :26/AR/PU/DM/15-16 Dated: 29.09.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. :OnlUPS-2KVA/15-16/UGC-start-up/Chemistry/DPC dated Dated: 29.09.2015
- Walk-in Interview on 7th October, 2015 for a UGC sponsored Project Fellow Position dated Dated: 24.09.2015
- Walk-in-interview for Project fellow in the Department of Biological Sciences dated Dated: 24.09.2015
- Tender Notice No. : PU/WORKS (O)-04/2015-16/R dated Dated: 24.09.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : Abhik Saha/Wellcome Trust-DBT IA 15-16/Biology/1 dated Dated: 22.09.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Tender Notice No. : Madhubrata Choudhury/UGC MRP 15-16/ Sl. No.: 1(Retender) Dated: 21.09.2015
- Walk-in-interview for the post of one Project Assistant at the Department of Geology
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : High Temp Conductivity Measurement Setup /PU/Physics/FRPDF /AN-01/2015-16 dated Dated: 16.09.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : WStn-08/15-16/UGC-start-up/Chemistry/PKG dated Dated: 16.09.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : Equipment-contingency/15-17/UGC-BSR/SC/Physics/001 dated Dated: 08.09.2015
- TENDER NOTICE Tender Notice No. : PU/WORKS (O)-04/2015-16 dated Dated: 08.09.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Re Tender Notice No. : BSR/Geog/PP/Comp/01/R Dated: 04.09.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Re Tender Notice No. : iPad Air 2 (Wi-Fi+Cellular 64GB, Space Gray/15-16/FEPDF/Department of Bengali/111/R) Dated: 04.09.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Tender Notice No. : Madhubrata Choudhury/UGC MRP 15-16/ Sl. No.: 1 Dated: 03.09.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation 25/AR/PU/DM/15-16 Dated: 27.08.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation UGC/SU/MG/005 Dated: 26.08.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation DST/SERB/UGC/SU/MG/003 Dated: 26.08.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation DST/SERB/ DST(SERB)/YS/300/MG/007 Dated: 26.08.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Tender Notice No. : Malay Das CONSUMABLES/15-16/FRPDF / Sl. No.:2 Dated: 26.08.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Tender Notice No. : iPad Air 2 (Wi-Fi+Cellular 64GB, Space Gray/15-16/FEPDF/Department of Bengali/111) Dated: 20.08.2015
- Walk-in Interview for a Project Assistant Position at the Department of Physics, Presidency University, Kolkata.
- A Walk-in-interview will be held for the appointment of One Research Fellow and One Research Assistant in a Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance sponsored Project entitled "Understanding the Molecular Crosstalk between Unfolded Protein Response and EBV pathogenesis in developing B-cell Lymphomas”
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Tender Notice No. : ABHIK SAHA/DBS/15-16/1 Dated: 19.08.2015
- Applications are invited for the posts of Consulting Engineer (Contractual Post) Addvertisement Number: PU_RECR_AP_06-15 Dated: 18.08.2015
- Applications are invited for the posts of Secretary Faculty Council ( Arts) , Secretary Faculty Council (Science) , Assistant Controller of Examination Addvertisement Number: PU_RECR_AP_05-15 Dated: 18.08.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Tender Notice No. : PU/ CCS-TV/15-16/1 Dated: 18.08.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Tender Notice No. : Malay Das/CONSUMABLES/15-16/FRPDF/ Sl. No.: 1 Dated: 18.08.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Tender Notice No. : Geog/PP/Comp/01 Dated: 14.08.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Tender Notice No. : AM/DBS/Consumable -1/15-16 Dated: 11.08.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Tender Notice No. : PU/ A.R./2015-16/ 01 Dated: 10.08.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Tender Notice No. : Struers Consumables / 15 - 16 / DST INSPIRE Faculty Award / 2014 / DST / INSPIRE / 04 / 2014 / 000221 (INSPIRE Code IFA14-EAS-20) dated 10/11/2014 / Dept of Geology / Sl. No.3 Dated: 08/08/2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Tender Notice No. : 24/AR/PU/DM/15-16 Dated: 07.08.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Tender Notice No. : 23/AR/PU/DM/15-16 Dated: 07.08.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Tender Notice No. : 22/AR/PU/DM/15-16 Dated: 06.08.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Tender Notice No. : 01/F.O/2015-16/R1 Dated: 06.08.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Tender Notice No. : 08/15-16/FRPDF/Chemistry/AH-01 Dated: 06.08.2015
- Tender notice for Campus-wide security for End Points Tender Notice No. : PU/ICT-Tender/2015-16/05/R1 Dated: 06.08.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Tender Notice No. : Laptop/15-16/FRPDF Dated: 05.08.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Tender Notice No. : 21/AR/PU/DM/15-16 Dated: 03.08.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Tender Notice No. : 20/AR/PU/DM/15-16 Dated: 30.07.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Tender Notice No. : PU/CONVO/15-16/Printing/1 Dated: 30.07.2015
- Tender notice for Campus-wide installation of IP Telephonic System Tender Notice No. : PU/ICT-Tender/2015-16/04/R1 Dated: 30.07.2015
