Rules & Regulations
Services of the Library are provided primarily to Students, Research Scholars, Faculty, Officers and Non-Teaching Staff of the Institution and are extended to member of public and also to some eminent persons who satisfy certain terms and conditions as described in Membership Section of this rule. The library collections of the Presidency University are subject to special protection for being a library of near about 200 years old. Considering this, these rules are designed to ensure that all members may obtain the maximum benefits from library facilities without affecting the library resources.
The Library will remain open throughout the year according to a schedule to be decided by the library committee. Library hours are subject to change and the changes if any, will be notified on the Library Notice Board from time to time.
On all week days: 10.00 A. M to 5.00 P. M
Lending hours: 10.30 A. M to 4.30 P.M
Library recess: 2.00 P. M to 2.30 P.M
The right of entry to the Library is reserved to bonafide students, teachers, and staff of the University. Students are required to keep their Identity Cards with them for inspection. Patrons other than the listed categories and ex-students of the university are required to seek the Librarian's written permission to use the library. All users of the library must sign the visitor’s register at the time of entry as well as exit.
Students, teachers and staff of the university are entitled to become members of the library. Library card will be issued to each member.
Ø Memberships are not transferable. A borrower shall not in any case sub lend any book borrowed from the Central Library. Every member of the Library shall be responsible for the safe custody of the Library book borrowed by him/her for study in the Reading Room or for use at home.
Ø Members should keep the Library informed of changes of address, telephone no., class or subject of study etc. during the period of their membership.
Following persons can enlist him/herself as a member in anyone of the following capacity.
The various categories of members mentioned below shall be entitled to borrow the specified number of volumes from the library for the period noted against each category.
a. Life Time Membership/Special Membership:Life Time Membership is provided to some very eminent persons like Vice Chancellors, Ex-Vice-Chancellors, Professor Emeritus, Members of Governing Body and to some Eminent persons as a sign of Honor to them. This membership requires approval fromHonorable Vice-Chancellor, Presidency University.
b. Members of the Executive Council, Faculty Councils for Post-Graduate Studies, Undergraduate Council and Board of Studies. They will be eligible to borrow to the maximum limit of 5 books for 30 days.
c. University permanent teachers and such other persons who have been given teaching status by the University. They will be eligible to borrow to the maximum limit of 15books for three months.
d. Emeritus Fellows of the University. They will be eligible to borrow to the maximum limit of 5 books for 30 days during their fellowship.
e. University Officer. They will be eligible to borrow the maximum limit of 5 books for 30 days.
f. Non-teaching employees of the university other than Officers. They will be eligible to borrow to the maximum limit of 3 books for 30 days.
g. Enrolled Research Scholars, Project Fellows, Teacher Fellows and Research Associates of this University. They will be eligible to borrow a maximum of 5 books for 30 days on deposit of an amount of Rs.3000.00 as Library Caution Money. (Recommendation letter should be forwarded by the HOD/Research Guide.)
h. Regular Under-Graduate and Post-Graduate Students of the University. Students are required to deposit an amount of Rs. 1000.00 as library fee at the time of admission. They will be eligible to borrow to the maximum Limit of3 books for 15 days.
i. Candidates who completed any Under-Graduate or Post-Graduate course of this university and who intend to use the library for competitive examination for higher studies. They will be allowed to use the Library Reading Room facilities with permission from the competent authority.
j. Any other person who intends to use the University Library. They will be allowed to use the Library Reading Room facilities for a period of 3 months subject to recommendation of the Librarian.
k. Persons allowed by the Vice-Chancellor or the Library Committee. They will be allowed to use the Central Library.
l. Students who passed from other Universities. They will be allowed to use the Library Reading Room facilities for a period of maximum six months on the recommendation of their respective Heads of the Institution//Head of the Department / Research Guide.
m. Retired teachers, Officers and Staff of the University:
They will be allowed to use the Library Reading Room facilities only. But, Retired teachers and officers are also eligible to borrow to the maximum limit of 2books for 30 days on deposit an amount of Rs.I000.00 as Library Caution Money.
n. Presidency University-society membership: Any person who was associated with this University is eligible for the Presidency University-Society membership.
o. Librarian may allow any person to use the Library Reading Room facilities for a period ordinarily not exceeding three months at a time.
