Admission Procedure for Foreign Students
Who is a foreign student?
Students holding passports of countries other than India, including persons of Indian origin who have acquired the nationality of a foreign country and completed their schooling there, are considered foreign or international students.
How to apply:
Foreign nationals interested in pursuing their studies at Presidency University will have to apply (on plain paper) mentioning the subject of interest to the Registrar, Presidency University, Kolkata.Applications received before 31st March every year will be considered for processing for the next academic session. The following documents (All documents must be duly endorsed by the concerned Consulate) are to be enclosed along with the application.
- Copy of the grade transcripts with the explanation of the assigned grades.
- Statement of purpose.
- Bio-Data / Curriculum vitae / Resume
- Financial undertaking
A letter of recommendation from the Government certifying that the fees will be paid by the Candidate/Sponsor/the specific source. - Personal particulars of Foreign Scholars coming to India
- Three recommendation letters – at least one recommendation should be about the student’s academic performance issued by a faculty member of the institute last attended.
- Documentary proof to illustrate fluency in English language.
If English is not the first language or language of medium of instruction (during secondary &
tertiary education), a pass in any of the following tests will be required:-
- A. The Test of English as a foreign language (TOEFL), administered by the Educational Testing Service in the US, in which scores of at least 580 overall and 4.0 in the Test of Written English are required. The computer based test requires scores of at least 240 overall and 4.0 in essay writing. The internet based test requires scores of at least 95 overall with a minimum score of 20 in writing.
- B. The International English Language Testing Service (IELTS) test, administered by the British Council, in which scores of 6 or more in each section and an overall score of 6.5 are required.
- C. Test scores more than two years old will not be accepted for consideration.
- Copy of the passport (page showing nationality and personal details).
The application will be sent to the concerned Departments. The Department committee will find out the suitability of the candidate through written test and viva voce. The committee has to be convinced that the candidate has a reasonably good background to continue his or her studies successfully.
The respective student / Consulate (with a copy to the student concerned) will be informed about the decision of the Institution.
Foreign Nationals can seek admission to various Programmes under the following categories:-
- 1.Self-financing Students
- 2.Cultural Exchange Fellowship Programmes (Government of India)
Foreign Nationals seeking admission in any one of the aforesaid categories will have to satisfy the minimum eligibility criteria for admission to the programmes as prescribed by the Institute. - 3.Foreign Students with ICCR Scholarship (Government of India)
The Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR), a central government organisation, is entrusted with the duty of looking after foreign students in our county. The details are available at http://www.iccrindia.net/. ICCR’s Eastern Regional Office is at 9A, Ho Chi Minh Sarani, Kolkata700 071.
Candidates desirous of admission are required to apply through the Indian HighCommission/Embassy as the case may be, in their respective Countries.Indian HighCommission/Embassy will send the application to ICCR, Government of India and then ICCR will forward the application/s to various University / Institute in India as the case may be for consideration. In case the applicant is found suitable for admission, admission offer letter will be sent to him/her through Indian Council for Cultural Relations, New Delhi.
4.Admission of foreign Nationals under the MoU will be made in accordance with the terms and conditions spelt out in the MoU agreed to between Presidency University and the Country/University/Institution concerned.
Students admitted to the Institute up to Masters level programmes must have a Student Visa. Students admitted for Ph.D. programmes must have a Research Visa. The Academic Rules and Regulations applicable to Indian students with regard to eligibility and evaluation are applicable to Foreign Students also.
Payment of Fees
Fees for the self-financed international students is US$ 1,000/- per semester (all inclusive excluding hostel facilities) for undergraduate and post graduate courses. The self-financed international students , particularly from developing countries , having any financial constraints may apply to Registrar,Presidency University for concession. There are provisions for concession for international students , to be decided by the university on a case-to-case basis.
The dollar payments can be made through travellers cheques / bankers cheques / demand draft in USD or equivalent in INR in favour of "Presidency University".
In cases where the fees are being wire transferred to Presidency University by the sponsoring institution, the full amount of the fees should be credited to the Institute. Bank charges, if any, should be borne by the sender.
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How to Find Us
Presidency University
(Main Campus)
86/1 College Street
Kolkata 700073
Presidency University
(2nd Campus)
Plot No. DG/02/02,
Premises No. 14-0358, Action Area-ID
New Town
(Near Biswa Bangla Convention Centre)
Contact details Presidency University Students Corner