Advertisement for Interview for Project Associate-I Position for an ANRF Funded Project at the School of Astrophysics Date: 24/02/2025
Applications are invited from motivated and eligible Indian citizens for a position of Project-Associate-I in a ANRF funded research project entitled “The Cosmic Evolution of Supermassive Black Holes: A Multi-Wavelength Approach” at the School of Astrophysics at Presidency University. The successful applicant will work with the PI Dr. Suchetana Chatterjee.
Date and Venue of Interview: March 11th 2025 11AM, Physically at the School of Astrophysics (online mode of interviews can be allowed under extra-ordinary circumstances subject to the approval of the selection committee).
Application process: The candidate must email i) their current CV with a cover letter providing their contact number as well as their personal email id ii) a 400-word write-up about previous research work latest by 10.3.2025 to the following email address suchetana.astro@presiuniv.ac.in .
Minimum qualifications: M.Sc or equivalent in Physics or Astrophysics with at least 60% marks or equivalent CGPA (6.5).
Following qualifications are highly desirable
a) Previous research and/or coursework in astrophysics
b) Previous experience in working with telescope operation/instrument calibration/data reduction/astrophysics data analysis packages/numerical simulation.
Job description: The fellow will extensively work on analysing astrophysical datasets to compare the observational results with theory. In addition the fellow will actively participate in installation of a 12 inch telescope and related instrumentation work. The candidate will collaborate extensively with the other faculty members at the School of Astrophysics
Duration of project: initially 6 months , can be extended to one year subject to satisfactory performance and availability of funds.
Project Associate-I: INR 25,000/- + 27% HRA
Enrolling for Ph.D.: The selected candidate may be allowed to enrol for the Ph.D. program as per Presidency university rules.
1. All the terms & conditions for this recruitment will be as per the guidelines of ANRF and Presidency University Kolkata.
For further details please contact:
Dr. Suchetana Chatterjee (PI) email: suchetana.astro@presiuniv.ac.in
School of Astrophysics, Presidency University
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