- Notice for Quotation - No: 20/AR/PU/DM/15-16 Date: 29/07/2015
- Notice for Quotation - No: laptop-07/15-16/FRPDF/Chemistry/PKG Date: 28/07/2015
- Notice for Quotation - No: PU/Convo/15-16/Flex-1 Date: 25/07/2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation(Re-tender) - No: Lens/15-16/FRPDF/Geology/1/Re-tender Date: 24/07/2015
- Tender for the supply of the various items related to decoration, sound, lighting, etc. in connection with the 3rd Convocation2015 of Presidency University Tender Notice No. PU/Convo/Deco/15-16/1 Dated: 23-07-2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No: Chemicals/15-16/FRPDF/Chemistry/BD/1 Dated: 20-07-2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No: Electronic/15-16/FRPDF/English/Sumit/1 Dated: 20-07-2015
- Tender(Date extension) for proposed Installation of Fire Extinguisher in the Derozio Building, N.S. Building, Central Library & Others Building in Different Floors at Presidency University Tender Notice No. : PU/WORKS (O)-02/2015-16 Dated: 15.07.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : 19/AR/PU/DM/15-16 Dated: 14.07.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : 18/AR/PU/DM/15-16 Dated: 14.07.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : Annual Report/2015-16/design/1 Dated: 13.07.2015
- Tender for the supply of the Silver-made Cascades for the 3rd Convocation of the Presidency University Notice No. : PU/Convo/15-16/1 Dated: 13.07.2015
- INVITATION FOR QUOTATION Notice No. : 17/AR/PU/DM/15-16 Dated: 13.07.2015
- INVITATION FOR QUOTATION Notice No. : 16/AR/PU/DM/15-16 Dated: 13.07.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Notice No. : Tender-2/Chemistry/Chemicals, other items/GKK/DST/2015 Dated: 13.07.2015
- Re Tender notice for Campus-wide ICT Infrastructure Up gradation at Presidency University Tender Notice No. : PU/ICT-Tender/2015-16/02/R1 Dated: 10.07.2015
- Invite quotation for Repairing & Painting of Faculty room at Hindi Department in NS Building at Presidency University No. : 15/AR/PU/DM/15-16 Dated: 10.07.2015
- Invite quotation for Renovation of one Room in NS Building extension part (attach to staircase) at Presidency University No. : 14/AR/PU/DM/15-16 Dated: 10.07.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : 01(Eden)/ PU/ 15-16 Dated: 09.07.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : PU/ Furniture/2015-16/2 (R-1) Dated: 09.07.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No. : Tender/Chemistry/Chemicals, other items/GKK/DST/2015 Dated: 09.07.2015
- Tender notice for Campus-wide security for End Points Tender Notice No. : PU/ICT-Tender/2015-16/05 Dated: 09.07.2015
- Tender notice for Campus-wide installation of IP Telephonic System Tender Notice No. : PU/ICT-Tender/2015-16/04 Dated: 09.07.2015
- Tender notice for Procurement of SSL VPN Device at Presidency University Tender Notice No. : PU/ICT-Tender/2015-16/03/ Dated: 09.07.2015
- Re Tender notice for Campus-wide ICT Infrastructure Up gradation at Presidency University Tender Notice No. : PU/ICT-Tender/2015-16/01/1-R1 Dated: 07.07.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation - No: Lens/15-16/FRPDF/Geology/1 Date: 07/07/2015
- Applications are invited for the different posts of University Officers -Advertisement No: PU_RECR_AP_04-15 Date: 06/07/2015
- Walk-In interview for the appointment of one Project Assistant for DBT, Govt. of India sponsored project
- Tender for proposed Installation of Fire Extinguisher in the Derozio Building, N.S. Building, Central Library & Others Building in Different Floors at Presidency University Tender Notice No. : PU/WORKS (O)-02/2015-16 Dated: 6.07.2015
- Tender for Repairing the student toilet at 1st floor near Economies department at Presidency University, Kolkata- 700 073 Tender Notice No. ::-13/AR/PU/DM/15-16 Dated: 6.07.2015
- Date extension notice for enquiry of quotations invited from the reputed concerns for operating the Food Court at the Presidency University Premises Tender Notice No. : PU/Food Court/2015-16/1 Dated: 1.07.2015
- TENDER FOR supply of Furniture Notice No. : PU/FRNTR/2014-15/01 Dated: 30.06.2015
- Notice for Quotation NO:-PU/ Furniture/2015-16/2 29.06 2015
- Notice for Quotation NO:-12/AR/PU/DM/15-16 29.06 2015
- Notice for Quotation NO:-11/AR/PU/DM/15-16 26.06 2015
- TENDER FOR Repairing & Renovation of Staff Ladies Toilet at Botany Department at Presidency University, Kolkata- 700 073 Notice No. : 10/AR/PU/DM/15-16 Dated: 25.06.2015
- Notice for Quotation Notice No. : Equip/Regr/2015-16/01 Dated: 22.06.2015
- Tender notice for Campus-wide ICT Infrastructure Up gradation at Presidency University Tender Notice No. : PU/ICT-Tender/2015-16/02 Dated: 18.06.2015
- Invitation quotation for Repairing the Faculty (Gents) Toilet at Derozio Building Behind the RL-1 Lab in D.B.S at Presidency University No. : 09/AR/PU/DM/15-16 Dated: 18.06.2015
- Notice for Quotation Enquiry no : AM/DBS/Lab Instruments -1/15-16 Dated: 18.06.2015
- Sealed Quotations are invited from the reputed concerns for operating the Food Court at the Presidency University Premises Tender Notice No. : PU/Food Court/2015-16/1 Dated: 16.06.2015
- Walk-in Interview on 24th June, 2015 for a Project Assistant Position at the Department of Chemistry, Presidency University, Kolkata.
