Sukanya Sarbadhikary

Assistant Professor

I work at the interface of the anthropology of religion, anthropology of embodiment and materiality, religious studies, and philosophy. I am also trying to merge these concerns with imminent understandings of planetary anxieites, to understand how sacralities may impact and respond to new vulnerabilities. I try to locate the body, senses, intuition, experience, imagination, and consecration in the interstices of everyday natural and cultural lives, and strong philosophical traditions.

In my first work, I did an intensive ethnography among different kinds of Bengal-Vaishnavas, focusing on diverse experiences of religious place and sensory apprehensions of divine affect. My first book, The Place of Devotion: Siting and Experiencing Divinity in Bengal-Vaishnavism’ (University of California Press) was published in 2015. I am also passionately interested in South Asian aesthetics and music, and their relations with sacred embodiment. I have thus worked on a range of devotional instruments, communities involved in their making, playing, listening, meditating, and associated traditions of sonic metaphysics. I also work more broadly in the area of South Asian devotion, including Orissan Jagannath worldviews, and tantric-devotional lifeworlds.

I am currently working on the overlaps of the marine and social lives of the turbinella pyrum (domestic conch), and what becomes of this long-held sacred object with the experiences of fast changing ecological habitats and climate. The work spans across different Indian states along the Bay of Bengal coast, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka; studying lives of communities collecting the animals from the waters, those crafting them, cultural users of the religious object, and theological discourses centering them. 

I teach undergraduate and postgraduate courses on religion, the body and senses, and philosophy of social sciences.


Presidency University,
86/1 College Street, Kolkata - 700073,
West Bengal, India

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Email: sukanya.soc at
alternate E-mail: sarbadhikary at

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