Web Notification
The Third Annual Convocation of the Presidency University will be held on 22nd August 2015 at the Derozio Hall from 5 PM to 6.15 PM. Students who have registered themselves are requested to contact their respective departmental heads in this regard. The convocation kit along with the robe and the entry pass for one person only (which is to be produced at the gate of the Derozio Hall) will be distributed from the respective departments on the day of the convocation from 11.30 A.M to 2.00 P.M . Students are requested to take their seats in the hall by 4.15 PM. The gate of the Derozio Hall will close at 4.30 PM sharp. Parents are not allowed and camera, mobile phone, food, water bottle and bags are prohibited in the hall. The degree certificates will be distributed to the registered students only from their respective departments after the convocation. Those who have not registered will have to deposit a fee of Rs 600/- by demand draft in favour of ‘Presidency University’ payable at Kolkata, at a later date after the convocation. The robes will have to be returned at the department once the programme is over. Any person other than the registered candidate approaching to receive the certificate at the department shall have to produce an authorization letter and produce a photo identity card (along with one photocopy) for issuance of the certificate. In case of any query the undersigned may please be contacted.
Dr. Gagari Chakrabarti
Dean of Students’ Affairs (Addl. Charge)
Email Id: dean.students@presiuniv.ac.in
About Presidency
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- Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)
- Gender Sensitization and Prevention of Sexual Harassment Cell(GSPSHC)
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- The West Bengal Student Credit Card System
How to Find Us
Presidency University
(Main Campus)
86/1 College Street
Kolkata 700073
Presidency University
(2nd Campus)
Plot No. DG/02/02,
Premises No. 14-0358, Action Area-ID
New Town
(Near Biswa Bangla Convention Centre)
Contact details Presidency University Students Corner