- Tender notice for Campus-wide ICT Infrastructure Up gradation at Presidency University Tender Notice No. : PU/ICT-Tender/2015-16/01 Dated: 10.06.2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation Enquiry No: Equipment/14-15 /CHEM / AB / UGC BSR Sl. No 01 03.06.2015
- Notice for Quotation Enquiry No: Equipment / DST-SERB/2015-16/S.Ghosh/01 2-06-2015
- Notice for Quotation NO:- 07/AR/PU/DM (EXT.)/15-16 01.06 2015
- Nominations / Applications are invited for the posts of Distinguished Professors in the Presidency University 1st June 2015
- Tender notice for proposed Repairing & Renovation of Geology Department (Water seepage effected portion) at Ground Floor of Baker Building at Presidency University TENDER NOTICE NO: PU/WORKS (O)-01/2015-16 29.05.2015
- Notice for Quotation NO:- 08/AR/PU/DM/15-16 26th May 2015
- Notice for Quotation NO:- 07/AR/PU/DM/15-16 22nd May 2015
- Notice for Quotation NO:- 01/F.O/2015-16 22nd May 2015
- INVITATION FOR QUOTATION NO:- 06/AR/PU/DM/15-16 21th May 2015
- INVITATION FOR QUOTATION NO:- 05/AR/PU/DM/15-16 21th May 2015
- INVITATION FOR QUOTATION NO:- 04/AR/PU/DM/15-16 21th May 2015
- INVITATION FOR QUOTATION 03/AR/PU/DM/15-16 20th May 2015
- INVITATION FOR QUOTATION 02/AR/PU/DM/15-16 20th May 2015
- Walk-in interview for appointment of Junior Research Fellows for Ph.D Programme in the Department of Geography Dated: 20.05.2015
- NOTICE INVITING BID FOR HIRING OF CAR WITH FULL TIME DRIVER ( Extension of last date of submission )
- Walk-in-interview for the appointment of one Project Fellow in a West Bengal Biodiversity Board (Govt. Of West Bengal) sponsored Research Project
- Walk-in-interview for a Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in a department of Biotechnology(DBT)
- INVITATION FOR QUOTATION for Repairing & Painting of Stair Passage in Connection with the Lift Entrance Gate at Baker Building(Ground Floor) No:01/AR/PU/DM/15-16 Date:04.05.2015
- Notice for Quotation Rate Enquiry No: PU/ Stationery Goods /01/F.O/2015-16 Date:04.05.2015
- Paresh Chandra Chatterjee Professor of History
- Walk in interview for project Fellow in a DST sponsored project
- Walk in interview for project assistant in a DST sponsored project
- JRF/SRF/RA walk-in-interview
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation - Freezer/14-15/UGC-FRP project (no.F.30-19/2014 (BSR)/Dept. of Biological Sciences/ 2 Date: 23th April 2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation - Secondary antibodies/15-16/DST project/DBS/4 Date: 20th April 2015
- A walk in and Skype interview for a research scholar
- Walk-in interview notification for Research Scholar Position at Presidency University, Kolkata
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation - Rocker and freeze/15-16/DST project/DBS/1 ; Date: 7th April 2015.
- Walk-in Interview on 22nd April, 2015 for a Project Assistant Position at the Department of Chemistry
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation - Accessories/14-15/DST-YS/SD/Physics/003 ; Date: 27th March. 2015.
- Re Enquiry Notice for Quotation - CONSUMABLES/14-15/DBS /KG/DST/UGC Sl. No.: 1(RE TENDER) ; Date: 27th March. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -- 32/AR/PU/DM/14-15   ; Date: 25th March. 2015
- Applications are invited for Professor & Assistant Professor, at Presidency University -Advertisement No: PU_RECR_AP_02 -15 Date: 25/03/2015
- Infosys Foundation Distinguished Chair Professor of Economics at Presidency University, Kolkata
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -- - Laboratory Consumables/14-15/INSPIRE/Chemistry/KPB/05   ; Date: 23rd March. 2015
- Re Enquiry Notice for Quotation -- IT Equipment /14-15/ Dept of ENGLISH / 1(Re Tender)   ; Date: 18th March. 2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No: /UGC UKIERI/1/2014-15 Date: 18 March. 2015
- Walk-in-interview for the appointment of one Project Fellow for a UGC Major Research Project: “Cytological & phytochemical analysis,molecular characterization & invitro propagation of some Indian species of Ornithogalum L” Date: 13 March. 2015
- Re Tender for Thorough Repair & Renovation of Botany Section in Biological Science Department at Baker Building   PU/WORKS(O)-11(Re-tender) Date: 12 March. 2015
- Walk-in-interview for the appointment of one Project Fellow in a West Bengal Biodiversity Board (Govt. Of West Bengal) sponsored Research Project Date: 12 March. 2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -- Equipment/14-15/DST-Ramanujan/SD/Physics/002  ; Date: 12 March. 2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -- IT Equipment /14-15/ Dept of ENGLISH / 1   ; Date: 11th March. 2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -DEL Laptop/15-16/ DST INSPIRE Faculty Award/2014/DST/INSPIRE/04/2014/000221(INSPIRE Code IFA14-EAS-20) /Dept of Geology / Sl. No.2 ; Date: 11th March. 2015
- Re Enquiry Notice for Quotation -Desktop-printer-tab/PU/POLITICAL SCIENCE/ASG/1(Re Tender) ; Date: 11th March. 2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -Equipment-PU/Physics/FRPDF /SB-01/2014-15 ; Date: 11th March. 2015
- Re Enquiry Notice for Quotation -Desktop (PC) and Printer /14-15/FRPDF/Political science/1(Re Tender) ; Date: 11th March. 2015
- Re Enquiry Notice for Quotation - Laboratory Consumables/14-15/INSPIRE/Chemistry/KPB/03(Re tender) ; Date: 11th March. 2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation - Printer/14-15/FRPDF/GEOLOGY/GG/ Sl. No. 2 ; Date: 9th March. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation - Equipment /PU/Physics/FRPDF /BRC-01/2014-15 ; Date: 9th March. 2015.
- Re Enquiry Notice for Quotation - Desktop PC (Dell)/14-15/FRPDF/Department of Political Science (Re-notification) ; Date: 9th March. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation - Pol / PU /DG – CS/ 3-15 ; Date: 4th March. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation - CONSUMABLES/14-15/DBS/KG/DST/UGC Sl. No.: 4 ; Date: 4th March. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation - CONSUMABLES/14-15/DBS / KG/ DST/UGC Sl. No.:3 ; Date: 4th March. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation - CONSUMABLES/14-15/DBS / KG/ DST/UGC Sl. No.: 2 ; Date: 4th March. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation - CONSUMABLES/14-15/DBS /KG/DST/UGC Sl. No.: 1 ; Date: 4th March. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation - pH Meter & Glass Electrode/14-15/DST Start-Up/Chemistry/KPB/04 ; Date: 4th March. 2015.
