Recruitment of Project Assistant Date: 03/07/2024
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates to join as a Project Assistant in the project under special call for climate change titled “Lipoxygenase and Jasmonic acid machinery with trading off in lipid domain under stress in high altitude mosses of Eastern Himalayan Biodiversity hotspot (Darjeeling Hills)”], funded by SERB, Govt. of India.
Duration of the Project : upto 17.07.26
a. Project Assistant : Candidate must have B.Sc from any branch of Science/Technical degree; preferably with Post-Graduate from Plant Science and with NET-LS/ equivalent.
The candidate should be passionate for high-altitude field work and should have chemistry at the higher secondary/graduation level.
Relaxation of eligibility criteria and age for SC/ST and PD applicants will be as per
Government of India norms.
Monthly Emolument : 20,000/- pm 24% HRA as per rule and guideline of DST, Govt.of India for Project Assistant.
Interested candidates have to submit a brief CV (not more than 4 pages with photo and signed by the candidate) during interview and also in the e.mail of PI - Prof. Mousumi Poddar Sarkar (mps.dbs@presiuniv.ac.in; Mobile: 7044096627 for any query)
Walk-in-interview : On 5 th June, Friday 2024 at 3 PM at the Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University (Main campus).
No scanned /xerox copy of credentials/marksheet have to be enclosed with CV.
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