Value Added Courses
The Value Added Courses in the Department of History, Presidency University, have been designed with the aim to provide the students with opportunities for developing their language skills and enhancing translation proficiency.
Knowledge of Sanskrit and Persian languages will enable the students to have access to the classical sources of India’s past and the seminal texts of India’s traditions.
In addition, these courses are career and market-oriented. After successful completion of the courses, students will have knowledge, skills and aptitude for gainful employment in the wage sector in general (as translators in public and private sectors) and self-employment in particular (private firms; translation agencies etc.). GUIDELINES FOR VALUE-ADDED COURSES
The Department offers the following Value Added/Career Oriented Courses:
Odd Semester
(1) Sanskrit Language (Part I)
Even Semester
About Presidency
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How to Find Us
Presidency University
(Main Campus)
86/1 College Street
Kolkata 700073
Presidency University
(2nd Campus)
Plot No. DG/02/02,
Premises No. 14-0358, Action Area-ID
New Town
(Near Biswa Bangla Convention Centre)
Contact details Presidency University Students Corner