- Re Enquiry Notice for Quotation - SB2/14-15/UGC Start-Up Grant/Department of Mathematics /Sl.No. 2(Re-Tender) ; Date: 4th March. 2015.
- Re Enquiry Notice for Quotation - Apple Macbook Air 13''/14-15/FRPDF/Department of Mathematics/ 1(Re-Tender) ; Date: 4th March. 2015.
- Re Enquiry Notice for Quotation - Desktop (PC) and Multifunction Printer /14-15/FRPDF/Philosophy/2(Re-Tender) ; Date: 4th March. 2015.
- Interview for Research Assistants
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -iPad Air 2 (Silver, 64GB, WiFi+Cellula/14-15/FEPDF/Department of Hindi/111) ; Date: 2nd March. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -GPS/14-15/FRPDF/GEOLOGY/GG/ Sl. No. 1 ; Date: 27th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -Pol / PU /LP – CS/ 2-15 ; Date: 27th February. 2015.
- Re Enquiry Notice for Quotation -Desktop (PC) and Multifunction Printer /14-15/FRPDF/Philosophy/1(Re) ; Date: 27th February. 2015.
- Re Tender notice for Renovation of Ground floor and construction of mezzanine floor at ground floor, east wing, Baker building Date: 25th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -- Desktop (PC) and Multifunction Printer /14-15/FRPDF/Philosophy/2 Date: 24th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -- Laptop /PU/SB /FRPDF/14-15/1 Date: 24th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -- Sony Handycom 14-15 / FRDPF Purchase Date: 24th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -- Laptop /PU/POLITICAL SCIENCE/FRPDF/AC/1 Date: 24th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -- CONSUMABLE/FRPDF/DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES/ Sl. No- PU/DBS/MANNA/FRPDF-2 Date: 24th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -- FRPDF/14-15/ LAPTOP/ HIST/ RIZVI / 001 Date: 24th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -- BD/14-15/FRPDF/Chemistry/1 Date: 24th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -- SB2/14-15/UGC Start-Up Grant/Department of Mathematics /Sl.No. 2 Date: 24th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -- LAF/14-15/FRPDF/DBS/ SD-DRM-002 Date: 24th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -SHAKER/14-15/FRPDF/DBS/ SD-DRM-001 Date: 24th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation --Laboratory Consumables/14-15/INSPIRE/Chemistry/KPB/03 Date: 24th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation --31/AR/PU/DM/14-15 ; Date: 23rd February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation --30/AR/PU/DM/14-15 ; Date: 23rd February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation --Desktop-printer-tab/PU/POLITICAL SCIENCE/ASG/1 ; Date: 20th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation --CONSUMABLE/PROJECT/DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES/ Sl. No- PU/DBS/MANNA/BRNS-1 ; Date: 19th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -- No: 1/14-15/FRPDF/ ECONOMICS ; Date: 19th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -- No: Desktop 14-15 / FRDPF Purchase ; Date: 19th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -- No: Computer -1/14-15/FRPDF/Department of Political Science ; Date: 19th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -- No: Calibrator/PU/DBS/FRPDF /2014-15 ; Date: 19th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -- No: Body Impedance Analyzer /PU/DBS/FRPDF /2014-15 ; Date: 19th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation --No: Body Composition Analyzer /PU/DBS/FRPDF /2014-15 ; Date: 19th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -- IT/Sociology/14-15/001 ; Date: 19th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -- Laptop /PU/FRPDF/MA-1/2014-15 ; Date: 19th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -- Desktop (PC) and Printer /14-15/FRPDF/Political science/1 ; Date: 19th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -- IT/DBT-BUILDER PROJECT/DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES/ Sl. No- BT/PR11357/INF/22/197/2014 ; Date: 19th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -Desktop (PC) and Multifunction Printer /14-15/FRPDF/Philosophy/1 ; Date: 19th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -28/AR/PU/DM/14-15 Date: 19th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -28/AR/PU/DM/14-15 Date: 19th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -FRPDF/DBS/2015/PM-001 ; Date: 19th February. 2015.
- Tender for Thorough Repair & Renovation of Botany Section in Biological Science Department at Baker Building -PU/WORKS (O)-11/2014-15 ; Date: 16th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -IT Equipment/14-15 FRPDF/Philosophy/1 ; Date: 16th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -FRPDF/DB/2015/001 ; Date: 16th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -Desktop PC /PU/Physics/FRPDF /AN-02/2014-15 ; Date: 12th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -Equipment/2014-15/FRPDF purchase/Statistics/Sl. No 02 ; Date: 12th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -Laptop/14-15/FRPDF/Chemistry/1 ; Date: 12th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -Cam/14-15/FRPDF/Bengali/01 ; Date: 12th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -Laptop/14-15/FRPDF /Name of the Dept Biological Sciences/ Sl. No1 ; Date: 12th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -Computer -1/14-15/FRPD/Department of Political Science ; Date: 11th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -Chemical oxygen sensor/14-15/DBT 14-15/DBS/1 ; Date: 11th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -Mathematica / 14-15 / FRPDF / Physics Department / RK 01 ; Date: 11th February. 2015.
- Re Enquiry Notice for Quotation -Apple Macbook Air 11/14-15/FRPDF/Department of Mathematics/ 1(RE) ; Date: 11th February. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No --PC/14-15/FRPDF/Chemistry/1 ; Date: 9th February 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No --Name of article/14-15/FRPDF or PROJECT/Name of the Dept / Sl. No 1 ; Date: 9th February 2015.