1. Persons eligible to be members under “Presidency University Library rule” have to apply for membership in the prescribed forms available in the Registration Section of the Library and get their names registered (Except life time members/special members) as members on submitting required documents. Membership card(s) will be issued to the Library members.
2. Members should satisfy themselves about the physical condition of the books they wish to borrow before getting them issued; otherwise they will be held responsible for any damage or mutilation noticed at the time of return.
3. Books displayed in “New Arrival” can be issued after ten days from the date of display. However those books can be consulted within the library only.
4. Books for return are to be deposited at the counter at least 15 minutes before closing of the lending hours.
5. Members may reserve materials that have already been checked out.Whenever the material on demand becomes available, notice will be served and the same will be issued as per sequence of thedemand list.A member cannot reserve more than two library resources at a time.
6. On returning the books at the circulation counter it is the responsibility of the borrower to get back the cancelled loan voucher.
7. Books on loan to members may be recalled by the Librarian at any time if necessary.
8. A member may register a demand for any book which is out on loan, and the same will be issued to a member according to the priority of demand.
9. A book may be reissued maximum for two times to the borrower if there is no demand for it/the document is already overdue.
10. Books should not be kept beyond the date marked on the due date-slip. If any student fails to return the book, within due date a fine of RupeesOne (Rs.1/) per day for first 15 days, Rupees two (Rs.2/) per day for next seven days would be charged.
11. Subject to the permission of the Librarian a non-lending book may be issued overnight.
12. Documents issued against day issue card should not be taken outside the library premises.
13. Notice for overdue books will be sent to the members other than students. If such books are not returned after receipt of the reminder, such members will be debarred from borrowing any more book or books till all overdue books are returned to the Library. A notice mentioning the defaulters' name will be hung up in the notice board and copy of the same will be sent to the competent authority. Overdue notice to students will be hung up in the Library notice board.
14. Theses, Rare books, Reference books, books in constant demand, books reserved for binding, damaged books, current and back issues of periodicals, books in reading rooms and manuscripts are not to be lent out.
15. All users have to show the issued documents at the gate/check point before leaving the library.
16. Members, who issue books through issue-registers, should sign the issue/return column during issue/return of the documents.
17. The library authority reserves the right to suspend membership of any borrower if not pay off the library dues/return the overdue library resources till he/she deposits the resources/amount.
1. Members will be responsible for the books issued on their membership card. Loss of library books/card should be informed immediately to the Librarian.
2. Persons held responsible for loss, damage, defacement of mutilation of books shall be liable to compensate in this way:
i) Replace the documents by same edition or latest edition, or, ii) In case the lost book “not available in market “reimburse the price five times and ten times the cost of the lost document at the current exchange rate in case of foreign and Indian documents respectively.
ii) For any damage found at the time of retuning of an issued document, the borrower has to pay a cost for the repair of the same.
3. If the damaged/lost book is part of a multi-volume set, the whole set has to be replaced.
4. Members are advised to keep their membership card in safe custody. In case of lost card members have to lodge a FIR/General Diary in nearby police station and apply for duplicate card to the University authority with a copy of the same. Students have to deposit @ Rs.50/ -per card at University cash counter and submit the cash receipt to the library membership registration section for Duplicate card.
5. The member, however, will continue to be responsible for any loss which the library may suffer through the misuse of a lost membership card.
6. Security deposit is refundable without interest only if no damage is caused to any library resources.
1. Membership card is the property of the University. A student/Research scholar must return books/cards latest within 3 days of the conduct of last examination/submission of thesis, before leaving the University, it is the responsibility of every user to return all books, settle all Library dues (if any), and also get a No-dues Clearance Certificate from the Librarian.
2. At the time of getting their Library clearance, members are required to bring their membership Card as well as “seminar library clearance certificate” from the HOD/In-charge of the Departmental library.
3. The Clearance Certificate must be shown to claim Security Deposit.
1. Electronic resources such as e-journals, e-databases, e-books etc. made available by the Presidency University Library, are governed by license agreements that limit their use to Presidency University for academic use.
2. Each user is responsible for ensuring that he or she uses these products only for non-commercial, educational, scholarly or research use without systematically downloading, distributing, or retaining indefinitely substantial portions of information.
