Memo No. PU/Adm / 2018-19/04
Date: July 16, 2018
This notification is issued in continuation with the change in the reporting dates mentioned in the PUBDET 2018 counselling & PUMDET 2018 counselling notifications published by WBJEEB in their websites.
This is to notify that all candidates who have been issued provisional admission letter and hence recommended for admission after counselling in UG & PG courses of Presidency University in 2018, should report to the respective Departments in Presidency University on 30th July, 2018 (Monday) for UG candidates and 31st July, 2018 (Tuesday) for PG candidates respectively from 11.00 am to 4.00 pm with all documents mentioned before.
The reporting date however will not be extended under any circumstances.
Nodal Officer
Presidency University UG & PG Admissions
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Kolkata 700073
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Plot No. DG/02/02,
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