- Tender Notice --Tender/2014-15/Chemistry/2 ; Date: 7th February 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation --Dell All-in-One desktop/14-15/FRPDF ; Date: 7th February 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation --SympEIBPD-2015/Meals and refreshments ; Date: 6th February 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation --Static freezer (245)/14-15/FRPDF14-15/DBS/1 ; Date: 6th February 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation --Cam/14-15/FRPDF/Geology/01 ; Date: 5th February 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation --Apple iPad,with Retina Display,(16GB,Wi-Fi + Cellular),White/14-15/FRPDF /Department of Philosophy / Sl.No. 1(Re) ; Date: 5th February 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation --Dell All-in-one Desktop/14-15/FRPDF /English / Sl. No 1(Re) ; Date: 5th February 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation --FEPDF 14-15 / Economics Department (Re) ; Date: 5th February 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation --Apple Macbook Air 13''/14-15/FRPDF/Department of Mathematics/ 1 ; Date: 5th February 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation --Laptop/14-15/FRPDF/GEOLOGY/JM / Sl. No. 1 ; Date: 5th February 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation --DMIMCl/14-15/DST/Chemistry/1 ; Date: 3rd February 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation --21.5-inch iMac/14-15/FRPDF/GEOGRAPHY/ 1 ; Date: 3rd February 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation --Camera DSLR/Project ICSSR /Name of the Dept. Sociology ; Date: 3rd February 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -- Laptop/13-14/FRPDF/BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES / Sl. No. 1 ; Date: 3rd February 2015.
- INVITATION FOR QUOTATION -- 27/AR/PU/DM/14-15 ; Date: 3rd February 2015.
- INVITATION FOR QUOTATION -- 26/AR/PU/DM/14-15 ; Date: 3rd February 2015.
- INVITATION FOR QUOTATION -- Specmac Virasat/PUB LECT/FEB/01 ; Date: 2nd February 2015.
- INVITATION FOR QUOTATION -- 25/AR/PU/DM/14-15 ; Date: 3rd February 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -- ANN/SPORT/14-15/ 01 ; Date: 30th Jan. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -- Macbook Pro 13-inch/14-15/FRPDF/Physics/RC01 ; Date: 30th Jan. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -Apple Macbook Air 11/14-15/FRPDF/Department of Mathematics/ 1 ; Date: 30th Jan. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -Computer 1/14-15/PU/F.Aallot/S/083Department of Sociology ; Date: 30th Jan. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -Laptop/14-15/FRPDF/Chemistry / BB 01 ; Date: 30th Jan. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -DELL Laptop Latitude 3440 / 14-15 / FRPDF / Economics / Sl. No 1 ; Date: 29th Jan. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -FEPDF 14-15 / Economics Department ; Date: 27th Jan. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -Dell All-in-one Desktop/14-15/FRPDF /English / Sl. No 1 ; Date: 27th Jan. 2015.
- Applications are invited for Professor & Assistant Professor, at Presidency University -Advertisement No: PU_RECR_AP_01 -15 Date: 24/01/2015
- Tender notice for Thorough Repair & Renovation of Zoology Section in Biological Science Department at Baker Building, Presidency University - Tender notice number: PU/WORKS (O)-10/2014-15 ; Date: 23th Jan. 2015.
- Tender notice for Thorough Repair & Renovation of Physiology Section in Biological Science Department at Baker Building, Presidency University - Tender notice number: PU/WORKS (O)-09/2014-15 ; Date: 23th Jan. 2015.
- Tender notice for Renovation of Ground floor and construction of mezzanine floor at ground floor, east wing, Baker building - Tender notice number: PU/WORKS (O)-08/2014-15 ; Date: 23th Jan. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation -Laptop Latitude 3440 / 14-15 / FRPDF / Economics / Sl. No 1 ; Date: 23rd Jan. 2015.
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation - Apple iPad,with Retina Display,(16GB,Wi-Fi + Cellular),White/14-15/FRPDF /Department of Philosophy / Sl.No.1 ; Date: 19th Jan. 2015.
- Re-Enquiry Notice for Quotation PU/Physics/FRPDF/AN-01R/2014-15 ; Date: 19th Jan. 2015.
- Re-Enquiry Notice for Quotation PU/Physics/Equipment/14-15/01R ; Date: 17th Jan. 2015.
- INVITATION FOR QUOTATION Chemicals and lab Consumables/14-15/Prac/DBS/1 ; Date: 16th Jan. 2015.
- INVITATION FOR QUOTATION 24/AR/PU/DM/14-15 ; Date: 14th Jan. 2015.
- INVITATION FOR QUOTATION SympEIBPD-2015/DBT-BUILDER/Printing ; Date: 13th Jan. 2015.
- INVITATION FOR QUOTATION SympEIBPD-2015/ DBT-BUILDER/Car Rental ; Date: 13th Jan. 2015.
- INVITATION FOR QUOTATION CONSUMABLES/14-15/CSIR 38(1386)/14/EMR-II/DBS / Sl. No.: 4 ; Date: 13th Jan. 2015.
- INVITATION FOR QUOTATION CONSUMABLES/14-15/CSIR 38(1386)/14/EMR-II/DBS / Sl. No.: 3 ; Date: 13th Jan. 2015.
- INVITATION FOR QUOTATION CONSUMABLES/14-15/CSIR 38(1386)/14/EMR-II/DBS / Sl. No.: 2 ; Date: 13th Jan. 2015.
- INVITATION FOR QUOTATION CONSUMABLES/14-15/CSIR 38(1386)/14/EMR-II/DBS / Sl. No.: 1 ; Date: 13th Jan. 2015.
- INVITATION FOR QUOTATION EQUIPMENT (Thermal Cycler)/14-15/PROJECT [1158/BT/(Estt.)/RD-13/2013 dated 28.11.2014] DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES / Sl. No-PU/DBS/Amlan/WBDBT-1 Date: 13th Jan. 2015.
- INVITATION FOR QUOTATION NO:-19/AR/PU/DM/14-15 Date: 08th Jan. 2015.
- INVITATION FOR QUOTATION NO:-23/AR/PU/DM/14-15 Date: 08th Jan. 2015.
- INVITATION FOR QUOTATION NO:-19/AR/PU/DM/14-15 Date: 08th Jan. 2015.
- INVITATION FOR QUOTATION NO:-19/AR/PU/DM/14-15 Date: 08th Jan. 2015.
- INVITATION FOR QUOTATION NO:-22/AR/PU/DM/14-15 Date: 08th Jan. 2015.