3.These resources can be searched, browsed and material may be downloaded and printed as single copies of articles as is done in the case of printed library material. Downloading or printing of a complete book or an entire issue or a volume of one or more journals (called systematic downloading) is strictly prohibited.
4. Use of robots, spiders or intelligent agents to access, search and/or systematically download from these resources is also prohibited.
5. Please be aware that systematic downloading will cause the publisher to block to the entire community of users (Presidency University) accessing these resources.
1.Computer in the library premises should be used for academic purposes only.
2.Online chatting/dating, browsing of social networking sites is strictly prohibited. Strict disciplinary action will be taken against the defaulters.
3. Playing games on computers is strictly prohibited in the entire Library premises.
4. Readers must carry their Library Membership card while using the Digital Library. They must show their ID card on demand.
5. Readers should not to share their Internet access ID and Password with other students.
6. Changing the settings and display of the computers kept in the Library is not permitted.
7. Use of laptops in the cubical systems where computers are already installed is not permitted.
8. Readers should not remove/unplug computer cables/connections, network cables and other peripherals/accessories in the library.
9. Personal keyboard, mouse, Pen drive etc. are not allowed inside the Library.
Students must take care of their own Pen drives, CD/DVD ROMs, mobiles and wallets etc.
1. The right to use General Reading Hall is exclusively reserved for bonafide members of Presidency University Library.
2. Members should produce their Library reading card at the entrance.
3. Members should not use their mobile phone inside the reading hall.
4. The seats are to be used/occupied on the first come first served basis.
5.Capturing/reserving seats for friends/future use is strictly prohibited. Other students may remove the bags and books if these are left unattended on the tables.
6. Readers should not scribble on table tops or damage them.
7. Readers should not clutter the table with heaps of books and other reading material.
1. Central library (Science/Arts Library) accessioned books and recorded Journals would be taken by the Departmental/hostel Library. In-Charge of the Departmental/hostel Library shall sign the vouchers for taking books /journals on behalf of the Departmental/hostel Library.
2. Librarian or any Supervisory staff of the Central Library authorized by the Librarian may visit the Departmental/hostel Library.
3. In-Charge of the Departmental/hostel Library will inform the Librarian of Central Library time to time/yearly basis regarding the routine activities (improvement of storage/stock, maintenance and circulation of books), future plan, etc.
4. Librarian, Central (Science/Arts Library) Library will take necessary action for betterment of the Departmental/hostel Library in consultation with the Head of the Department.
1. Readers should observe strict silence inside the Library.
2. Use of Mobile phones is not permitted inside the Library premises.
3. Users are not allowed to carry eatables/drinks inside the Library premises.
4. Readers are not allowed to bring their personal books or any printed material (spiral/bound book/photocopied material) inside the Library.
5. Personal belongings like bags (laptop, shoulder, Camera and sling), umbrellas, etc. should be deposited at the Property Counter against a token. These are not allowed inside the Library.
6. Loss of a token should immediately be brought to the notice of the Librarian as a precaution against wrong delivery of article or articles deposited against the token to another person.
7. In case the property counter token is lost, the deposited article may be claimed with proper identification after producing a written request.
8.Readers are advised not to leave their valuable items like money, passport, credit card etc. at the Property Counter.
9. Marking, scratching, damaging, mutilating, stealing, library materials or property will invite disciplinary action against the defaulters.
10. Readers should not carry books from one floor to another and should leave the books on the reading table after consulting.
11. Library resources taken from the stacks should not be re-shelved by the users.
12.Readers should not talk or discuss as they may disturb other readers. Reading halls are meant for individual study and research only.
13. Users should not rest or keep their feet on tables, chairs, shelves, etc.
14. The library shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of the personal belongings of the users.
15. The Librarian reserves the right to suspend the membership of any member found misbehaving with the library staff or with any other member or otherwise fail to comply with these rules and regulations.
N.B. -These rules are subject to revision/ up-dation from time to time without assigning any reason. For latest Library rules and regulations, please check Central Library Website.
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Presidency University
86/1 College Street
Kolkata 700073
Phone: +91 33 2241 2738
Fax: +91 33 2257 2444
Map Presidency University Students Corner