Walk-in-Interview Notification for Research Scholar Position (3 posts) at, Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata
Applications are invited for three Research Scholar positions in three externally funded research projects
Ø Details of the projects:
I. Project details: Evaluation of phytopathogens associated with some major aquatic weeds with emphasis on their toxin production .
- Minimum qualification : First class M.Sc. Degree or equivalent in any area of Biological Sciences/ Chemistry from recognized university.
- Desirable: Applicants having research experience in biochemical analysis of plant or microbial metabolites. Preference will be given to a valid rank in CSIR/ UGC/ NET - JRF/ LS Examination.
- Job description: Research shall include about 25% field and 75% laboratory studies on metabolites from phytopathogenic fungi with an aim to develop an effective patentable mycoherbicide.
- Project Duration: Appointment will be for 2 years or till the end of the project, and subjected to annual review for further extension that will be granted based on the research progress and accomplishments.
- Fellowship : Rs. 16,400/- pm
II. Project details: Studies on ecology of insects, plants and phytopathogens
- Minimum qualification : First class M.Sc. Degree or equivalent in any area of Biological Sciences from recognized university.
- Desirable: Applicants having passion to study field ecology. Fresher’s may apply.
- Job description: Research shall include about 70% field and 30% laboratory studies.
- Project Duration: Appointment will be for six month or till end of the project, and subjected to annual review for further extension that will be granted based on the research progress and accomplishments.
- Fellowship : Rs. 5000/- pm
III. Project details: Studies on enhancing biological control mechanism of aquatic weed, water hyacinth through integration of insects and fungal agents
- Minimum qualification : First class M.Sc. Degree or equivalent in any area of Biological Sciences from recognized university.
- Desirable: Applicants having research experience in biochemical analysis of plant or microbial metabolites, microbiology, entomology, toxicology. etc. Preference will be given to a valid rank in CSIR/ UGC/ NET JRF/ LS Examination
- Job description: Research shall include about 20% field and 30% laboratory studies.
- Project Duration: Appointment will be for four month or till end of the project, and subjected to annual review for further extension that will be granted based on the research progress and accomplishments.
- Fellowship : Rs. 18,000/- pm
Ø Interested candidates may send their CV or relevant queries in advance to Dr. Puja Ray, Assistant Professor, Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata @ email: puja.dbs@presiuniv.ac.in
All interested candidates are requested to appear for an interview with the following in two sets:
- 1. An application stating your research/ career goals and your vision regarding your PhD.
- A detailed CV
- Degree certificates (photocopies to be submitted. Originals to be brought for verification).
- Publications (thesis/ project reports to be brought for verification).
The outstation candidates may request a Skype interview in advance keeping in mind that incase of bad internet connectivity re-interview may not be possible.
Ø Date and time of Interview: Tuesday 26th July. 2016, 12.00 noon. The candidates are requested to reach the venue positively by 11.30 am.
Ø Place of Interview: Department of Life Sciences (Zoology Section, 3rd Floor, Bakers Building), Presidency University (Erstwhile Presidency College), 86/1, College Street, Kolkata-700073, India.
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