- INVITATION FOR QUOTATION NO:-SB1/14-15/UGC Start-Up Grant/Department of Mathematics /Sl.No. 1 Date: 07-01-2015
- INVITATION FOR QUOTATION NO:-Laptop -1/14-15/FRPDF/MA, Name of the Dept.-Bengali Date: 07-01-2015
- INVITATION FOR QUOTATION NO:-Liquid N2 Can and Dewar Flask/14-15/INSPIRE/Chemistry/KPB/02 Date: 07-01-2015
- INVITATION FOR QUOTATION NO:- 21/AR/PU/DM/14-15 Date: 06-01-2015
- INVITATION FOR QUOTATION NO:- 20/AR/PU/DM/14-15 Date: 06-01-2015
- Re-Tender for the supply of the Laboratory Equipments to the Department of Physics under DST-FIST Program & DST- project grant, Presidency University, Kolkata Re-Tender Notice No. PU/DST-FIST/ Physics/2014-15/01R Date: 06-01-2015
- INVITATION FOR QUOTATION No. : 18/AR/PU/DM/14-15 Date: 05/01/2015
- Tender notice for up-gradation of existing E-Campus Network as per the annexure I. TENDER NOTICE No. : PU/ICT-Tender/2014-15/01 Date: 05/01/2015
- Walk-in-interview for the appointment of one Junior Research Fellow in a Department of Biotechnology (West Bengal) sponsored Research Project Date: 05/01/2015
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No.: PU/Physics/FRPDF /AN-01/2014-15 Date: 02/01/2015
- Walk-in-interview for the appointment of one Junior Research Fellow in a Department of Biotechnology (DBT) sponsored Research Project
- INVITATION FOR QUOTATION NO:- 17/AR/PU/DM/14-15 date:24.12.14
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No- Small Equipment/Tender/Chemistry/UG-PG lab/2014-2015/1 date:24.12.14
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation s No- Uniform/14-15/NSS-PU/1 date:23.12.14
- JRF position in DST funded project “2-D Nanomaterials for Flexible Photo Detector” at the Department of Physics date:23.12.14
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No:Magazine/14-15/PUSUC / 01 date:22.12.14
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No: PU/Physics/Equipment/14-15/01 date:22.12.14
- NOTICE FOR ENLISTMENT Ref No: PU/FO/Vendor Enlist/2014-15 date:19.12.14
- Enquiry Notice for Rate Contract regarding Supply of Chemicals and Other Laboratory Consumables Enquiry Notice No. : PU / Rt Cont. / Lab. Consmb. /2014-15 / 01 date:19.12.14
- Re Tender Notice. Equip/Dept. of Geography/2014-15/01(Re tender) date:19.12.14
- Invitation for Quotation for Renovation of Staff Quarter at First Floor in Eden Hindu Hostel at Presidency University No. 16/AR/PU/DM/14-15 Date:18.12.2014
- Invitation for Quotation for Repairing & Painting of Gym Center in Eden Hindu Hostel (Ground Floor) at Presidency University No. 15/AR/PU/DM/14-15 Date:18.12.2014
- A walk in Interview at the Department of Sociology for a Research Assistant Date:17.12.2014
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation(Re tender). No- Laptop/14-15/FRPDF/ PB/ Department of English / 1 (Re tender) date:15/12/14
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation.. Computer & accessories/14-15/INSPIRE/Department of Chemistry/KPB/01 Date:15.12.2014
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation.. Computer & Accessories/PU/CHEM/DST/AM/01 Date:15.12.2014
- Re tender Notice inviting tender for Renovation of Classrooms, Faculty rooms & Laboratories of Various Departments (statistics, Economics, Chemistry & Political Science) at Derozio Building" of Presidency University, Kolkata-73. Re Tender Notification No. PU/WORKS(O)-3 (Re-tender)/2014-15 Date:12th Dec.2014
- Notice inviting tender for Renovation of Classrooms, Faculty rooms & Laboratories of Various Departments (statistics, Economics, Chemistry & Political Science) at Derozio Building" of Presidency University, Kolkata-73. Tender notice number: PU/WORKS (O)-3/2014-15 Date:14th Nov.2014
- Re Tender Notice inviting tender for construction of boundary wall at new campus of Presidency University at New Town,Kolkata. Re Tender Notification No. PU/WORKS(O)-4 (Re-tender)/2014-15 Date:12th Dec.2014
- Notice inviting tender for construction of boundary wall at new campus of Presidency University at New Town,Kolkata. NIT NO. : PU/WORKS (O)-4/2014-15 Date:14th Nov.2014
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation.. No:- PU/F.Allot/S/058-Math./14-15/1 Date:12.12.2014
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation.. No:- Equipment/2014-15/Departmental purchase/Statistics/Sl. No 01 Date:12.12.2014
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation.. No:- CONSUMABLE/DBT-BUILDER/DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES/ Sl. No- PU/DBS/Sumit/DBT-1 Date:11.12.2014
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation.. No:- DELL Inspiron X311 Laptop /14-15/FRPDF/Department of Chemistry / Sl. No 01 Date:11.12.2014
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation.. No:Desktop PC-08/14-15/FRPDF/Chemistry/PKG Date:10.12.2014
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation.. No:Laptop/14-15/FRPDF/Geology /1 Date:09.12.2014
- Tender notice for proposed Construction of Foundation and Plinth for 2nd extension of Netaji Subhas Building at Presidency University. Tender Notice number:PU/WORKS (O)-7/2014-15 Date:08.12.2014
- Tender for the supply of the Laboratory Equipments to the Department of Physics .Tender No. PU/DST-FIST/ Physics/2014-15/01 date:08.12.14
- Tender for Restoration and adaptive reuse of Dean’s offices and finance offices .Tender No. PU/WORKS (O)-6/2014-15 date:08.12.14
- Tender for work of Renovation of Room No- 23, English Department.Tender No. PU/WORKS (O)-5/2014-15 date:08.12.14
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation. No. Computer -1/14-15/FRPD/Department of Sociology date:08.12.14
- Tender Notice No. PU/Convo/14-15/3 date:05.12.14
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation. No.- Laptop-1/14-15/FRPDF/Chemistry date:05.12.14
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation. No.- Analytical balance-1/14-15/DSTFT/Chemistry date:05.12.14
- Tender Notice. Equip/Dept. of Geography/2014-15/01 date:05.12.14
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation. No- INSTRUMENTS/14-15/CSIR 38(1386)/14/EMR-II/DBS / Sl. No.: 1 date:05.12.14
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation. No- Canon EOS 70D Body/14-15/FRPDF/Sociology/1 date:05.12.14
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation. No- Computer -1/14-15/FEPDF/Sociology date:03.12.14
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation. No- Apple iPad/14-15/FEPDF/Department of Mathematics/ Sl. No 1 date:03.12.14
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation. No- Computer and other accessories /14-15/PROJECT/PHYSICS/1 date:02.12.14
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation. No- Garmin GPS/14-15/ DST INSPIRE Faculty Award / 2014/DST/INSPIRE/04/2014/0002 (INSPIRE Code-IFA-EAS-20) /Dept of Geology / Sl. No.1 date:02.12.14
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation. No- Laptop/14-15/FRPDF/ PB/ Department of English / 1 date:1/12/14
- Walk in interview for enrolling of Project Assistant under the DST funded project
- Tender for the supply of the various goods related to decoration, sound, lighting, etc. in connection with the 2nd Convocation 2014 of Presidency University, Kolkata to be held on 21-12-2014
- Walk-in interview for Junior Research Fellow ( DBT, Govt. of India sponsored project)
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No: iPad mini3/14-15/FEPDF/Physics / SS01 Date:26/11/2014
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation No: Printer/14-15/FEPDF/Physics / SS02 Date:26/11/2014
- Invitation for quotation to Supply of Fabricated Poster Board as per Specification of Drawing at Presidency University. No: 10/AR/PU/DM/14- 15 Date:24-11-2014
- Invitation for quotation to Supply, Fitting & Fixing of Signage Board in Presidency University Campus. No: 14/AR/PU/DM/14-15 Date:21-11-2014
- Enquiry Notice for Quotation . No: Tensiometer/14-15/FRPDF/Chemistry/1 Date:17-11-2014
- Quotation Enquiry Notice for Printing of Annual Report of the University . No: PU/ A.R./2014-15/ 02 Date:17-11-2014
- Notice inviting tender for Renovation of History Seminar Library at Main Building 2nd Floor of Presidency University,Kolkata-73. Tender notice number: PU/WORKS (O)-2/2014-15 Date:14th Nov.2014
- Notice for Quotation ; Computer /14-15/FEPDF/Geography/001 Date: 11/11/2014
- Notice for Quotation ; Computer /14-15/FEPDF/Geography/001 Date: 11/11/2014
- Notice for Quotation ; Enquiry no- Equipment/14-15/DST-YS/SD/Physics/001 Date: 11/11/2014
- Notice for Quotation ; Enquiry no- Equipment/14-15/DST-YS/SD/Physics/002 Date: 11/11/2014
- Invitation for quotation (Renovation of Fire effected X-ray Diffraction Labotary, Physics Department, Baker Building at Presidency University, Kolkata) Enquiry no –13/AR/PU/DM/14-15 dated: 10th Nov. 2014
- Invitation for quotation (Renovation of Assistant Super Room at Eden Hindu Hostel at Presidency University, Kolkata) Enquiry no –12/AR/PU/DM/14-15 dated: 10th Nov. 2014
- Invitation for quotation(Rectification of Main Gate at Presidency University, 86/1 College Street, Kolkata 700073) Enquiry no –11/AR/PU/DM/14-15 dated: 10th Nov. 2014
- Notice for Quotation Enquiry no –DBT/BC/MG/002 dated: 31-10-14
- Notice for Quotation Enquiry no –UGC/SU/MG/002 dated: 31-10-14
- Notice for Quotation Enquiry no –FRPDF/MG/2014/002 dated: 31-10-14
- Purchase of Sony Handycam (PJ-240) Enquiry no- - Handy Cam-1/14-15/FRPDF / SKM
- Notice for quotation: Enquiry no – DST(SERB)/YS/300/MG/002 dated 30/10/2014
- Notice for quotation: Enquiry no –DST(SERB)/YS/300/MG/003 dated 30/10/2014
- Notice for quotation: Enquiry no –DST(SERB)/YS/300/MG/004 dated 30/10/2014
- Notice for quotation: Enquiry no –DST(SERB)/YS/300/MG/005 dated 30/10/2014
- Re Tender for Roof Treatment Work at Derozio Hall
- Re Tender for Roof Treatment Work at Derozio Hall
- Purchase of Nikon D7100 DSLR Camera with GP-1A GPS.
- Notice for Quotation ; Enquiry no- Computer -1/14-15/Office of Vice-Chancellor.
- Notice for Quotation ; Enquiry no- Computer -2/14-15/FEPDF/Physics
- Notice inviting BID for hiring of car with full time driver
- Tender for the supply of the Silver-made Cascades for the 2nd Convocation of the Presidency University
- Tender for the supply of the Robes for the Students in respect of the 2nd Convocation of the Presidency University
- Tender for Roof Treatment Work at Derozio Hall
- Walk-in-interview for one position of JRF , Department of GEOLOGY, Presidency University, Kolkata- 700073
- Tender Notice Geology National Seminar 2014
- Notice for quotation for renovation of Planning & Development office
- Notice for Quotation
- A walk in interview on 15th September for a Project Assistant Position at the Department of Biological Science (Principal Investigator: Dr. Ganesan Markkandan), Presidency University, Kolkata.
- Interview result for a Project Assistant Position at the Department of Chemistry(Principal Investigator: Dr. Krishna Pada Bhabak), Presidency University, Kolkata.
- Interview result for a Project Assistant Position at the Department of Chemistry(Principal Investigator: Dr. Anjoy Majhi), Presidency University,Kolkata.
- Interview result for a Project Assistant Position at the Department of Chemistry(Principal Investigator: Dr. P. Sasikumar), Presidency University,Kolkata.
- Walk-in Interview on 22nd September, 2014 for a CSIR sponsored Junior Research Fellow Position to work in the area of plant molecular biology and evolution under the guidance of Dr. Malay Das, Department of Biological Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata
- A Walk-in interview will be held on 09/09/2014 for the post of JRF (DBT, Govt. of India, funded) to work in the area of 'Plant Abiotic Stress Physiology and Molecular Biology' (PI: Dr. Bhaskar Gupta; Co-PI: Dr. Kamala Gupta) at Presidency University (Department of Biological Sciences).
- Invitation for quotation for various things
- Application are invited for Junior Research Fellow ( 1 post) and project Assistant (1 post) in the Project entitled “Many-body effects on the stability and anisotropic deformation of ultracold dipolar gases near Feshbach resonance “ funded by the Department of Science and Technology (DST)
- Tender for the supply of the Laboratory Equipment to the Department of Geology under DST – FIST Project, Presidency University
- Tender Notice for Food Court
- Tender for the supply of the Robes for the Students in respect of the 2nd Convocation of the Presidency University
- One JRF and one Lab Technician positions in DBT project (BT/PR7897/MED/29/703/2013)
- Walk-in Interview on 18th July 2014 for a position of a Research Assistant ( Geography ) for a DST funded project
- General notification regarding recruitment
- Position for JRF in BRNS project (2013/37B/46/BRNS)
- Walk-in Interview on 30th June for a JRF Position (experimental materials science)
- Tender for Answer booklet,OMR,Printing of Visitors slip,etc .Tender Notice No. PU/Misc-1/14-15 .
- Tender for the supply of the Laboratory Equipments to the Department of Geography, Presidency University.Tender Notice No. PU/INSTMT-1/14-15(1).
LAST DATE : 03-06-2014 by 3 P.M. - Tender for procurement of quality PC Desktops with FCC or equivalent certification for Science Departments and others for the FY 2014-15.Tender Notice No. PU/INSTMT-1/14-15(2).
LAST DATE : 03-06-2014 by 3 P.M. - Tender for procurement of the Furniture of reputed brand for (A) Central Instrumentation Centre and (B) other Departments at Presidency University.Tender Notice No. PU/FRNTR-1/14-15(1).
LAST DATE : 03-06-2014 by 3 P.M. - Tender for proposed roof treatment work at Baker Laboratory Building at Presidency University, 86/1, College Street, Kolkata-700 073.Tender Notice No. PU/CVL-1/14-15(1).
LAST DATE : 03-06-2014 by 3 P.M. - Tender for proposed roof treatment work at Hindu Hostel Building at 3, P.C. Sarkar Street , Kolkata – 700 073 of Presidency University, Kolkata.Tender Notice No. PU/CVL-1/14-15(2).
LAST DATE : 03-06-2014 by 3 P.M. - Re Tender for the supply of the listed items at usual terms and condition of payments in Government Offices.Tender Notice No. TENDER/Chemistry/1/2014.
QUOTATIONS/ TENDERS SUBMISSION LAST DATE : 5th February, 2014 (12 noon). - Tender For Interior Works in Physics Department at Presidency University. Tender Notice No. PU/CVL,etc. 7(1)/13-14.
- Tender For Renovation works of the Offices of Finance Officer & Dean of Students. Tender Notice No. PU/CVL,etc. 7(2)/13-14.
- Tender for Disposal of Old Answer Scripts and Other Junk Papers. Tender Notice No. PU/CVL,etc. 7(3)/13-14 .
- TENDER FOR proposed toilets at ground, mezzanine and first floor at Physics lab in Baker Buildingat Presidency University.Tender Notice No. PU/CVL-6/13-14.
- Renovation and repairs of CIC at Baker Building,dated 13/12/2013
- TENDER FOR Works of Conversion of Professors' Common Room and Renovation of faculty Toilets
in Main Building of Presidency University.Tender Notice No. PU/CVL-5/13-14.
The last date of submission is 7th January, 2014 up to 3.00 P.M
- TENDER FOR Proposed staircase and verandah up to four floors of Netaji Subhas Building,Record Room,Molecular Biology Laboratory.Tender Notice No. PU/CVL-3/13-14.
The last date of submission is 6th November, 2013
- Re- Tender Notice No. PU/CVL-3/13-14 Dated 28.10.2013
The last date of submission is 7th October 2013 by 3.00 pm
(Please extract the zip file to get the relevant documents.) - Tender Notice from Department of Geology
- Urgent Notice related to refund of deposit
- New tender notice from Department of Geology
- Tenders under Notification No.PU-TENDER-2(4) & 2(1)/2013-2014 will be opened on 21st June 2013 at 3:30 p. at the office of the Finance Officer, Presidency University, Kolkata.
- The date of submission of tenders as per Tender Notice No. PU-TENDER-3/2013-14 dt. 25th May 2013 is being extended up to 11th June 2013.
- New tender notice
- Tender Notice for Printing and Supply of Different Examination Stationeries.
- Tender Form for Printing and Supply of Different Examination Stationeries.
- Tender Notice for Printing and delivering Answer Scripts from the Printing Press.
- Tender Form for Printing and delivering Answer Scripts from the Printing Press.
- Vendor Enlistment extended up to 23rd May 2013
- Tender for Furniture extended up to 23rd May 2013
- Tender for E-Classroom extended up to 23rd May 2013
- Tender for Civil Works extended up to 23rd May 2013
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(Main Campus)
86/1 College Street
Kolkata 700073
Presidency University
(2nd Campus)
Plot No. DG/02/02,
Premises No. 14-0358, Action Area-ID
New Town
(Near Biswa Bangla Convention Centre)
Contact details Presidency University Students Corner